Search found 605 items

Petunia 'Orchid Flowered Mixed'
  • £18.99

Petunia 'Orchid-Flowered Mixed' F1 Hybrid Success Kit includes petunias that are considered to be the world's finest double petunias. The frilly, ruffle flowers, in a mix of colours, bloom from the start of summer until autumn.

Runner Bean 'Summer Flowered Mixed'
  • £3.99

Runner Beans are a familiar sight in the vegetable plot, but have you ever tried growing them in your flower borders? With their handsome, large leaves and pretty summer blooms they are perfect for training over a large obelisk or pergola! Runner Bean 'Summer Flowered Mixed' brings together a lovely blend of 3 varieties, chosen for their different flower colours and abundant crops. The red flowers of ?Lady Di?, blend harmoniously with the white blooms of ?Desiree?.

Sweet William 'Festival Mixed'
  • £21.99

Now your garden can be bursting with fabulous flowers throughout autumn with these healthy, large, garden-ready plug plants. Dianthus 'Festival Mixed' has scented, colourful flowers - ideal in the border or containers. Simply remove from the box and plant them out into your borders, containers and baskets for a rewarding display from autumn through to spring. Ht. 25cm. Supplied as large plug plants.

Climbing Bean Mixed
  • £2.99

Stringless and packed with flavour, Climbing Bean Mixed is the result of the latest climbing mangetout breeding. Producing high yields of straight, 25cm (10in) pods right through the summer, which hold in prime condition over a much longer period than older, more traditional varieties. This mix of three varieties will give you a range of pod and flower colours - making it decorative in the garden, as well as on the plate!

Ixia Mixed
  • £12.49

Bright Ixia flowers will add a splash of colour to your garden from late spring. An easy to grow bulb.

Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) 'Mixed Colours'
  • £1.49

Quick forming clumps of fleshy sword-like foliage and a succession of clustered blue, lilac and mauve flowers. Very hardy and trouble-free in the border

Mixed Wild Flowers Plants
  • £19.99

Created to appeal to a wide range of insects and other pollinators, this colourful mix will attract wildlife including butterflies and bees, who feed on the pollen, and will also produce seed heads to provide food for wild birds. Quick and easy to grow, this mix is ideal for creating a natural-looking effect to attract pollinating insects into your garden. Perfect to get kids interested in gardening and keep them occupied or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! A collection of annuals and perennials, these wildflowers also make ideal flowers for cutting so you can bring colour into your home too either in a vase or as part of a mixed bouquet. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. This dazzling mix of some of our best-known annual flowers will give your garden a bright show of colour. The mix contains a selection of these varieties*: Calendula Fiesta Mix AGM Annual. H30cm x W30cm. Fl June - OctoberCentaurea Florence Blue Annual. H75cm x 20cm. Fl June - OctoberCentaurea Florence Mix Annual. H75cm x 20cm. Fl June - OctoberChrysanthemum Moonlight Perennial. H20cm x W30cm. Fl August - OctoberPapaver commutatum Ladybird AGM Annual. H50cm x W10cm. Fl June - AugustTagetes Gem Mix Annual.  H30cm x W30cm. Fl July - September      Aquilegia Mrs Scott Elliott Mix Perennial. H60cm x W40cm. Fl May - JulyDigitalis purpurea Mix Excelsior Biennial. H150cm x 45cm. Fl June - July *NB, due to seasonal availability, we cannot guarantee the exact mix that you will receive. Supplied as 12 x plug plants ready for potting up and growing on, plant outdoors March-May directly where they are to flower when all risk of frost has passed.

Mixed Wildlife Attracting Annuals Seed Mix
  • £3.99

Blended to appeal to a wide range of insects, this colourful mix will attract wildlife including butterflies and bees, who feed on the pollen, and will also produce seed heads to providing food for wild birds. Quick and easy to grow, this mix is ideal for creating a natural-looking meadow to attract pollinating insects into your garden. Perfect to get kids interested in gardening or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! A collection of hardy and half-hardy annuals, these wildflowers also make ideal flowers for cutting so you can bring colour into your home too either in a vase or as part of a mixed bouquet. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower mix is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. This dazzling mix of some of our best-known annual flowers will give your garden a bright show of colour. The mix contains a selection of these varieties*: Aster - Callistephus chinensisBorage - Borago officinalisCalifornian Poppy - Eschscholzia californicaCanary Grass - Phalaris canariensisCoreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoriaCorn Cockle - Agrostemma milasCorn Marigold - Chrysanthemum segetumCornflower - Centaurea cyanusCrimson Clover - Trifolium incarnatumDill - Anethum graveolensField Poppy - Papaver rhoeasFlax - Linum usitatissimumGilia - Gilia capitataLarkspur - Delphinium ajacis & Delphinium consolidaLavender - Lavandula angustifoliaOregano - Origanum vulgarePhacelia - Phacelia tanacetifoliaPhlox - Phlox drummondiiPurple Viper's Bugloss - Echium plantagineumVetch - Vicia sp.Yellow Mustard - Sinapis hirtaZinnia - Zinnia elegans *NB, due to seasonal availability, we cannot guarantee all varieties will be included in each individual packet. Growing to 120cm (48in). Sow outdoors, March-May directly where they are to flower. Flowers June - October. Supplied as 0.5g seed to cover up to 0.5sqm. Native grown seed not taken from the wild CAUTION: Harmful if eaten

Begonia 'Majestic Mixed'
  • £29.99

Robust and vigorous! These exceptional begonias are totally stunning. The sheer size of the blooms, and the amazingly bright colours they come in, will make for a superb splash of colour in your patio containers and borders. Order early and get them growing-on for the longest flowering season. Height: up to 45cm (17.5?). Supplied as plug tray plants.

Red Hot Poker 'Flamenco Mixed'
  • £14.99

Also known as Red Hot Poker, this easy, reliable perennial is an old favourite for herbaceous borders. Upright stems tower over strap like evergreen foliage, and carry impressive torch-like flower heads formed from a blaze of tiny flowers. The fiery blooms are also highly attractive to bees.

Penstemon cobaea 'Wedding Bells' Mixed (Garden Ready)
  • £26.99

Bell-shaped flowers in a variety of bright colours and patterns will bloom over a long flowering period. These compact, hardy perennial penstemon plants are suited to all weather conditions, and are easy to maintain. Also attractive to bees. Ht. 50cm. Supplied as garden-ready plants.

Nerine bowdenii 'Mixed'
  • £16.99

Sturdy stems topped with an explosion of pink and white blooms. This autumn flowering bulb is at its best when many other plants are beginning to fade! The impressive display of firework like blooms looks particularly effective when planted in tight groups.
