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Hardy Purple Salvia
  • £6.49

Perfect for framing the front of beds and borders, this vibrant purple Salvia comprises of a mass of upright stems that are smothered in tiny deep purple flowers throughout the summer. Not only does it make an eye catching addition to edges, beds and borders but it will also stand to attention in pots and containers and, when crushed, gives a beautiful aromatic scent!Easy to grow and very drought tolerant they just need regular watering to keep them moist and encourage repeat flowering all summer long. We would also recommend you remove faded flowers to extend the blooming period. Compact and forming clumps, Salvia Purple will not only add colour to your garden but will attract bees and butterflies and bring your garden to life with useful, pollinating insects! Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to pot on or plant out. Growing to a height and spread of 50cm (20in).

Foxglove Digitalis Illumination Flame
  • £19.99

If you're looking for an eye-catching plant to add height and interest to your garden, then this hybrid foxglove will certainly add the 'wow factor' to your displays this summer. Foxgloves hold a special place in the hearts of many gardeners and this remarkable variety is rapidly becoming one of the garden-designers' darlings, with their stately spires cropping up in all of the latest contemporary gardens. Digitalis Foxglove 'Illumination Flame' is an absolutely stunning perennial, producing multiple spikes of tubular blooms that will, simply, take your breath away. The striking flame-coloured tubular flowers are lightly speckled and shimmer faintly when illuminated by the sun giving real impact to any garden. Produced in abundance from early June to October they're magnets to furry bumble bees and other beneficial pollinating insects! Relatively compact compared to other foxgloves, 'Illumination Flame' is sterile which means that they will put all of their energy into making more blooms and don't make a nuisance of themselves by seeding everywhere. Plus, they have a naturally branching habit, which results in lots of flower spikes, makes these one of the showier varieties. Foxgloves thrive in full sun, or dappled shade, and are very easy to grow indeed, giving gardens a wild and naturalistic feel or a smart contemporary look depending on where you plant them. Perfect for a pot if you're short on space. Supplied as 6 x jumbo plug plants ready to pot on or plant out. Grows to H100cm x W50cm

Corydalis Blue Heron
  • £9.99

This beautiful and unusual perennial has so much to offer. Deep blue-green divided foliage in neat clumps give rise to red-tinged stems bearing absolutely stunning electric blue tubular flowers with white throats from late spring until mid summer. What's more, the flowers are wonderfully scented! 'Blue Heron' isn't fussy about its soil, and is happy in sun or shady spots. The neat and compact form makes it perfect for growing at the front of beds and borders, as naturally neat edging or covering the empty spaces underneath other plants. Originally a woodland plant, it looks gorgeous dotted through a group of trees too. Supplied as a single plug, ready to pot up and grow on or plant out. Growing 30cm (1ft).

Vinca Collection
  • £14.97

An invaluable plant for brightening dull corners of the garden, these vigorous, low-growing evergreen perennials will thrive in sun or shade in most soils. Its trailing stems root easily where they touch the ground, eventually forming a mat of glossy green leaves that act as a superb weed suppressant. A proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience periwinkles are easy to grow, hardy and very low maintenance - the perfect plant for any gardener who wants great results with very little effort. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a collection of 3 established plants in 9cm pots, 1 each of: Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' luxurious deep plum coloured blooms. H10cm (4in) x W100cm (3ft) . Fl April - September. Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' is delightful, with glossy green leaves and white flowers. H10cm (4in) x W100cm (3ft) Fl April - September. Vinca minor 'Seng' a mat of mauve flowers. H10cm (4in) x W100cm (3ft) Fl April - September.

Petunia Dizzy Heights Double Mix
  • £14.98

A World Exclusive for YouGarden, this fantastic petunia boasts giant double ruffled flowers resembling carnations produced on super vigorous plants in a glorious mix of purple, pink and white on tall, strong stems. A real showstopper that is easy to grow, producing a pillar of fabulous colour continuously from July until October, making a spectacular feature on any patio when grown up a support.It can also be grown directly in the border where it will smother the weeds if left to trail or it can be trained up a frame to create a tower of colour. You can cut the long stems for displaying in a vase, where they'll last for up to two weeks.For the best display only occasional maintenance is required, just pinching young plants twice will encourage base branching and a better plant habit which will reward you with more flowers.Due to it being a sterile male sterile it does not produce seed, so it is not necessary to deadhead - so no sticky fingers. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to plant on or plant out when the danger of frost has passed.

Gaultheria Big Berry
  • £6.99

Also know as the Checkerberry or Partridge Berry, this low growing evergreen shrub is an excellent choice for containers on a terrace or balcony and makes a handsome ground-covering plant for shady spots. Bell shaped flowers in pinkish-white open from May to July, but 'Big Berry' really starts to put on a show in autumn, when it covers itself in large, aromatic, bright scarlet fleshy berries 10mm across. This display lasts through the winter, so you'll really appreciate the colour during the darker months. Gaultheria prefers partial shade over sun, and will do well in full shade too, so it'll perform fantastically brightening up those dull spots that all gardens have. The soil should be neutral or a little acid, so us ericaceous compost especially when growing in pots. Supplied as an established plant in a 13cm pot, ready to plant out. Reaching a height and spread of 15cm (6in) x 1m (3ft).

Leucothoe Burning Love
  • £9.99

Leucothoe 'Burning Love' is an evergreen, multi-stemmed compact shrub with striking, arching red branches of narrow, glossy leaves which are deep red when new, before turning dark green where they provide a fabulous backdrop to other garden plants. In autumn, the leaves transform into fiery scarlet, so it really does give you year-round colour and form adding interest wherever it is planted. This ornamental shrub welcomes spring with drooping clusters of dainty white, bell-like flowers that last well into midsummer. A very hardy shrub, these are easy to grow and make perfect specimens in pots or in beds and borders where their colourful leaves can shine through the garden, preferring acid conditions and a shaded location. Growing to 75cm (2.5ft) tall and wide, we supply an established plant in a 2L pot, ready for potting on or planting out.

Skimmia Perosa Variegated
  • £9.99

A great choice if you're looking for a plant that looks good all through the year, 'Perosa' will deliver. Compact and easy to grow, it'll always give you something beautiful to see, whatever the month. Growing in light shade, the evergreen foliage is grey-green with a creamy edge. Red stems bear clusters of tiny maroon buds by the dozen which open to scented creamy-white flowers in the spring and are loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators. 'Perosa' is a male Skimmia, so it won't produce any berries, but the gorgeous flowers and striking foliage more than make up for that. Slow growing, so little pruning is needed, this will keep itself neat and bushy. Perfect for growing in containers, especially near doors and windows or on the terrace so that you can appreciate the spring fragrance. Supplied in a 13cm pot for you to plant out, eventually reaching 75cm (3ft) in height and spread. Flowering from April to June.

Cotinus coggygria Royal Purple - Smoke Bush
  • £19.99

A lovely contrast to the usual greens , this medium sized bush has stunning deep purple rounded leaves. It's a deciduous shrub so bare in winter, in spring the young leaves quickly deepen in colour with a waxy sheen before turning deep red in autumn. Feathery flowers appear in summer, singly they are insignificant yet together they give the plant a hazy look leading to it's common name - Smoke Bush. Fully hardy, it thrives in most soils but needs a sunny spot to do best. Cotinus is easy to maintain needing just an occasional light trim to encourage new growth which enhances the display of foliage.  Delivered as an established plant in 3L pot ready for immediate planting out..

Barberry Berberis thunbergia Lutin Rouge (R)
  • £9.99

Bring some vivid colour to your garden with a dazzling display from this fabulous new introduction. A berberis with a purpose, 'Lutin Rouge' is a naturally compact type that can be used around the garden to highlight other plants or on its own as a feature plant in pots on the patio or decking - they look particularly striking as a pair either side of a path or when planted to the front of a border. A deciduous plant, this berberis will lose all its leaves in autumn, refreshing its mantle in spring when fresh new foliage appears. New spring growth emerges a bright and captivating scarlet and matures to a rich wine-red as summer progresses. Older leaves fade to green, giving an almost two-tone effect later in the year. Perfect for time-strapped gardeners, this very hardy, drought tolerant shrub needs virtually no maintenance once established, making it ideal for first-time gardeners too! Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, will grow to H45cm x W25cm. Will rarely produce flowers if at all, but its stunning colour more than makes up for that!

Plum Ontario
  • £19.99

Prized for its undemanding nature, reliable crop of tasty fruit and amazing versatility, this sturdy cultivar is exceptionally hardy. Undemanding to grow and self-fertile, 'Ontario' is covered in a profusion of white blossom in spring, followed by sweet medium sized oval plums that are delicious eaten straight from the tree, with yellow skin tinged with green and succulent golden flesh. For cooking, the sweet flesh separates easily from the stone, making this an excellent choice for jams, jellies and other fruit preserves, or poached with custard!  Supplied as an established plant 90-110cm tall in a 5L pot for immediate planting out. Height and spread after 10 years 3m.

Salix gracilistyla Melanostachys
  • £14.97

Wow!... Just wow!! You really can't get a more striking plant for your late winter and spring garden - and we're so excited to be able to bring it to you! Absolutely exquisite with its gorgeous black fluffy catkins which just beg to be stroked as you walk past the bush. The fuzzy bunny tails burst from the tight red buds as the temperature warms in early spring, bringing a contrast to your garden, with the promise of warmer weather to come. Perfect for a winter garden, the pussy-willow catkins start to appear from late winter and last well into the spring, and the stems are truly impressive when cut and brought into the house for an early flower display, making a great visual impact. As the season progresses, the black powder puffs gradually turn golden as the pollen emerges, bringing a subtle shift of colour to the whole bush, before the blue-green leaves emerge and form a magnificent backdrop to other plants and flowers in the garden. Not just a pretty face, 'Melanostachys' is also known for its abilty to tolerate pollution, salt sea air and damp areas - a truly versatile and useful plant! Supplied as established plants in 9cm pots, with an ultimate height and spread of  3m (10ft), but can be restricted by pruning.

Picea abies
  • £9.99

Picea abies, the Norway spruce or European spruce is the tree of choice for many of us at Christmas and has been used as far back as the fifteenth century as a decorative Christmas tree. A tree of history and tradition, the evergreen Spruce has long been associated with thanks and celebration and every year the city of Oslo donates a large Norway Spruce to London, symbolises their gratitude for help and aid received during the second World War. A fast-growing, dense conifer, up to 30m tall, the Norway spruce is narrowly conical when young becoming broader with age and mature trees provide a valuable habitat for a variety of wildlife so by growing one, you definitely do your bit for the environment! Plants can be grown in a pot for a number of years and brought in over the festive period, although will eventually need to be planted out into the garden, somewhere with room to spread. Perfect for celebrating a new home, a new member of the family, or just so the children can learn a lot about growing fun trees! Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, 30-60cm in height, ready for immediate planting.

Blueberry Collection Set of 3 Blue Sapphire Jumbo Plugs
  • £6.99

Widely regarded as yielding one of the best superfruits, these dwarf blueberry bushes will make an attractive feature whether planted in pots on your patio or directly in the ground - as well as giving you an abundance of sweet-tasting berries to enjoy. Blueberry 'Blue Sapphire' will be smothered in pink-tinged white blooms in May, followed quickly by a bumper crop of delicious, deep-blue, juicy berries from June to July, each one packing a punch with antioxidants and vitamins. The flowers will attract bees and butterflies into your garden, but beware - the birds will love the berries and strip them from your bush the moment they ripen unless you protect the plant with netting. If you can place the bushes in a fruit cage, all the better! This hardy perennial prefers full sun or partial shade in acidic soil. Use ericaceous compost when planting in containers or mix some into the soil before planting in the ground. When the plants are established, use an ericaceous feed for maximum fruiting. Supplied as 3 x Blueberry 'Blue Sapphire' jumbo plugs ready to plant. Will grow to 60cm height x 60cm spread.

Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree)
  • £14.99

Evergreen trees that suit the British climate are few and far between and this is a perfect example of one that will give all-round interest.  With shiny, deep-green, leathery leaves, pretty cream autumn flowers and colourful fruit, the Strawberry tree deserves to be far more widely grown. This is an easy tree to grow anywhere and suits coastal regions too. It grows steadily, forming a nicely proportioned medium-sized bush, which is covered with lustrous foliage throughout the year. In autumn you'll enjoy panicles of creamy bell-shaped blooms, which are not unlike Lily of the valley in appearance and are are particularly welcome as winter approaches. The orange-red, globe-shaped fruits ripen in autumn from the previous year's flowers, giving the whole tree a very decorative look at this time of year.  Fruits are edible but sharp-tasting when raw so best left on the tree for their ornamental value - although they can be used in preserves.

Pear Three Variety Family Tree
  • £29.99

If you love pears but only have room for one fruit tree, here is the perfect solution, as this tree has three different varieties growing on the same plant. It's not a freak of nature but the result of skilful grafting work by expert nurserymen who have grafted 2 additional varieties onto another pear tree. By careful selection of varieties you can be sure all three parts of the tree will grow in harmony and the fruits will ripen at their natural time, giving a succession of tasty fruits across a much wider cropping window than if just one variety were grown. No need to worry about pollination either, as the three varieties on the tree will pollinate each other! Your Family pear tree will thrive in a sunny border and, far from being just a curiosity, will mature into a highly productive tree. You can expect the first crop as soon as the year after planting. This is also the perfect fruit tree for a large pot on the patio. The main tree is Williams - a classic English pear with meltingly juicy flesh that is ready in mid-September. Onto this have been grafted: Conference - the perfect all-rounder. Elongated fruit are ready to pick in October for ripening through autumn.  Deliciously sweet when ripe, they are also the perfect cooking pear. Abbe Fetel - not a familar name perhaps, but widely seen in shops, imported from Italy, where it is the favourite variety. It gives medium-sized pears with an aromatic, honeyed sweetness. Pick in October. Keep cool and bring the fruits in to ripen as needed through to Christmas. Supplied as a Three Variety Family Pear Tree, in a 5L pot, approx. 130cm tall including pot.

Apple Four Variety Family
  • £34.99

Taking a 'Champion' apple tree and expertly grafting three other varieties onto it has produced a single tree that carries four entirely different varieties of apple! Perfect if you're short on space, it means that you can grow a selection of delicious apples in a pot on your patio if you don't have room in the garden space for it. With wonderful blossom in the spring followed by masses of delicious fruit, this incredible tree has something to offer all year round. The apples will ripen at their natural time, giving a much longer cropping period than you'd have if growing just a one variety. 'Champion' a cross between 'Golden Delicious' and 'Cox's Orange Pippin' with extra-large, deep red, juicy and crisp fruit that keeps fresh for a long time. A wonderful eating apple and great for juicing. Ready to harvest in October. 'Elstar' is a versatile variety that is delicious and juicy eaten straight from the tree, this apple's honeyed sweetness balanced with slight acidity means it is also a great for cooking - superb in cakes, desserts and apple sauce! Producing medium-sized dessert apples, 'Elstar' are bursting with juicy flavour, ready from October to December. 'Pinova' lovely yellow skin flushed with orange and a good juicy balance between sweet and tart. Aromatic with crisp, firm flesh and great for eating and cooking, ripening from October and stores particularly well. 'Braeburn' is the UK's most popular eating apple variety by far! The crisp and juicy white-fleshed fruits have what is considered by most to be the perfect sweet/tangy flavour balance, literally providing a flavour explosion with every mouthful, providing gorgeous fruit from mid-October.

Azalea Evergreen Pink
  • £9.99

With its large, voluminous flowers, this Azalea welcomes the spring with its extravagant display of rich pink trumpet-shaped-blooms, which have a throat speckled in magenta and almost completely cover this neat, compact shrub. Also, the small, densely packed, glossy dark evergreen leaves make  this is a hansdome shrub all year round. Happy in sun or light shade and perfect for growing in containers - where it'll make a striking addition to doorways, terraces and balconies - but also happy in the flower borders. Just the thing for bringing a bold mass of colour to the spring garden! Azaleas are easy to care for, needing little maintenance or pruning. Requiring acidic soil, incorporate plenty of ericaceous compost when planting and keep moist. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot.

Apple Patio Elstar
  • £24.99

Grown to be the ideal size for growing in a pot on your patio, whilst still delivering a scrumptious crop of delicious apples, Patio 'Elstar' is an excellent choice if space is limited. A versatile variety that is delicious and juicy eaten straight from the tree and this apple's honeyed sweetness balanced with acidic notes means it is also a great choice for cooking - superb in cakes and desserts and makes a great apple sauce! Producing medium-sized dessert apples, greenish-yellow at the base and flushing to an attractive red at the top, 'Elstar' are satisfying to bite into, their lemon-white flesh being crunchy but not too crisp. And, of course, they are bursting with juicy flavour when it's time to pick them in October. By experty grafting to the M9 rootstock 20-30cm above soil level, we've been able to further restrict the already dwarfing habit to produce a wonderful yet productive patio tree. 'Elstar' is self-sterile, to it'll another apple tree nearby to pollinate it, either in your own garden or someone else's - not a problem with so many people now growing their own fruit and vegetables! Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, harvesting for many years to come. Supplied as an established tree, 90-110cm (3ft) tall grown on an M9 dwarfing rootstock in a 5L pot, growing to a height and spread of 1.5m (5ft).

Apple Patio Jonagold
  • £24.99

The perfect size for growing on your patio, whilst still delivering an excellent harvest, and if you're looking for really big, juicy apples, then Patio 'Jonagold' is the variety for you! An attractive garden tree in its own right, white spring flowers give way to huge fruit in October. The apples are yellow with bold, bright red smudges that can sometimes spread to cover most of the skin, and being fabulously juicy with a deliciously sweet flavour and a crisp crunch these are a real treat. They are perfect picked straight from the tree for snacking but this versatile apple is also ideal for cooking, making tasty desserts. By experty grafting to the M9 rootstock 20-30cm above soil level, we've been able to further restrict the already dwarfing habit to produce a wonderful yet productive patio tree. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, harvesting for many years to come. 'Jonagold' is a cross between apples 'Jonathan' and 'Golden Delicious', and is a 'triploid' variety, meaning that it has three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two. Tiploid varieties are sterile, so they can't pollinate themselves or other apple trees. They need other trees nearby to pollinate them, not an issue if you grow more than one apple in you garden, or if a nearby neighbour does! Supplied as an established tree, 90-110cm (3ft) tall grown on an M9 dwarfing rootstock in a 18cm pot, growing to a height and spread of 1.5m (5ft).
