Brighten the day up with fabulous White Carnations Breathtakingly pretty, this bouquet of white carnations will make for a gift your special someone is sure to cherish. These simple classic flowers will bring a touch of elegance to any setting for the amazing price of £22.99. These White Carnations are simply and carefully packed by our expert florists and will arrive ready for you to arrange in your own vase. They will arrive "in bud", which means the flowers have a longer vase life - so you have longer to enjoy the beauty of your White Carnations. Show that special person how important they are with the White Carnations - beautiful carnations for only £22.99 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £22.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lindt Chocolates or a Handwritten Card to say thank you. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection of arrangements containing carnations and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
Brighten the day up with 20 stems of fabulous fragrant 20 White Freesia These simple classic 20 White Freesia will enhance any setting, whether its the home, the office or to give as a gift these twenty fresh fragrant stems, for the amazing price of £27 are a beautiful gift. As with all the other flowers in our under £35 range, these twenty stems of 20 White Freesia are simply and carefully packed by our expert florists "in bud", which means the flowers have a longer vase life - so you have longer to enjoy the beauty of your fresh and fragrant 20 White Freesia. They will arrive in pristine condition, ready for you to arrange in your own vase. Show that special person how important they are with the 20 White Freesia - for only £27 including standard next-day delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £27! 20 stems of pure white freesia Arranged and hand-tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a cuddly teddy bear or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection of flowers under £35 as well as many arrangements containing freesia and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
A Bountiful Bouquet, Brimming with Cheer and Beauty Our White Whispers Freesia Bouquet forms part of our new range of deluxe freesia bouquets, expertly arranged and carefully tied by our experienced and professional florists. Instantly eye-catching, this premium flower bouquet would make for an unforgettable gift for a birthday party, anniversary, Valentine's Day, or any other special occasion. Freesia are known for their distinctive, lovely fragrance which will instantly capture your senses. This elegant and luxurious flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard. The White Whispers Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure it reaches its intended recipient in pristine condition. There is also the option to include an eloquent glass vase, luxury Lily O'Brien's chocolates and a handwritten card for that extra-special personal touch!
Gorgeous Fresh White Roses with Lovely Gypsophila The 6 White Roses Bouquet exudes elegance and grace. An uncomplicated arrangement of six fresh premium grade white roses, this enchanting bouquet will create an aura of eloquence and beauty wherever it goes. White roses are often associated with new beginnings and spirituality. They are also traditionally associated with marriages, making this bouquet the perfect engagement or wedding day gift for a friend or relative. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition.
This hand-tied Fairtrade bouquet of 24 pure white roses from Arena Flowers is a classic choice. Order now before 7pm for next day delivery. Being Fairtrade means fairer trading conditions and opportunities for producers in developing countries to invest in their businesses and communities for a sustainable future.
A Touch of Luxury, the name says it all. A beautiful wild orchid. The orchid 'Wild' has white flowers with a yellow centre and is presented in a white ceramic pot which will give an exotic touch for any room! If you give it as a gift the recipient will be thrilled! This eye-catching arrangement contains the following: 1 White 'Wild' Orchid 1 White Ceramic pot