Roses and freesia make for the perfect contrasting combination in this fine bouquet. The very picture of elegance and sophistication, this flower arrangement will always be well-received. Our expert florists have added Pink Spray, White Avalanche, La Belle Roses with Freesia, to enhance and complete this bouquet while emphasizing the gorgeous floral shades. Available for UK next day delivery, send these flowers to any recipient and for any occasion. Brighten their day with these bright blooms or treat yourself to the very best flowers! Chocolates may contain nuts.
This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus. The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery
Finalist for 2019 B&LLA Licensing Awards and Winner of Cultural Enterprise Award 2020. Monet chose soft pastel shades of lilacs, pinks and greens in his Water-Lily Pond. This delightful bouquet features Memory Lane Roses with their dark mauve edge fading to a soft lilac centre, contrasted with the deep purple Statice highlighting the blue tones in the painting. A central stem of Ammi speckles this bouquet with white flecks of 'light'. Sinuous pale pink Veronica and spring green Thlaspi represent the weeping willow surrounding Monet's famous garden. This delicate bouquet is framed by lily-pads and come with a complimentary wrap. These luxury flowers are inspired by the masterpieces housed at The National Gallery. Each bouquet is beautifully arranged by our floral designers exclusively for The National Gallery. This bouquet is available for UK next day delivery. Claude Monet, 1840–1926 The Water-Lily Pond (detail), 1899 © The National Gallery, London
Each and every hand-tied in our Classic Birthday Gift Set is one-of-a-kind, created by an artisan florist using the freshest stems available on the day so, whilst your bouquet will look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely (plus it arrives accompanied with a hand-written gift card and box of delectable chocs – what’s not to love?). About this gift: Featuring our Classic Hand-tied, a 115g box of tempting Belgian chocs and a lovely card, this thoughtful gift set will be the icing on the (birthday) cake! Choose neutral, bright or pastel hues or let our florist surprise you Flowers delivered in bud for 7 days of freshness guaranteed A complete gift to make their day super special Contactless delivery for your peace of mind Good to know... This gift may contain lilies. Not your cup of tea? View our lily free bouquets in the main menu. Our Maison Fougere chocolates are suitable for vegetarians but contain milk, lactose, nuts, gluten and soya. They may also contain egg. In the rare instance that our Maison Fougere chocolates are unavailable to accompany your bouquet we will be sure to supply only an equally tempting box (to the same value – or higher!) as a substitute.
Finalist for 2019 B&LLA Licensing Awards and Winner of the Cultural Enterprise Award 2020. Our Nattier Bouquet is part of our National Gallery range and inspired by none other than the famous work known as Manon Balletti. This oil on canvas painting is most alluring thanks to its simplicity. The sitter was engaged to Casanova during the time this portrait was created. However, she later married another, more reputable suitor instead. We have selected peach Avalanche Roses to represent the rose pinned to her dress as well as her perfect complexion. The Memory Lane Roses echo the wonderful shade and texture of her dress. Contrasting Bourvardia and Limonium act much like the shadows and highlights found throughout this painting while the copper ruscus represents the copper-like background of this painting. It's this background that helps the sitter stand out and it does the very same for our Nattier-inspired bouquet. © The National Gallery, London A superb gift for all occasions and recipients with a refined sense of taste. These quality blooms are selected and arranged with care to ensure that they are as impressive as this famous work of art.
Our beautiful Glorious bouquet is skilfully arranged with beautiful roses, germinis, stallion chrysanthemums and carnations complimented with pistacia. The bouquet can only be received to be fully appreciated. Glorious is a truly stunning arrangement of fresh flowers, dexterously designed by our team of highly talented florists.
Finalist for 2019 B&LLA Licensing Awards and Winner of the Cultural Enterprise Award 2020. The glorious bright germinis in this bouquet represent Van Gogh's famous painting. As depicted, we have included gorgeous bright and wonderful Germinis that are complemented with Birch adding a subtle texture contrast. Be transported to the fields of Arles full of radiant colour. The unusual use of birch represents the troubled life of the painter whilst the joyous arrangement represents the symbols of happiness. The painting is the most famous housed at the National Gallery and painted during the time of optimisim and excitment. These luxury flowers are inspired by the masterpieces housed at The National Gallery. Each bouquet is beautifully arranged by our floral designers exclusively for The National Gallery. This bouquet is available for UK next day delivery. Vincent van Gogh, 1853-1890 Sunflowers (detail), 1888 © The National Gallery, London
Finalist for 2019 B&LLA Licensing Awards and Winner of the Cultural Enterprise Award 2020. Depicting the couple on the English countryside estate, the accentuated colours of the blue in Mrs Andrews dress and the stormy skies contrast with the fresh green of the fields. The colours are replicated in this splendid bouquet with deep blue Agapanthus and pale blue Eryngium against a perfect backdrop of fresh yellow Roses and wispy sprays of Solidaster. These luxury flowers are inspired by the masterpieces housed at The National Gallery. Each bouquet is beautifully arranged by our floral designers exclusively for The National Gallery. This bouquet is available for UK next day delivery. Thomas Gainsborough, 1727 – 1788 Mr & Mrs Andrews (detail), about 1750 © The National Gallery, London
We have chosen the very best white lilies, germinis, and lissanthus for this stunning display. The different colours and textures of this bunch look even better thanks to the luxurious gift bag and packaging. Great for all occasions, this bouquet includes FREE flower delivery. 25% of the value of this gift will be donated to Cancer Research UK to fund research for beating cancer.
Featuring a beautiful mix of yellow and white flowering plants, presented in a round woven basket and finished with a happy birthday tag. About this gift: Packed with care Delivered by our courier partner Includes card with your personal message Wonderfully long-lasting for days of happiness Arrives ready to display and enjoy within minutes Approximate Product Dimensions: Height: 30cm, Width: 25cm.
Don't forget to add your favourite photo to your Personalised Card! Included in this bouquet, you will find an amazing variety of colours and textures - just as you would in an untamed garden. The contrasting colours and textures of Thlaspi, Lisianthus, Eryngium, Veronica, Daisies, Dragon Snaps, garden succulent and Memory Lane Roses make every inch of this arrangement enticing. We have even included succulents for added allure and this bouquet comes carefully hand tied with rustic, raffia ribbon. Ideal for all occasions, spoil yourself or a loved one today with this superb collection of carefully selected blooms. Order by 12:45 for next day delivery Monday to Friday and 12:45 Friday for Saturday and Sunday Delivery.
Description for Red Wine Gift Basket Happy Birthday not available