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Mixed Daffodil Collection
  • £3.99

This collection of Mixed Narcissus is perfect for adding some gorgeous classic colours to your spring garden! A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is here! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent, they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. A wonderful variety of colours and shapes, they will look amazing wherever you plant them especially in informal grassy areas or in the dappled shade underneath a fruit tree. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring! This is the perfect mix for any occasion. They are very easy to grow, plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. Supplied as a mixed collection of 15 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting in autumn.

Large-Flowered Crocus Mix
  • £3.99

Large-flowered Crocus, the name says it all! Providing early colour, this wonderful mix of coloured cup-shaped blooms are abundant. This wonderful variety is great for container displays on your balcony or decking. In fact, these crocuses will grow almost anywhere in the garden too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Good for naturalizing as they return reliably and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they will reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 20 bulbs, size 7/8 ready for planting in autumn.

Tulip Triumph Mixed
  • £3.99

A great mixture of tulips to give you a kaleidoscope of colour. They are incredibly versatile, very strong and sturdy, with the classic tulip shape. Tulips are one of the most popular bulbs, as they are are great planted with many different colour variations to give a fresh, vibrant spring colour to your garden, patio or decking. They also make great cut flowers to brighten up the house. Plant in autumn for stunning spring displays.

Narcissus Miniature Mix
  • £3.99

Daffodils welcome spring with there bright, cheerful flowers in a huge range of sizes, shapes and shades, and miniature varieties are beautiful must-haves for every garden. This delightful collection includes a range of flower shapes in shades of sunny yellow that look absolutely wonderful mixed together. They may be short in stature with small flowers but that only adds to their appeal, being perfect miniatures versions of their bigger, showier relatives. Miniature daffodils are perfect for underplanting shrubs and scattering through lawns and woodland areas for a naturalistic effect, where their bright flowers shine like little stars. They're also superb when packed into pots, indoors or out. Grow them in sun or partial shade, and they'll quickly naturalise, returning in greater numbers year after year.Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 8/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 20 cm (8 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Tulips Miniature Mixed
  • £2.49

Tulips are quite possibly the brightest, most colourful flowers in the spring garden, and miniature varieties have the advantage of being less susceptible to high winds than their taller relatives, which can be blown over in bad weather. This mixture of bright colours, some with contrasting splashes, will look spectacular planted in groups, especially in pots on a patio or as a welcome next to the front door, or in borders in front of taller spring flowers. They are also great cut flowers, just the thing for brightening up your home. Tulips are easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get a vibrant display year after year. If growing in pots, summer bedding can be planted above the bulbs when the tulips have faded. Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 9/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 30 cm (1 ft) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Anemone Mistral Mixed Bulbs
  • £2.99

'Mistral' are magnificent anemones boasting incredibly large flowers from late spring on tall, strong stems in an array of the most amazing colours. We've created a collection that includes white, red, purple, pink and bi-colour, all complimenting each other beautifully. These prolific bloomers are perfect for cutting and will last up to two weeks in a vase and doing this will encourage more and more flowers to grow. Highly sought after, these Italian bred anemones are admired enormously the world over for their glorious, velvety blooms, and they'll naturalise easily so you'll get more and more flowers every year as they spread themselves through your garden. Perfect for a sheltered, sunny site, this collection of will bring an explosion of early season colour to your garden. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, 2 each of five different colours.

Anemone De Caen Mix 75 bulbs
  • £9.99

Get your garden spring ready with this vibrant collection of 75 woodland flowering anemone corms.Anemone coronaria De Caen explodes with early season colour, creating a carpet of reds, pinks, blues and whites that will return to your garden in spring for years to come. They love sunshine, and their poppy-like, velvety flowers also make fantastic indoor cut flower displays.Very easy to grow, once planted you can leave them in the ground and they will naturalise, so if you want to create the perfect spring paradise, then this collection is the easy way to an eye-catching floral display.Anemone De Caen makes a voluptuous display in a group but are equally impressive when grown singly, where you can truly appreciate the sumptuous flowers. Their delicate, cupped blooms each have a darker central eye and appear from March to April above a mound of deeply divided, fresh green fern-like leaves.Ideal for a sheltered, sunny site, this is a charming collection of colours to make your spring garden truly spectacular.We send 75 corms, ready for immediate planting in pots or in the garden.

Triumph Tall Tulip Mix
  • £6.99

A great mixture of taller tulips approx. 50-60cm tall to give you a kaleidoscope of spring colour. They are incredibly versatile, very strong and sturdy and show off the classic, much loved tulip shape. These 'Triumph' tulips are perfect for growing in beds and borders, this mix is an all-in-one solution to adding vibrant spring colour to your garden next year - maximum impact with minimum effort! We've put together a stunning mix of colour to create a real rainbow of tulips to stand loud and proud in your beds, borders or containers next year without you having to do anything other than plant and water. Tulips are one of the most popular bulbs, as they are are great planted with many different colour variations to give a fresh, vibrant spring colour to your garden, patio or decking but they also make great cut flowers to brighten up the house. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 10/11 ready for planting in autumn.

Early Red Tulip and Narcissus Daffodil Tête-à-Tête Mix
  • £9.99

Bulbs such as daffodils and tulips herald the arrival of spring - there's nothing more exciting than the sight of their bold and bright colours peeking up from the ground, marking the end of a long winter and promise of warmer weather to come. This great value collection combines the ever-popular 'Tête-à-Tête' daffodil with compact and robust 'Early Red' tulips for a display that will get your garden noticed. With their distinctive flowers, 'Tête-à-Tête' daffodils are a must-have for any spring garden. A great, green-fingered investment, they'll continue to bloom year after year, getting bigger and better all the time! Brilliant in pots, 'Tête-à-Tête' produces lots of pretty, golden-yellow flowers from late February. Then, blooming from March, the 'Early Red' tulips have more robust, short-stemmed flowers, and these red ones are geat for contrasting with beautiful yellow daffodils and will pick up just as 'Tête-à-Tête' are fininshing. Plant these bulbs in pots or straight into flowerbeds and you will enjoy a host of delicate flowers from late February onwards. Supplied as a pack of 100 bulbs, ready for planting in the autumn.

Tall Mixed Daffodils
  • £7.99

Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone, with flowers from February until April. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Perfect for pots, planters, beds and borders, and also make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too - especially as some are delightfully fragrant. Reliable and hardy, they're possibly the easiest plant to grow - you basically dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 12/14 ready to plant out in autumn.

Chionodoxa Woodland Mix
  • £9.99

One of the earliest flowering of the spring bulbs, Chionodoxa is a superb choice for naturalising and makes a fantastic display when planted en-masse. Lots of pretty, blue, star-shaped flowers appear in swathes in late winter, often when there is snow on the ground, hence its name.. Very versatile and easy to grow. Ideal for rocky borders. Flowers: Jan-Feb. Height: 15cm (6in) Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 75 bulbs, perfect for planting now.

Mixed Hyacinths
  • £6.49

Hyacinths are very easy to grow both indoors and outdoors too, filling your home or garden with amazing colour and fabulous, heady scent.An iconic spring flower, for best effect your pot of hyacinths is absolutely ideal in a cool room, where they will release their delicious scent for everyone to enjoy. In fact, they'll last twice as long as when grown in a warm room!Ideal to bring early spring colour into your home, simply slip the planted pot into a decorative container whey they will come into flower from February. Once the flowers have finished, they can be planted into the garden.When planted in beds or borders, they will fill your garden with powerful fragrance each April (naturalised bulbs flower slightly later than their pot-grown kin) and of course their majestic flowers can be cut to make magnificent indoor cut flower displays too!They are really easy to grow; once planted, leave them in the ground and they will flower for many years getting bigger and better each year.Supplied as 15 ready to plant bulbs in a mixture of colours - please note that this is a random mix and colours cannot be guaranteed.
