Search found 177 items

Irresistible Cerise Freesia Bouquet
  • £39.00

Celebrate a special moment with this extra special bouquet Our Irresistible Cerise Freesia Bouquet is a premium 40 stem bouquet which is sure to impress, no matter the occasion. This hand-arranged bouquet of fresh cerise coloured freesia flowers would make an ideal gift for mother's day, birthdays, congratulations, to say thank you, or just because! Freesia are immediately recognisable thanks to their lovely, distinctive scent which means these flowers are a true treat for the senses. This vibrantly colourful premium flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard.The Irresistible Cerise Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure they reach you in utterly immaculate condition. There is also the option to include a glass vase, delicious Lily O'Brien's chocolates and a handwritten card for that special personal touch!

20 Pink Roses Bouquet
  • £34.00

Make them Smile with 20 Pink Rosess Looking for the perfect romantic gift to surprise a loved one with? Look no further than the 20 Pink Roses Bouquet from Clare Florist. Featuring vibrant pink petals beautifully offset by fresh green foliage, this alluring bouquet is certain to impress. Versatile and eye-catching, the 20 Pink Roses Bouquet will hold pride of place wherever it is placed around your home. Whether you are ordering as a gift for a loved one or as a treat for yourself, you can rest assured that we will deliver this fabulous bouquet next day with free delivery included!   The roses are selected and arranged by our expert florists, then tastefully gift wrapped, with delivery 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.00! 20 Pink high grade roses upon fresh greenery Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity  

Carnival Bouquet
  • £30.00

The Colourful Joy of the Carnival Bouquet The Carnival Bouquet evokes all the colour, joy and excitement of a carnival parade which makes it ideal for celebrations and parties. This radiant flower bouquet will brighten up any setting and is the perfect gift to cheer someone up. Our expert florists arrange each Carnival Bouquet using only the freshest roses, lilies, carnations and gerbera. The result is truly a visual and aromatic feast to make any loved one's day. Your fresh Carnival Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £30.00!

6 Pink Roses Bouquet
  • £24.99

Six Perfect Pink Roses with Fresh White Gypsophila The 6 Pink Roses Bouquet is an eye-catching and pretty arrangement presented amidst a collection of lovely white gypsophila. Great for an anniversary or for mum on Mother's Day, this sweet bouquet offers instant happiness. It's also ideal as a Valentine's surprise to woo a crush or remind your better half just how special they are to you. Consisting of six high grade pink roses complemented by white gypsophila and perfectly finished with lush green leaves, this bouquet will capture attention and evoke admiration wherever it goes. Send as a gift, or arrange the 6 Pink Roses Bouquet in a vase within your own home to create a fabulous floral focal point. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Next working day delivery is completely free of charge.  

6 Yellow Roses Bouquet
  • £24.99

Six Bright Yellow Roses with Elegant White Gypsophila The 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet is a charming affair, created using six of the freshest yellow roses hand arranged by our expert florists. Graceful white gypsophila has been added for a beautiful finishing touch. Yellow roses are traditionally the flower of friendship, so this bouquet would be ideal as a birthday present for a friend or relative. You could also send them as a way to say thank you, get well soon, good luck, or congratulations. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition.

6 White Roses Bouquet
  • £24.99

Gorgeous Fresh White Roses with Lovely Gypsophila The 6 White Roses Bouquet exudes elegance and grace. An uncomplicated arrangement of six fresh premium grade white roses, this enchanting bouquet will create an aura of eloquence and beauty wherever it goes. White roses are often associated with new beginnings and spirituality. They are also traditionally associated with marriages, making this bouquet the perfect engagement or wedding day gift for a friend or relative. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition.  

Gilded Christmas Bouquet
  • £34.00

For a Festive Flowerful Christmas! Celebrate the wonder of the Christmas Season with our Gilded Christmas Bouquet. Featuring a lush gathering of Red Roses, Carnations, Hypericum, Chrysanthemums and Gold Cones, this cheerful bouquet is sure to fill your home with the holiday spirit. Hand-designed by our expert florists in a vast array of warm Christmas tones, each festive bloom is carefully gathered upon a lush green backdrop to create a heart warming gift to deliver your warmest wishes. This popular Christmas arrangement is the perfect choice to send to loved ones, no matter how far away they are. Additional Options You can make your Gilded Christmas Bouquet delivery even more special by including some of our great optional extras. Why not include a cuddly christmas teddy bear to make your chosen recipient say 'awwww'? Or a handwritten card so that you can put the exact thoughtful message with your flowers? You could even write a poem! We offer free next day delivery, and we deliver to ANY location in the UK, with a 100% Guarantee that your flowers will turn up looking just wonderful.

The Birthday Bouquet
  • £34.99

Rose Bouquet With Foliage
  • £14.99

What could be more perfect that a bouquet of gorgeous blooms that will last forever? This bouquet is made up of large artificial roses that are accompanied by green foliage that will look perfect displayed in a tall vase on your windowsill, sideboard, or as a centrepiece on your dining table. This will make a perfect gift for someone special, and part is, they require absolutely no maintenance. You don't have to worry about remembering to change the water because they can't die! Supplied as 1 x bouquet of roses and foliage, 30cm tall.
