Search found 482 items

Kohl Rabi 'Kolibri' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

Attractive, purple-skinned roots with pure white, succulent flesh, best eaten when golf ball size, although the flesh still remains succulent and bitter free when roots are larger. Easy to grow, quick to mature in under 8 weeks from sowing. Plants have a neat, compact growth making them ideal for early sowings under cloches or fleecePrefers well-drained, moist, rich soil in full sun. A rich source of the provitamin A, vitamins C and K and folate as well as the antioxidant carotenoids b-carotene and lutein

Cabbage 'Caramba' F1 Hybrid (Summer/ Winter Sweetheart Type)
  • £3.69

Sweetheart cabbages are becoming increasingly popular in supermarkets during late summer through to winter. Now you can grow your own! Cabbage Caramba has tender, sweet pointed mid-green hearts, ideal shredded raw in salads and coleslaws or delicious as a steamed vegetable

Broccoli 'Burbank' F1 Hybrid (White Sprouting)
  • £1.19

The first British-bred F1 hybrid white sprouting broccoli. Strong, vigorous plants produce a high yield of large, creamy-white spears over several weeks from February. Tasty, versatile and nutritious at a time when fresh vegetables can be in short supply in the garden

Cauliflower 'Pavilion' F1 Hybrid (Autumn)
  • £2.99

Cauliflower Pavilion is an Australian bred variety producing premium quality deep, pure white curds during late September and throughout October. The curds are well protected against frosts by wrapper leaves, which prolongs the curd quality and extends the cropping season. Seeds are in the RHS Vegetable Collection

Brussels Sprout 'Bosworth' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

(October-December) British breeding at its best! Maturing before our very popular Trafalgar. Brussels Sprout Bosworth F1 has excellent holding ability, to give firm, smooth dark green, sweet tasting buttons, well spaced on the stem for easy picking. Initial trials show good downy mildew tolerance

Brussels Sprout 'Trafalgar' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Just imagine a Brussels Sprout which you can serve at the dinner table, and the children come back for seconds! Thanks to the work of the breeder, continuously striving for a better, sweeter flavour, your wish can now come true with Brussels Sprout Trafalgar. This modern hybrid produces a heavy crop of medium sized, firm button sprouts from mid December to late March and they keep their excellent quality over a long period of time. Andrew Tokely says: For the past 10 years this has been the only variety of Brussels Sprout that I have grown on my plots. The strong plants produce good size buttons and will stand well though all weathers well past ChristmasTheir sweet flavour means sprouts can now be enjoyed by all the family

Cabbage 'Kilaton' F1 Hybrid (Autumn)
  • £3.99

Clubroot Resistant! Cabbage Kilaton has a high level of Clubroot resistance producing quality, 2kg, autumn ballheads with a solid, dense structure. Superb used for coleslaw, salads or steamed. Cabbage Kilaton F1 Hybrid will stand for a long while in the garden and keep in good condition. It also stores exceptionally well over a long period without deterioration allowing gardeners more time to enjoy its delicious flavour. It has taken over 18 years of conventional breeding to develop a variety that can combat the devastating brassica disease Clubroot and this superb variety is the most resistant we have ever grown on our trials

Pak Choi 'White' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.19

Pak Choi White F1 produces pure white, juicy stems. Ready to harvest in 30 days from sowing as 'baby leafor 45-70 days as semi-mature to full size heads. Earlier and later sowings of Pak Choi White F1 for 'baby leafcan be made under cloches or fleece

Pak Choi 'Green' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Pak Choi Green F1 produces vibrant apple green stems. Ready to harvest in 30 days from sowing as 'baby leafor 45-70 days as semi-mature to full size heads. Earlier and later sowings of Pak Choi Green F1 for 'baby leafcan be made under cloches or fleece

Cabbage 'Tundra' F1 Hybrid (Winter Savoy)
  • £2.99

This RHS AGM variety produces solid, sweet, crisp heads that are ideal for winter salads. Winter Savoy Cabbage 'Tundra' is high yielding and particularly hardy, so it can be harvested right through the winter. Cabbages are easy to grow being perfectly suited to the British climate, and make a delicious and healthy side dish, as they are high in vitamins and low in calories. Height: 40cm (16). Spread: 60cm (24)

Cabbage 'Hispi' F1 Hybrid (Summer)
  • £3.99

An outstanding variety. Ideal for small gardens. Cabbage Hispi can be grown at virtually any season of the year and comes to maturity faster than cabbages specially created for specific seasons. Even autumn sown it will beat the earliest of the spring cabbages. Hispi is a pointed type, strong and uniform and with a beautifully sweet flavour. A Jan/Feb sowing fills the late spring gap in cropping. Bolt resistant. Andrew Tokely says: I always sow this cabbage in early March, and I harvest the first sweet and tender hearts by mid June. This is far quicker than traditional spring cabbage sown in the autumn and the flavour is miles better too

Broccoli 'Spiridon' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)
  • £1.00

The latest maturing variety with some good frost tolerance to extend the cutting of quality heads and 'sideshoots' well into the autumn. Calabrese Spiridon produces domed heads, average 400-500g on erect, open plants which allow good air circulation to minimise disease. Prefers moist, rich, well-drained soil.
