6 Yellow Roses Bouquet
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6 Yellow Roses Bouquet

  • £24.99
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Store Clare Florist
Six Bright Yellow Roses with Elegant White Gypsophila The 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet is a charming affair, created using six of the freshest yellow roses hand arranged by our expert florists. Graceful white gypsophila has been added for a beautiful finishing touch. Yellow roses are traditionally the flower of friendship, so this bouquet would be ideal as a birthday present for a friend or relative. You could also send them as a way to say thank you, get well soon, good luck, or congratulations. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition.
StockistCatalog NamePrice
Clare Florist 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet £24.99 Visit Store

Six Bright Yellow Roses with Elegant White Gypsophila The 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet is a charming affair, created using six of the freshest yellow roses hand arranged by our expert florists. Graceful white gypsophila has been added for a beautiful finishing touch. Yellow roses are traditionally the flower of friendship, so this bouquet would be ideal as a birthday present for a friend or relative. You could also send them as a way to say thank you, get well soon, good luck, or congratulations. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition.

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