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String Of Pearls Senecio Rowleyanus Indoor Plant 14cm Hanging Pot
  • £17.99

Senecio herreianus, also known as the string-of-pearls or string-of-beads plant, is a trailing, succulent vine and one of the rising stars of social media sharing! Looking just like a string of green beads, it's perfect for hanging baskets or cascading from shelves. The String of Beads appreciates room to trail and is perfectly photogenic. The pea-sized leaves (which allow for the storage of water while at the same time minimising water loss) are produced on trailing stems which can grow 60–90 cm (2-3 ft). In its natural habitat, the stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming a dense mat. Each rounded leaf has a thin band of dark green tissue on the side known as an 'epidermal window' which allows light to enter and irradiate the inside of the leaf, effectively increasing the area for photosynthesis - a clever plant indeed. Senecio blooms during the summer with clusters of small white flowers with colourful stamens. The flowers last about a month and are said to smell like cinnamon and other spices to some people. Easy to grow and low maintenance, like most succulents the string of beads will tolerate infrequent watering and just a few hours of direct sunlight every day. Good soil drainage is essential though to prevent problems and we recommend that a cactus mix is used when potting. Please note that the decorative pot is not included.Care GuideBest grown in bright light with some direct sun in well-draining compost. Keep lightly watered during the growing season (spring to autumn) and cut back in winter, watering just enough to prevent the soil from drying out. Beads that look flat are a sign that the soil is too dry. Take care not to overwater as it will not tolerate soggy soil. As a succulent, the String of Pearls will not tolerate the cold and needs a minimum of 5C being frost tender. It can be grown outside in the summer months, but keep it shaded from the hot midday sun. Plants can be fed once a month during their growing season with a half-strength liquid feed.This product is offered for sale for home delivery exclusively via our website only. The images represent established plants, the supplied product may be younger. All heights listed are approximate and fully established plant heights may vary. The amount of foliage, buds or bloom on the plant will depend on what part of the season the product is purchased.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

Sword Fern Nephrolepis Sonata Indoor Plant 19cm Hanging Pot
  • £19.99

Nephrolepis exaltata is one of the most well-known indoor plants. Known more commonly as the sword fern or Boston fern, it is an evergreen, perennial houseplant with graceful, arching fronds that are a delicate green. Evergreen, 'Sonata' is bright green and retains its wonderful colour all year, making it a decorative and striking plant to decorate your home. A decorative and striking plant to decorate your home or to give as a gift, and spectacular in a hanging basket or pot where it can cascade over the edges. This favourite of Victorian plant hunters is not just a pretty face either - houseplants are great features for the home, helping you to get a good, restful night's sleep. Research by NASA has shown that they help keep the air inside your home clean, removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene, and giving out valuable oxygen at night. Easy to grow and look after, your Boston Fern loves a humid atmosphere so is perfect for a bathroom or kitchen where it will thrive in a shady part of a brightly lit room. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot, 50-60cm high (including pot). Please note that the decorative pot is not included.Care GuideKeep the compost moist (but not waterlogged) at all times except winter when plants are dormant, and water can be cut down (but do not allow to dry out so that the compost shrinks from the side of the pot). If you can't place it in a humid atmosphere like your bathroom you can still grow this plant, just mist the leaves regularly with water and or place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles. Keep your fern at 18-25C. Feed with a general-purpose plant food once a month. When watering, pour water around the sides of the plant, as pouring it the middle can cause rotting of the crown.This product is offered for sale for home delivery exclusively via our website only. The images represent established plants, the supplied product may be younger. All heights listed are approximate and fully established plant heights may vary. The amount of foliage, buds or bloom on the plant will depend on what part of the season the product is purchased.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

Dragon Tree Dracaena Marginata 3 Stem Plant 21cm Pot
  • £29.99

Looking very much like a palm tree in miniature, Dracaena Marginata (also known as the Madagascar dragon tree) is an evergreen shrub with a crown of long, sword-shaped, dark green leaves, finely edged with reddish-brown. A superb, low-maintenance houseplant with few problems. Holder of the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you can be sure that it is a tried and tested winner, Dracaena is an easy-to-grow indoor plant which thrives with little care. A super choice for those of us new to growing houseplants! Dragon trees need a bright position like a light windowsill out of direct sunlight, and away from artificial heat sources such as radiators. They are slow growing, taking around 10 years to get to 5ft in height, so won't overtake your home. As well as being super-easy to grow, Dracaena is well known for helping keep the air in your home clean as it filters out pollutants keeping it fresh and clean. According to NASA this plant can remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene which are found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products. Supplied as a three-stemmed plant (45/15/10cm) in a 21cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included.Care GuideFeed the plant with a liquid houseplant fertilizer every two weeks in spring and summer. Repot every two years into a pot one size larger until plants reach the desired height. After that, repot every three years into the same pot to refresh the soil. Control your plant's height by cutting off the top when needed. The stem will look a bit bare for a while, but within a few weeks, new shoots will appear and the leaves will regrow.This product is offered for sale for home delivery exclusively via our website only. The images represent established plants, the supplied product may be younger. All heights listed are approximate and fully established plant heights may vary. The amount of foliage, buds or bloom on the plant will depend on what part of the season the product is purchased.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng Indoor Plant 14cm Pot
  • £14.99

A quirky plant that is grown in Bonsai style, Ficus Ginseng is a robust, easy-care houseplant that will bring a little Zen into your home. A bonsai suitable for beginners, the plant is characterised by the shape of its trunk and the miniature canopy of small, shiny oval leaves. The thick, pot-bellied trunk is actually made up of roots and this is where it gets its name, Ginseng meaning root in China. Originating in Asia, the roots of Ficus Ginseng are grown for 15 years or so before being finished in the greenhouse as bonsai, so your little plant has already had a long life by the time it arrives in your home. Place your Ficus 'Ginseng' in a prominent place so it can be enjoyed all day. In summer it can even take pride of place outdoors on the patio or decking. Ideal for those venturing into the world of bonsai growing for the first time, Ficus Ginseng is the easiest bonsai tree to grow because it is very tolerant of a range of conditions. Supplied as a potted plant in a 14cm nursery pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included.Care GuideFicus Ginseng thrives indoors in good light and appreciates being kept outdoors during spring and summer. If outside, protect your bonsai from the midday sun, and when temperatures drop below 54F (12C) bring it indoors and place it on or near a windowsill. Never neglect watering; allow the compost to dry between waterings, but not completely. If you accidentally let your tree’s soil dry out, immerse the container in a bucket of water for an hour to properly soak it, before draining well. In the winter, you'll need to water less. It is normal for a Ficus tree to lose some leaves, but if it’s dropping more than a few, then under or over watering may be the problem. Ficus may also lose leaves if not getting enough light - simply move your plant into a sunnier spot. Also, acclimatisation after moving may have an effect - this is normal, especially if your plant has summered outdoors as it’s simply getting used to a new position.This product is offered for sale for home delivery exclusively via our website only. The images represent established plants, the supplied product may be younger. All heights listed are approximate and fully established plant heights may vary. The amount of foliage, buds or bloom on the plant will depend on what part of the season the product is purchased.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

Hornbeam Carpinus Betulus Hedging Plants 30cm Tall x10
  • £39.99

This fantastic collection of Carpinus Betulus (commonly known as Hornbeam) will create a beautiful formal row of hedges that will provide interest and shelter all year long. The common hornbeam is a reliable and tough specimen that retains leaves through winter, almost as well as Beech does. Hornbeams have gorgeous, glossy green leaves during spring which become coppery in the winter months. Perfect for hedging and borders, while providing a refuge for a wide range of wildlife. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, this is a reliable performer suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can introduce it to the garden with confidence and enjoy its development for years to come. Supplied as a collection of 10 established plants in 9cm pots, approximately 30cm tall, ready to plant out. Growing to a height and spread of 12m x 8m.Planting Advice for Hornbeam, Carpinus Betulus: Pot-grown shrubs can be planted at any time of the year as long as the soil is not waterlogged or frozen. If in doubt, err towards spring but remember to keep pots well-watered so that the soil does not dry out. Shrub roots generally tend to spread out rather than down, so dig a planting hole 3 times wider than the roots of the shrub you're planting. Mix some well-rotted compost or manure with the soil from the hole and use this to re-fill once the shrub is in place. Before planting, soak container-grown shrubs thoroughly and allow to drain. Remove the plant from its pot and tease out a few of the roots. Add Mycorrhizal fungi to the roots when planting to help plants establish quicker. Place your shrub in the hole at the same level as the pot then refill the hole with the earth removed (backfilling). Firm in the soil with your heel, avoiding the root ball and water well. Mulch around the base of the plant with a collar, compost, gravel, bark etc. If you’re planting in spring or summer, water well and regularly for the first season. Once planted, keep the area free of competing weeds and grass for the first couple of growing seasons. Pruning Advice for Carpinus betulus: Hornbeam trees do not require regular pruning, just a quick once over to remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches in the winter. If growing as a hedge, leave to establish for two seasons then remove the top of the plant when the desired height is reached and clip once a year in the summer.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

Thuja Golden Smaragd Hedging Set 9cm Pots x10
  • £59.99

Golden Smaragd is a wonderful variety of Thuja, an evergreen conifer with a naturally narrow, conical habit. It is slow-growing with sprays of bright yellow-green aromatic foliage. This fabulous collection will be perfect for creating a hedge, dividing up areas of your garden, lining pathways and borders or screening off areas for privacy. Thuja is incredibly easy to grow and requires very little maintenance. It doesn't need regular trimming to keep it tidy, making it the ideal choice for hedging. It's amazingly hardy and can survive temperatures down to -45C, but should be protected from cold winter winds when young. Golden Smaragd is a handsome and colourful decorative tree, ideal as a specimen and perfect for bringing year-round height and structure to your beds and borders. A versatile tree for any part of the garden and well suited to container growing. Thuja thrive in well-drained soil, whether acid, alkaline or neutral. Supplied as a collection of 10 established plants in 9cm pots ready for planting out. Growing up to 5m (16ft 6in) tall and 1.7m (5ft 6in) wide after 20 years.Planting advice for your Thuja: Water your potted plant well. Dig a hole a little deeper and 3 times wider than the nursery pot. Add a soil conditioner such as well-rotted manure to the earth removed from the hole if necessary. Remove the plant from its pot and tease out a few of the roots. Sprinkle on some root grow to help establish a sound root system. Place your plant in the hole at the same level as the pot. Refill the hole with the earth removed (backfilling). Firm in the soil with your heel, avoiding the root ball. Water well and mulch around the base of the plant with a collar, compost, gravel, bark etc. Newly planted conifers need regular watering to prevent browning - once established they are drought proof. Remove weeds as soon as they appear and mulch well to reduce water loss.Pruning advice for your Thuja: No pruning is required although you can clip to retain its height from spring to late summer; just avoid cutting into old wood. If your plant gets too tall for where you have planted it, clip the top to keep it at the required height.About You GardenEstablished for over 50 years, our award winning trusted plant supplier are based in South Lincolnshire. Their experienced team take care of a wide variety of both native and continental plants.Delivery InformationThis product benefits from a specialised plant shipment service and is delivered directly from the supplier. All products are packaged with extreme care and transported in specially designed plant containers. Delivery is only available to mainland England and Wales (see delivery exclusion information below) for this product. Please be aware when ordering multiple plants they may be arrive on different dates. This is due to some of the products being dispatched from separate warehouses to ensure the best conditions for delivery.Delivery exclusions: Regrettably we are unable to deliver to: AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50, TR21-25, ZE. Orders received to excluded delivery locations will be automatically cancelled and refunded.Please note: Plants and trees are classed as perishable goods and are excluded from our returns policy. This does not affect your statutory rights. See our Cancellation & Returns page for further details. In the unlikely event that you receive your goods damaged or you have been sent the incorrect item, please report your issues to our customer service team within 24 hours. Perishable goods cannot be returned unless we have sent the wrong item, or they are damaged. Lifestyle photographs are for illustration, 1x product listed supplied only. Please read all packaging and instructions thoroughly before use.

16 Inch Hanging Rattan Basket Black
  • £6.99

This black rattan range is designed give that idyllic garden look adding a touch of character to your outdoor living space. Brighten the side of doorways or garden sheds with colourful floral displays. A great idea for growing strawberries close to your kitchen for easy harvesting.Approximate dimensions: 16 x 40inchExplore more of our range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team and we may be able to reserve the items you require.Colours may vary slightly1 x Listed item supplied only

Hanging Basket Wall Bracket 16 inch Black
  • £2.79

A Black Hanging basket bracket complete with screws and wall plugs. 16 inches in length this bracket is suitable for hanging baskets up to 20 inches in diameter. Essential for allowing you to create a stunning display of flowers, or small crops of strawberries in a variety of spaces from a large garden to a balcony in a city centre property. Explore more of our range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team and we may be able to reserve the items you require. Features: Hanging basket bracket in blackComplete with screws and wall plugs Suits hanging baskets up to 20 inches 16 inches in length

Wensum 3M Grey Hanging Banana Crank Crank Parasol
  • £119.99

The hanging umbrella is an alternative to the traditional garden umbrella. It is free standing, requiring a weight on the bottom to hold securely, and it can therefore be used anywhere in the garden. Ideal to put over a hot tub, BBQ or a table and chairs set, to protect from the sun or rain. The umbrella has a highly durable and corrosion resistant construction, making it suitable for the outdoors. Features: Water resistant umbrella canopy Easy to open/close (crank winding system) 6 x struts/ribs on canopy Large sunshade Materials: Frame: Powder coated steel Canopy: 160g Polyester fabric Dimensions: H340 x L320 x W300cmCanopy span: 3mPole height: 220cmPole dia.: 48mmBoxed: W32 x D15 x H200cm Weight: 12kg Assembly: Some easy self-assembly required.

Over Hanging Cantilever Garden Parasol by Royalcraft - 3M Grey
  • £139.00

This cleverly designed parasol you can display with pride, the additional features and comfort provided will last for years to come. Perfect for families who love getting together in the garden and enjoying some fun in the sun.The Over Hanging Cantilever summer collection is built to last ensuring you and your family can enjoy the garden sunshine for many summers to come.Enjoy your garden for longer whether you're reading a book or dining with friends and family with this parasol. We always recommend using a parasol base (available for purchase separately) which will also help prevent parasol movement. The biggest advantage of metal outdoor furniture is that it’s incredibly durable. As an especially robust material, unlike plastic, metal makes a great choice for patio furnishings, since you won’t need to replace it too often as long as it’s well cared for. It’ll stay looking great on the decking for years to come. Product SpecificationProduct Type: ParasolMaterial: SteelColour: GreyAssembly Required: YesCanopy Size: 3MCanopy Style: PlainCanopy Colour: GreyAdditional features3M canopy is fitted with 8 ribsCanopy is weather-proof coating & UPF sun protection level 50Fitted with crank opening mechanismTilt feature to adjust canopy position when requiredRequires cantilever base weight (purchased separately)Outdoor aftercare instructions includedLifestyle images and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only.

Deluxe Rotating Over Hanging Cantilever Garden Parasol by Royalcraft - 3M Grey
  • £229.00

This cleverly designed parasol looks so good on the outside, It will make you feel good on the inside with this premium build quality. Perfect for families who love getting together in the garden and enjoying some fun in the sun.The summer collection is built to last ensuring you and your family can enjoy the garden sunshine for many summers to come.Enjoy your garden for longer whether you're reading a book or dining with friends and family with this parasol. We always recommend using a parasol base (available for purchase separately) which will also help prevent parasol movement. Aluminium garden furniture products are made from alloys that are weather-proof, corrosion-resistant and immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, ensuring optimal performance over a very long lifetime. Product SpecificationProduct Type: ParasolMaterial: AluminiumColour: GreyAssembly Required: YesCanopy Size: 3MCanopy Style: PlainCanopy Colour: GreyAdditional features3M canopy is fitted with 8 ribsCanopy is weather-proof coating & UPF sun protection level 50Fitted with a crank opening mechanism and foot pedalTilt feature to adjust canopy position when requiredRequires cantilever base weight (purchased separately)Outdoor aftercare instructions includedLifestyle images and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only.

Deluxe Rotating Over Hanging Cantilever Garden Parasol by Royalcraft - 3M Ivory
  • £229.00

This cleverly designed parasol looks so good on the outside, It will make you feel good on the inside with this premium build quality. Perfect for families who love getting together in the garden and enjoying some fun in the sun.The summer collection is built to last ensuring you and your family can enjoy the garden sunshine for many summers to come.Enjoy your garden for longer whether you're reading a book or dining with friends and family with this parasol. We always recommend using a parasol base (available for purchase separately) which will also help prevent parasol movement. Aluminium garden furniture products are made from alloys that are weather-proof, corrosion-resistant and immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, ensuring optimal performance over a very long lifetime. Product SpecificationProduct Type: ParasolMaterial: AluminiumColour: IvoryAssembly Required: YesCanopy Size: 3MCanopy Style: PlainCanopy Colour: IvoryAdditional features3M canopy is fitted with 8 ribsCanopy is weather-proof coating & UPF sun protection level 50Fitted with a crank opening mechanism and foot pedalTilt feature to adjust canopy position when requiredRequires cantilever base weight (purchased separately)Outdoor aftercare instructions includedLifestyle images and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only.
