Search found 760 items

Candytuft 'Hyacinth Flowered'
  • £2.49

A favourite hardy annual, very colourful and easiness itself to grow as it thrives in any ordinary garden soil. Beautiful for the border or cutting and producing a profusion of sweetly scented hyacinth shaped blooms throughout the summer. Flowers summer. Height 30-38cm (12-15in).

Tomato 'Tumbling Tom Red'
  • £3.99

Tomato 'Tumbling Tom Red' produces abundant early crops of sweet and juicy cherry tomatoes throughout summer. This compact bush variety has a naturally trailing habit that will cascade over the sides of baskets, containers and windowboxes. With no side shooting or training required, this variety is easy to grow both outdoors and under glass. Height and spread: 30cm (12)

Tomato 'Balconi Red'
  • £2.99

When grown as a basket plant, the stems of this exciting bush variety will adopt a trailing habit, with one plant filling a 30cm (12) basket with easeThis exceptionally sweet cherry tomato makes a wonderful feature on the patio or balcony that is both decorative and productive. Tomato 'Balconi Red' requires no side shooting or training and is suitable for growing outdoors or in the greenhouse or conservatory. Height and spread: 30cm (12)

Primrose 'T&M's Special Giant Flowered Strain'
  • £3.99

Our own special, hand selected strain of these very large flowered primroses in almost every colour of the rainbow. Returning year after year, Primula 'Special Giant Flowered Strain' makes the perfect spring flowering primrose for bedding and patio containers. Height: 15cm (6). Spread: 20cm (8). Culinary note: Primula flowers are edible.

Penstemon 'Red Garnet'
  • £32.99

Description for Penstemon 'Red Garnet' not available

Poppy 'Red Pom Poms'
  • £1.00

Attractive bright red, double pom pom flowers stand above sturdy stems of blue-green foliage. Adds a vibrant display to borders, calling out for attention. Height: 60-90cm (24-36 inches).

Zinnia 'Red Spider'
  • £3.59

This dazzling Zinnia is sure to attract some admiring glances, as it tip toes suggestively though beds and borders. Exquisite neat and compact plants with masses of rich, scarlet flowers, with scalloped petals of the most alluring, spider like appearance. A sunny position brings to life this magical colour, which is a striking complement to any bedding display. Height: 60-75cm (24-30in)

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Pied Piper Red'
  • £1.61

The only separate colour available in the Sea Shells type, with fluted, shell-like petals of velvet crimson-red. The ferny foliage helps to make this a wonderful cut flower as well as a good back of border plant

Petunia 'Surfinia® Blood Red'
  • £9.99

Unsurpassable for its prolific growth and bold red trumpet blooms! Flowers are surprisingly weather resistant and cover the long stems of up to 120cm, making Petunia surfinia unbeatable for sheer flower power. Support its vigorous stems on a frame or let them tumble down in a cascade of colour. Trails to: 120cm (47). Supplied as plug plants.Petunia Surfinina® ?Blood Red?

Polyanthus 'Large Flowered Mixed'
  • £3.99

One of the most beautiful of all spring-flowering plnats. Vigourous in habit, it produces a profusion of large blooms in a delightful range of colours from white through to cream and yellow to orange and crimson.

Salvia splendens 'Red Arrow'
  • £0.99

An excellent all-rounder. Red Arrow produces lots of vivid red flowers set-off against deep green foliage and its excellent lateral branching habit makes it very effective in mass displays in beds, borders etc. Recommended also for window boxes, patio tubs, containers etc. Flowers summer. Height 28cm (11 in)

Begonia 'Double Flowered Mixed'
  • £16.99

A vibrant display of fully double Begonia flowers in a fabulous, bright colour range. Begonia 'Double Flowered Mixed' makes the perfect choice for adding colour to your patio containers, hanging baskets and window boxes. The weatherproof blooms continue all the way through the summer, right up to the first frosts.
