This contrasting and vibrant mixture of red, white and blue cornflowers provides a bold and long-lasting display to the garden. Traditional and reliable, display these pretty, pollinator-friendly plants in wildflower areas, borders and patio pots, planted in groups or informally dotted around.
Elegant white flower heads rise above strap-like foliage, perched upon tall, upright stems. This eye catching new introduction is early to flower and continues to repeat bloom throughout the summer for a particularly long lasting display. Agapanthus ?Ever White? is a reliable perennial needing little attention once established.
Begonia 'Non-Stop Joy Mocca White' flowers for months; from the start of summer, well into autumn. It has lovely white flowers, and they can planted in garden borders, pots on balconies or decking, window boxes and hanging baskets.
Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst White' bears masses of small white flowers above felted, dappled leaves, attracting bees to your garden throughout the summer. Winner of a coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, this plant is perfect for providing ground cover under shrubs and trees, as well as in shady corners of the garden. This Lungwort variety is also ideal in a cottage garden or woodland setting. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 45cm (18).
Something a little different! The red florets house creamy-white inners on compact and bushy plants. Height 40cm (16in).
The earliest flowering cosmos on our trials! Dwarf, bushy plants produce masses of attractive red and white bicolour blooms.
Description for Petunia 'Mirage White' F1 Hybrid not available
A compact, hardy shrub with good drought tolerance, Potentilla fruticosa 'White Lady' is ideal for borders in smaller gardens, or an alpine rockery. This variety of Shrubby Cinquefoil, which are native to sub arctic and mountainous regions of the Northern Hemisphere, has pure white flowers, that fill the bush from May to September. It is a wildlife friendly plant and attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. Low maintenance and with good drought tolerance, its a great choice for those without much time for gardening. Height and spread: 1m (39).
Tree Peony 'Feng Dan Bai' is covered in big, pure white flowers with stunning yellow and burgundy centres in late spring. The simple, crepe-paper blooms are certainly eye-catching in their position above appealing divided foliage. This deciduous shrub is hardy and known for its longevity, adding an exotic feel to borders or your busy cottage garden. Tree peonies are also ideally suited to making cut flowers for the home. Height and spread: 1.5m (5').
Cornus sericea 'White Gold' offers year-round interest. In the spring, the plant bears white flowers, which grow in clusters amongst its variegated green and white foliage. The summer sees Red Osier Dogwood produce unusual, pale fruits, which look great in sunny, mixed borders. Even once the deciduous shrub has shed its leaves, it continues to stand out, for its naked stems are a bright, yellow colour. Cornus stolonifera is thus worthy of a place in any cottage or low maintenance garden, particularly those in need of winter colour. Height: 1.5m (4'11). Spread: 1m (3'3).
Choisya x dewitteana 'White Dazzler' is a compact, evergreen shrub that bears a profusion of attractive white scented flowers in April, before flowering again in late summer and early autumn. This new variety of Mexican Orange Blossom features elegant glossy green leaves that add interest all year round. This rounded, low-maintenance shrub can be grown as an informal evergreen hedge, or used to provide permanent structure in the garden, fitting in well to mixed borders, coastal gardens and cottage gardens. Height and spread: 2m (6.5').
Two reliable summer-flowering annuals, bearing an abundance of pretty, pure-white flowers. Bacopa ?Snowflake? has a neat trailing habit, ideal for spilling over the sides of containers. Nemesia 'White Lagoon' has an upright, bushy habit ideal for filling containers and beds. Both varieties look superb added to mixed hanging baskets, window boxes and patio containers or grow them together for a classic, elegant display.