About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

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Chouchou Tulip Collection
  • £7.99

'ChouChou' is a collection of the recently introduced 'Curiosity' tulips, an extremely attractive bicoloured variety with flowers that change colour as they age. It is a Triumph tulip, a cross between two exceptional and successful varieties, Single Early and Darwin. The result is a range of outstanding, robust tulips in a range of fabulous colours. The large, ivory white blooms emerge with bright magenta edged petals. As they age the edges broaden until almost the entire flower has turned to rich, vibrant pink that looks spectacular against to long, sword shaped leaves. They will thrive in sun or partial shade, and are ideal in large planters or in flower borders, especially in large groups, and the long, straight stems make them wonderful for cutting for indoor displays. Tulips are very easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get another wonderful display the following year as they slowly naturalise and spread, or they can be dug up and stored over winter before replanting the following spring. Supplied as 10 bulbs, size 11/12, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 45 cm (18 in) and width of 15 cm (6 in).

Plant o Mat - Chives and Wood Sorrel
  • £14.99

The easiest way to grow bulbs for excellent results! This salad 'Bulb Pod' will be delivered with your bulbs in-situ and in their ideal spacing so you will get perfectly planted bulbs! Simply dig a 24cm (10in) diameter planting hole in your garden, or a pot, drop the entire 'Bulb Pod' in, cover with compost or soil, water and wait for great results. The totally biodegradable 'Bulb Pod', will itself disappear with a few weeks from planting, leaving the bulbs in the perfect planting design and you'll get tasty chives and wood sorrel for your salads and purple and pink flowers too, tasty but great if just left to flower! Supplied as a round bulb pod, 24cm (10in) in diameter containing 19 premium quality bulbs, including: Wood Sorrel 'Iron Cross' (12 bulbs) - makes an excellent garnish, and the clover-like leaves and pink flowers are all edible, with a tangy, citrussy flavour. Chives (7 bulbs) - a classic addition to salads and cooking, with their mild onion taste, the stems and the purple flowers are edible.

Classic 'Old English' Shrub Rose Collection
  • £20.97

These wonderful new roses have been expertly bred using the latest techniques to give you summerlong displays, superb fragrance - and simply brilliant garden performance! Each lovely new variety will give you waves of breathtaking fully double blooms for up to six months each year, each fully loaded with delicate petals and exquisite fragrance too. The roses are very similar to Chelsea Flower Show winning varieties that are so expensive in garden centres - and with some specialist mail-order suppliers charging over £15 per bush - yet available here at a phenomenal price! Give them pride of place in your borders where you can enjoy the lovely blooms and perhaps cut a few for a vase.  Theses roses are also suitable for container growing so you can enjoy on the patio too. Height 1m (3ft)

Lilac Syringa Palibin Standard
  • £29.99

A stunning addition to add to your patio, this fantastic new dwarf Lilac is just the thing for small gardens or for sprucing up patios and decking areas in a large pot! Ideal for adding colour, fragrance and a beautiful twist on other Lilac varieties that can often take over your garden, this 'double flowering', compact lilac will bloom first in May, flush through summer, then reach a second crescendo of colour in September. Because Palibin is a dwarf variety of the classic lilac, it won't take over your beds and borders and will not grow too tall meaning you can really enjoy the beautiful flowers and fragrance with very little maintenance required. A deadheading of faded flowers will keep the lilac flowering for as long as possible, and there'll be little to no pruning needed thanks to its dwarf and compact nature. It's slow growing, easy to care for, perfect for pots and very hardy too - why not try growing as a fragrant flowering hedge for something a little bit different? This grafted plant has been skilfully fashioned into an impressive standard by the grower and will make an instant specimen in your garden. Supplied as 1 x established plant in a 3L pot approx. 80-100cm tall, ready to plant out.

Magnolia stellata Standard
  • £24.99

Create incredible spring displays in spring each year with this stunning Magnolia stellata. Breathe in deeply! The large white flowers that burst out of the silky, silvery buds that cover the bare branches of the aptly named Star Magnolia during March and April are deliciously fragrant. A classic early spring flowering plant, Magnolia 'stellata' is slow-growing and compact (3m/10ft in height and 4m/12ft across) that makes the perfect addition to smaller gardens. Easy to grow and manage, this is a magnolia that will thrive in most soils and is reliably smothered in pure white star-shaped flowers every spring. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, in a standard form approx. 70cm tall, ready to be planted up into a large pot or into the garden - dormant in winter so no leaves until the spring.

Lavender Munstead 3L standard
  • £24.99

Lavender 'Munstead' will transform your garden with colour and incredible fragrance! This traditional cottage garden favourite is a proven winner in UK gardens; ideal as a fragrant container plant or in a border, make sure you plant them somewhere you'll be able to catch the magnificent scent! They will attract bees and other pollinators perfect for fruit tree growers! Very hardy, incredibly easy to grow, and drought tolerant keep them in great shape by pruning twice a year in spring and late summer. You can even cut the stems to make fragrant indoor dried displays! Supplied as a 1m tall standard plant, ready to make an instant impact in your garden.

Choisya Sundance standard
  • £24.99

We are all familiar with the classic bay tree lollipop shape standard, but how about a completely different colour option? The fabulous golden yellow leaves of Choisya 'Sundance' (or Mexican Orange Blossom as it is sometimes called due to their small white fragrant flowers in spring), glow bright golden yellow in spring and summer, yet remain neat and tidy too. And they are ever-yellow too - they remain bright yellow all year, even in winter, so offer a real year round feature. Grown on a clear stem of about 50cm, these standard Choisya's are quite unusual, and work really well as a low maintenance feature in pairs either side of a doorway or gate.

Ligustrum standard - Privet Laurel
  • £29.99

Ligustrum, or 'Privet Laurel', is the absolute gold standard in topiary and standard form trees and shrubs. The exceptionally small and tight growing leaves create a dense network of stems, making for easy cutting and shaping. Ligustrum, in fact, form the basis of the most exotic and stunning topiary creations, yet also make wonderful standards, lollipops and globes too, as a better alternative to Box (Buxus). Very forgiving of all weathers, they may lose an odd leaf in coldest winters, but recover quickly in spring. Trim regularly in growing season, or allow them to grow a little and they will produce sweet scented cream flowers, followed by berries. Perfect in pairs aside doorways, gates and paths, or allow them to grow and get creative and make your own shapes too.

Loropetalum chinense Fire Dance 3L standard
  • £29.99

Known as the Chinese Witch Hazel, Firedance produces masses of spectacular, firework-like flowers. A plant for all seasons and for all garden, the Chinese Witch Hazel, 'Firedance' really is one of the most spectacular plants you can own!  Incredibly exotic looking this highly prized beauty is actually very hardy and easy to grow. Its glorious, rich burgundy, oval shaped leaves contrast superbly against any green foliage. Often likened to sea coral, the highly unusual ribbon-shaped petals, explode from the centre just like a firework.

Patio Red Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia
  • £29.99

If you have ever driven through Central France in summer and seen wonderful trees plastered with pink or red flowers, chances are they are Crepe Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia. Now you can grow this amazing wonder over here too. Thanks to new breeding in Italy, this standard shrub is compact and free flowering in the cooler UK climate, and makes a stunning and very hardy summer patio plant for a smaller pot. This red crepe myrtle is a lovely bold neon red and will literally be smothered in tissue-like bold & bright flowers all summer, and provide a mecca for bees and butterflies. Golden autumn leaves make the crepe myrtle a fantastic plant too for autumn interest so you can be sure of a spectacular show for most of the year!  Very hardy to -15°C or more too, depsite its exotic looks - be one of the first to grow one! Supplied as an established plant, 90cm tall including 3L pot, your crepe myrtle has been formed into a stunning standard plant with a ball of foliage on top - perfect to display on your patio, decking or a sunny balcony.

Holly Ilex x meserveae Blue Maid Standard
  • £29.99

Just imagine this lovely holly in your garden, where it will add a new dimension to the classic patio standard tree, giving you interest all year round. Blue Maid is a female variety of blue holly, producing masses of tiny, white flowers in spring that are followed by bright red berries in autumn if you have a male holly nearby. Its leaves are less spiky than other hollies and have a distinct contrast between the light green underside and deep blue-green upper. Easy to grow and virtually maintenance-free, they just need a slightly acid, fertile soil and regular watering for the first couple of years. Because the branches of this holly tend to hold onto their leaves much better than other varieties and also as these standard plants grow less vigorously than younger plants, you get a really dense head which is why they make such amazing topiary specimens. Grow as a specimen tree in pots and border to add height, or grow a number as an unusual hedge. For extra wow factor, grow in pairs in large pots either side of porches or doorways and gates. Very hardy and tough, and with excellent tolerance to British winters, Blue Maid will withstand temperatures to -27°C without any damage and requires almost no maintenance each year apart from an annual trim to keep to shape. Supplied as a formed standard, approx 80cm (32in) tall including pot.  

Broom Cytisus Golden Tears Standard
  • £29.99

One of the best plants for filling gaps in borders or for adding a stylish touch to a favourite pot, this pretty shrub will take everything in its stride and reward you with a spectacular show of bloom. Formed by our expert growers into a wonferful stadard form, the branches literally drip with bloom in a cascade of colour. More commonly known as the Common Broom, Cytisus is a family of shrubs native to heaths, and as such are absolutely perfect for gardens that are cold or exposed and are particularly suitable for coastal gardens. Absolutely amazing when clothed in bloom, 'Golden Tears' is a beautiful variety with slender, arching stems smothered in masses of lightly fragrant, yellow pea-like flowers that are a magnet for hoverflies and other pollinating insects. Drought resistant when established, brooms are used to growing in relatively poor, sandy soils and will relish being planted in normal soil in most garden borders and their compact nature makes them ideal for growing in pots.  Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot ready for immediate planting.

Ginkgo biloba Mariken Standard
  • £29.99

The only surviving member of an ancient species of tree, Ginkgo biloba is often referred to as a living fossil with some preserved specimens dating back 270 million years! Thought to have been extinct, it was rediscovered in China in the late 17th Century and soon distributed around the world in both urban and rural gardens and streets. Also known as the Maidenhair Tree, for gardeners, Ginkgo is possibly one of the most attractive and useful trees that you can plant in your garden with its attractive roughly conical shape and fan-shaped leaves which turn yellow in autumn. The distinctive, deciduous leaves of Ginkgo biloba give a hint at its ancient heritage being very basic in structure. The curious frilled lobes resemble a duck's foot and take on buttery tones in the autumn before fallen suddenly - often within a few days. A tree that enjoys full sunshine and most soil types, Ginkgo is easy to grow and can even be grown in a pot on your patio or balcony. They adapt well to a restricted root system and are extremely resistant to pruning, so our growers have been able to create this beautiful standard plant with its ball of foliage - testament to their resilience. Ginkgo 'Mariken' is more of a recent introduction to the family and is one of the best Ginkgoes for a large container having a very slow rate of growth. Gingkoes are dioecious in that there are both male and female plants. As well as its stunning autumn colour, older female Ginkgo trees may produce large, sunshine-coloured fruits in warm summers. These have a distinctive aroma and, along with the leaves, are often used in traditional Chinese medicine - indeed if you search the internet, you'll see endless reference to supplements and anecdotal health benefits ranging from memory cures to a longer life. While the health claims may remain unproven, something that we do know is that Ginkgo absorbs pollutants, with a number of studies proving that they are great at absorbing Carbon and other nasties from the air, making them a favourite of town planners for fighting urban pollution with the potential to improve local air quality. Supplied as an established standard plant in a 3L pot, ready for planting out or potting on.

Viburnum Eskimo Standard
  • £29.99

An unusual variety of viburnum, the delightful, pink-flushed buds of 'Eskimo' open from mid spring to reveal pure white flowers in dense, snowball-shaped, mophead clusters. These contrast beautifully with the semi-evergreen leaves that clothe the plants for most of the year. Lightly fragrant when in bloom, the compact size of this pretty garden shrub makes it an ideal candidate for containers so that you can move it around your garden or patio to fully enjoy its scent. The gorgeous blooms are followed by red fruits that gradually turn black and the glossy, dark green will transition through red, orange and yellow in a kaleidoscope of colour in the autumn giving you months of garden interest. Eskimo makes a truly spectacular addition to your garden and will more than earn its keep! Fashioned by our expert growers into a beautiful standard tree with a lollipop head, Eskimo is ideal in sunny beds and borders where it will create a striking feature tree. Perfect for pots on your patio, it's incredibly easy to care for - prune to size just once a year in early spring, they are also totally winter hardy anywhere in the UK! Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this viburnum is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as an established standard plant in a 3L pot, ready for immediate planting.

Hibiscus Oiseau Bleu 1m Standard
  • £29.99

If you're looking for something truly fabulous and exotic, 'Oiseau Blue' could well be it!  In your garden or on your patio, this standard lollipop from tree comes into its own when it bursts into flower with its bright blue, maroon centred blooms that can be up to 8cm across in late summer. Despite looking very exotic, they are very tough and hardy indeed. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Grow it in a warm, sunny spot for the longest lasting and biggest displays - they can be hungry feeders, so give them plenty of feed as they come back into leaf and set buds. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot.

Gardenia jasminoides Cape Jasmine
  • £34.99

Just imagine sitting on your patio this summer surrounded by the intoxicatingly sweet fragrance from your very own standard Jasmine plant - just heavenly! This gorgeous, standard Jasmine will reward you with the most highly scented, perfect flowers, the perfume from which is absolutely breathtaking, filling the air with sweet fragrance.The perfectly formed, rose-like 'waxy' white flowers are produced above rich-green, glossy leaves to form a beautifully rounded ball of foliage. A large, evergreen shrub with deep glossy green leaves and very fragrant, white camelia-like flowers, the common Gardenia is certainly an eye-catching plant, worthy of a place in any garden. Thought to be too tender for UK gardens, the Cape Jasmine can actually be grown outside in summer in a sheltered frost-free area, however it's best treated as a summer patio plant and brought under cover through the winter. Holder of a prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a plant that has been rigorously trialled, and you can be guaranteed that it will perform. Delivered as a standard plant, 70cm tall (including pot) Gardenia jasminoides makes a delightful houseplant or summer patio plant.

Geranium Cabaret Mix
  • £12.99

This fabulous mix of classic summer flowering geraniums will burst into colour in late spring, in a torrent of dazzling reds, pinks and white. they will light up your beds, borders and hanging baskets. Their neat, uniform habit means that the plants always look their best with their showy flowers and striking light and dark zoned foliage putting on a wonderful, cheerful show until the first frosts of autumn. Supplied as 40 Pro Plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Geranium Zonal Ultimate Red
  • £12.99

Zonal Geraniums are among the very best plants for containers and make a great border display too. Providing good height and incredible colour impact to your summer displays, they bring interest to beds and borders as well as making a perfect centrepiece for baskets and patio containers. With its abundance of large, fabulously rich scarlet flowers and deep green leaves, 'Zonal Ultimate Red' really is a top performing plant in beds, borders and containers. Fabulous planted in large groups and easy to look after. Zonals are so named because of the burgundy-coloured half-moon pattern that develops on the upper surface of their leaves, however, it is the strong lollipop-shaped flowers that deservedly capture your attention. Each flower head contains literally dozens of individual flowers together making a display that will last and last. They are incredibly strong-growing and vigorous, flowering throughout the whole of the summer months and right through until the autumn. Supplied as 40 Pro Plug Plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Petunia Frenzy Mix
  • £12.99

Always a best-seller, these unbelievable petunias will bring your garden to life with their large, sumptuous, trumpet shaped velvety flowers in fabulous shades of red, pink, yellow and purple! Just the thing for bringing pizzazz to your summer planting, filling your pots, planters, baskets and carpeting flower beds with spectacular colour from June until October. Undemanding and easy to grow, they just need regular feeding, watering and deadheading to keep their impressive display coming. Happy in sun or partial shade, these Petunias with thrive in any soil that isn't waterlogged, so anybody can grow them. 'Frenzy' are extremely weather resistant, coping very well with the unpredictable nature of a British summer, from drought to downpours, the flowers will keep on looking great! Supplied a 40 Pro Plug Plants, ready for potting on and planting out after the risk of frost has passed, reaching a height and spread of 30cm (1ft).

Gazania Kiss Mix
  • £8.99

These super value bedding plugs are grown from seed to provide you with perfect quality, healthy plants at a fraction of garden centre prices. Gazania 'Kiss' Mix are perfect for patio displays in any container as well as for beds and borders around your garden. Gazania 'Kiss' Mix creates a simply breathtaking summer colour! A gorgeous mix to bring your garden to life!
