This is a great all-round bouquet: funky and unique with all the classic blooms you love. Rich red roses and gerberas are complimented by red alstroemeria and fresh foliage. It’s the bouquet to go for if you want a bit of floral happiness delivered to your door.
A wonderful mix of peach roses and delicate pink spray roses. The soft pastel shades are combined with some of our favourite long lasting flowers to create beautiful gift that will bring you joy over several days. Finished with eucalyptus and waxflower to give a soft and sweet aroma, this is arrangement is suitable for any occasion
Simple. Classic. Beautiful. A bunch of red roses is everything you need to say 'I love you'. A timeless creation made with our gorgeous 'Red Naomi' roses
Our white roses are resplendent in this luxurious bouquet. Choose this design and lay the foundations for lasting love or reaffirm your bond with that special someone
Seductive and sultry, this bouquet is an elegant evocation of the romantic spirit. Created using our favourite blush pink roses, it's a striking and delicate addition to our collection.
Would you like the opportunity to pick delicious Strawberries fresh from the garden with none of the effort this Summer? If the answer is yes, well buy some of these quality Strawberry Plants and plant up into a Hanging Basket or Container. Ariba Red F1 is a heavy cropper which will produce sweet tasting fruits
Would you like the opportunity to pick delicious Strawberries fresh from the garden with none of the effort this Summer? If the answer is yes, well buy some of these quality Strawberry Plants and plant up into a Hanging Basket or Container. Ariba Red F1 is a heavy cropper which will produce sweet tasting fruits
Rhubarb Raspberry Red is an early cropping variety, which will produce an abundance of wonderful red stems literally bursting with flavour. This Rhubarb is considered to the sweetest tasting variety available, making them the perfect choice for delicious homemade pies and crumbles!
Rhubarb Raspberry Red is an early cropping variety, which will produce an abundance of wonderful red stems literally bursting with flavour. This Rhubarb is considered to the sweetest tasting variety available, making them the perfect choice for delicious homemade pies and crumbles!
This variety of Tomato is perfect for hanging baskets and containers producing an abundance of sweet Cherry Tomatoes throughout the Summer. It require very little training, simply let it grow and enjoy picking your own fresh Tomatoes straight from the vine!
This variety of Tomato is perfect for hanging baskets and containers producing an abundance of sweet Cherry Tomatoes throughout the Summer. It require very little training, simply let it grow and enjoy picking your own fresh Tomatoes straight from the vine!
If you would like to enjoy the taste of homegrown Tomatoes but don't have space, these sweet neat windowsill tomatoes are perfect for you. Compact enough to grow in a small pot on the windowsill or in the conservatory.