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Duo Fruit tree - Cherry Stella & Sunburst
  • £29.99

Now everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space! These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen, to create two different trees growing on one rootstock! What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing meaning that your trees will always remain compact! You will get two different varieties of fruit from one tree so are perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit but has limited space. Each of the varieties will produce bumper crops of delicious full-sized fruit! Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing up a wall Cherry Stella. 'Stella' Cherry is 'Self-Fertile' (which means it does not need a second variety of cherry tree to pollinate it) and is a heavy, reliable cropper because it has good resistance to late frosts. Unlike most other sweet cherry varieties, it will thrive in slightly exposed locations but can also be grown in a pot on your patio. The sweetly flavoured dark-skinned, plump, and juicy, aromatic fruits will be ready to pick from mid-July each year and from the third growing season onwards you can expect upwards of 5kg (11lbs) of sweet fruits per tree, which will save a small fortune compared to paying supermarket prices! Sunburst Cherry. Often referred to as 'The Cooking Cherry' because it is most frequently used for making the delicious fragrant pies and jams we all know and love! The fruits are packed with juice and the skin colour is dark red. It is one of the most reliable croppers of all the sour cherries because it is self-fertile, late flowering and so less susceptible to frost damage, plus it is incredibly disease resistant a real winner for any garden! 'Morello' Cherry is also a great tree to grow on a north-facing wall because even in a cooler position with low light levels it will still grow and thrive and fruit as normal you can usually expect to pick the fruits from late August onwards. Supplied as a bare root, grower quality tree, grafted on a single rootstock with 2 cherry varieties.

Koelreuteria paniculata Pride of India Coral Sun
  • £19.99

A very unusual and rare variety of ornamental, 'Coral Sun' is a deciduous tree that produces dazzling red shoots in spring with red-toned, fern-like leaves that transform through orange to light green while still keeping their red stems. In summer, Coral Sun produces golden-yellow panicles of flowers, giving rise to its other common name of the golden rain tree, before turning vibrant yellow and orange with red, lantern-shaped fruits in autumn. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Also known as the Pride of India, Coral Sun is fully hardy, tolerant of drought and pollution and it's easy to grow, thriving in all soils with the best colours developing when it is planted in a sunny, sheltered spot and given plenty of organic matter. Supplied as a dormant bare root plant ready for immediate planting, Coral Sun will grow to 4m x 3m in 10 years, ultimately reaching 12m x 8m so does need room to spread.

Peach Prunus persica Suncrest
  • £24.99

Just imagine biting into your own juicy, homegrown peaches - perfect to enjoy picked straight from the tree! With gorgeous pink blossom in spring followed by sumptuous red-blushed fruits, Prunus persica 'Suncrest' is the ideal peach for your kitchen garden. Despite their reputation as being a bit of a specialist fruit, peaches are remarkably easy to grow, and 'Suncrest' is well suited to the UK climate, being self-fertile with blooms that are relatively frost tolerant. The large, firm fruits are called 'freestone', which means that the flesh separates easily from the stone, making 'Suncrest' great for eating and cooking, and it is definitely one of the best-tasting peaches, with an exceptional flavour. Supplied as an established plant, 90-110cm tall in a 5L pot, ready to plant out now.

Magnolia denudata Sunrise
  • £14.99

A spectacular feature plant for a border or even a large patio container, Magnolia denudata 'Sunrise' is a striking deciduous shrub that has a neat, compact shape, making it perfect for growing in small gardens. A recently introduced variety, this Compact Chinese Magnolia is truly magnificent when covered in its opulent and fragrant blossoms in spring. You'll be delighted when 'Sunrise' comes into its own, producing masses of unique, almost bicolour, 2-tone creamy goblet shaped flowers with a distinctive claret-red flame emerging from the base of each bloom. This tulip tree is really a sight to behold - just be prepared for everyone to ask you what it is! Easy to grow, this fully winter-hardy compact Magnolia makes an eye-catching focal point in smaller spaces, and its super-easy to look after - there's no fussy pruning or shaping, just keep it well-watered and undisturbed. Supplied approx 80-100cm tall and reaching just 1.8m (6ft) in 10-20 years, your Magnolia will be sent as a bare root plant, a cost-effective way to obtain this beauty, and is ready for immediate planting.

Sweet Cherry Sunburst
  • £19.99

'Sunburst' is a good sweet cherry tree variety that performs well in the UK, producing dark red cherries in July, a week or so earlier than Stella. Not as vigorous as Stella, so more easy to manage. Self-fertile, a good all round garden cherry tree.

Phormium Sundowner Pink
  • £29.99

A great choice for ultra-low maintenance gardening - working well in metallic pots for a modernist look, but equally at home in mixed traditional borders, it's evergreen green (pink) leaves providing a  year round backdrop for bolder and brighter seasonal flowers.  'Sundowner' is a great Phormium variety, its tough sword-like leave edged lovely pink, in contrast to a muted olive green. It requires almost no maintenance at all, leave it alone and elt it do it s thing. When it gets to 5 years old you may even get its spectacular flower spikes emerging in late Spring too. This is a big potful, and will give instant impact and enjoyment.

Organic Gooseberry Lady Sun
  • £3.99

Easy to grow and perfect for eating fresh or in puddings, pies and crumbles, gooseberries are one of those traditional favourite fruits that no garden should be without. A member of the currant family, gooseberries are often thought of as a prickly nuisance with nasty sour fruits, but that couldn't be further from the truth - 'Lady Sun' produces large, sweet and crisp gooseberries and being nearly thornless is much easier to harvest from. Perfect for containers and fruit gardens where it will lend itself perfectly to grow Your Own, this is a reliable and high cropping, self-fertile variety, with an upright, bushy habit and good disease resistance. Ideally suited to the UK climate, they're really easy to look after and are winter hardy, shrugging off freezing temperatures with ease - so are the perfect gooseberry for beginner gardeners or those of us who want good results with no faff. Organically grown by expert nurserymen, these gooseberries are rich in vitamin C, B vitamins as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium so are a very healthy addition to your garden!Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm pot, ready for planting out, bushes reach 100cm x 60cm and will produce their crop of berries in July. Did you know..Gooseberries are rich in fibre and help to stimulate the digestion and reduce cholesterol. They are said to promote healthy hair and nails and help keep teeth and bones healthy. They are also purported to strengthen the vascular walls, in turn protecting against varicose veins.

Hardy Osteospermum Sennen Sunrise
  • £9.99

A striking combination of pink petals suffused with white, this lavish osteospermum certainly has the WOW factor. Perfect for all manner of container displays and border planting, this is a variety that can't be missed! With abundant heads of bloom to fill your pots, the cheery pink blooms are highlighted by a dark indigo 'eye' made even more dazzling by its golden halo of pollen. This wonderful combination of colour makes the perfect summer combination and the daisy-like blooms of 'Banana Sennen Sunrise' are produced in profusion for months on end. Ideal for pots and borders, osteos are sun lovers, opening in response to the sun and grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Flowering from spring to autumn, the uniform, compact plants will tolerate light frost as well as heat and drought, plus being easy to grow and needing very little in the way of aftercare, they're the perfect variety for your garden. Supplied as 6 x jumbo plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Flax Lily Phormium tenax Sundowner
  • £19.99

Also known as the flax lily, Phormium tenax 'Sundowner' is a robust, fully hardy evergreen which forms a dense clump of sword-like leaves - a really great plant for adding a bit of a statement to your garden. Stunning in a border and stylish in a container, this phormium plant has particularly striking, bronze-green leaves striped with red and pink, and is a compact form - meaning that it won't overshadow everything in your garden plus you can grow it in a pot! Phormiums prefer a hot dry site (although will tolerate partial shade) and make a great candidate for a Mediterranean garden or a gravel garden where their upright leaves make a great foil for many other coloured plants. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Easy to grow, phormium 'Sundowner' needs virtually no maintenance - it may even reward you with spikes of yellow flowers in late summer. Ultimately growing to around 1.5m, we supply well-established plant in a 3L pot ready for immediate planting.

Patio Raspberry Sweet Sunshine
  • £9.99

Never has there been a better time to Grow Your Own and reap the benefits of producing your own fresh, healthy food. Making use of home gardens has always been a sensible thing to do, but now more than ever with genetic modification, predicted supermarket shortages and environmental damage, produce picked and eaten from your own plot has never been a better idea!'Raspberry 'Sweet Sunshine' is a new concept rapsberry variety, producing masses of short-branched canes that reach no more than 1m (3ft 3in), with the added bonus of being thornless. This thick clump of canes produces heavy crops on established plants in 2 years or so, and starts fruiting in June, so is an early starter. Fruit flavour is good, as demanded by today's consumers, making this the perfect all-rounder.For best results, grow in a large pot about 30cm or so in diameter, allowing room for growth over many years. Picking height is at 80-100cm tall, so easy to net and easy to pick - perfect for children too - or why not make a raspberry hedge?Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for picking June - August. Plant about 70cm apart.

Thunbergia Sunny Mixed
  • £9.99

A collection of colourful climbers and something a little different, these Thunbergia are African natives that will happily grow in the UK. Also know as the black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia can be grown as a climber trained up a wall or trellis, or in hanging baskets. Either way, the 2m long stems covered in deep green, heart shaped foliage and exotic, brightly coloured flowers throughout summer and autumn will look incredible in your garden. Thunbergia is a tender perennial that's usually grown as an annual in the UK. However, it can be overwintered in a greenhouse or conservatory when outdoor temperatures drop below 5°C (40°F). Fast growing, it'll produce an abundance of vivid pink, apricot, yellow and orange flowers, all with contrasting dark centres that will quickly climb by twining up a support or fill hanging baskets, cascading over the sides for month after month. Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out. Reaching a height of 2m (6½ft) and spreading 1m (3ft). You'll receive 3 x pink, and 1 each of apricot, yellow and orange.

Buddleia weyeriana Sungold
  • £14.97

A totally new colour of the much loved 'Butterfly Bush'! This intoxicatingly fragrant beauty is incredibly easy to grow, totally hardy and will illuminate any sunny corner of your garden. When in bloom during the early summer, its arching panicles will attract masses of butterflies and friendly pollinators, offering a safe haven for them to feast on nectar and collect pollen. With its grey-green leaves, 'Sungold' lights up dull areas of the garden, bringing vibrancy and scent which can't be underestimated - it's one of those plants which grabs your attention as you walk past it, providing a feast for your senses. This is a different species to the more familar blue buddleias and flowers on one year old wood, It should be pruned to shape after flowering allowing new growth to appear in late summer. This is the growth that will bear blooms the following year. Supplied as 3 x established plants in 9cm pots, ready to palnt out.
