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Cabbage Palm Cordyline australis Torbay Red
  • £9.99

A striking evergreen shrub, Cordyline australis 'Torbay Red' will add spectacular Mediterranean style to your garden in summer. With its long, arching, sword-like foliage that typically grows on a single stem, it has a distinctive palmlike appearance and compact growth - a great choice for planting in containers to add character to patios and sunny balconies. Also known as the cabbage palm, Cordyline australis 'Torbay Red' has deep bronze-red leaves, making it a perfect plant to add contrast of form and colour in a mixed border. Mature plants produce clusters of sweetly scented, ivory-white blossom in the summer and berries in the autumn, so the bees and birds will love it too! Fully deserving of its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, this is a proven performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can plant this with confidence to achieve stunning displays for many years to come. Hardy to around -5C, we recommend that 'Torbay Red' is grown in a large pot where it can be moved under cover in the winter to protect it from the worst of the cold weather. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, it will reach approximately 2.5m x 1m in 10 years.

Picture Perfect Double Flowered Tulips
  • £9.99

Plant a kaleidoscope of colours with this spectacular mix of double-flowered tulips. Also known as 'Peony tulips' for the close resemblance that the sweetly scented, blousy blooms bear to that early summer favourite, they are perfect for beds, borders, and containers, where they will be the star of any spring-flowering show. In a mix of colours ranging from creamy white to glorious pastel pinks and pinky reds, these multi-petalled blooms will fill the air with delightful perfume. The large, double-cupped, bowl-shaped blooms will also look fantastic in a vase - so make sure you plant enough for armfuls of cut flowers. An easy-to-grow hardy perennial, they will thrive in fertile, well-drained conditions, enjoying full or afternoon sun. Plant in the autumn for long-lasting, opulent, multi-coloured blooms in April and May. Easy to grow, they are suitable for gardeners of every level of experience. Supplied as a pack of 20 bulbs, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots for a beautiful display.

Hellebore Pretty Ellen Red
  • £4.99

Flowering from January to April, Hellebore 'Pretty Ellen Red' is a hardy perennial that has stunning, luxurious rich burgundy red flowers with a splash of pale green, a fabulous sight in the winter garden when, if there are any other flowers around, they're likely to be white. The sumptuous flowers, each around 5cm in diameter, are incredibly tough whatever the weather and are held upwards instead of nodding downwards like most hellebores, up to 35cm above dark, leathery semi-evergreen leaves. Extremely simple to grow, hellebores will slowly establish into small clumps, thriving in lower light and shady spots. They can be grown in pots too, provided they do not dry out in summer. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, growing to a height and spread of 35cm.

Cordyline australis Red Star
  • £17.99

Be the envy of your gardening friends and grow a gorgeous Cordyline for instant Mediterranean impact. With arching deep red sword-shaped leaves, the Cordyline 'Red Star' is a splendid plant for the patio, contrasting beautifully with the more familiar greens of other plants and bringing a tropical feel to the garden. A native of New Zealand, Cordyline 'Red Star' is a compact, evergreen foliage plant, with glorious arching, bronze-red leaves and, on mature plants, branches of sweetly fragranced, ivory-white flowers in summer. An ideal specimen for growing in pots on patios and balconies, why not experiment and make a real tropical paradise by growing them alongside other tropical plants such as cannas, and broad-leaved Zantedeschias. Over time, your cordyline will grow and branch into a small, evergreen tree resembling a palm - hence cordyline's other name of cabbage palm - creating a unique look all year-round and for many years, adding colour to your garden when all else begins to fade. Easy to grow, cordylines need little maintenance and pruning is limited to removing any dead leaves in the spring. Able to withstand a -7C winter, we do however suggest frost protection with fleeces or wrapping or bringing it into a garage or porch during the coldest months. Plant in a pot and grow outside through the summer before moving to a protected space such as a greenhouse or conservatory for the winter. As plants mature they become more frost hardy so can be left outside in all but the coldest weather and will withstand all but severe frost. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot, standing at approx 60-70cm tall, ready to plant.

Philodendron Imperial Red
  • £17.99

Unlike most other Philodendrons that are native the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, 'Imperial Red' is a relatively new hybrid that has been bred specifically to be a houseplant. Growing with an upright habit, the stems are burgundy tinged and the foliage is nothing short of spectacular, with bright red new leaves that darken to deep maroon before finally maturing to dark, glossy green. This is a magnificent houseplant and will make a spectacular focal point. 'Imperial Red' is a moderately vigorously growing plant that will bring an exotic touch to any room, where it will thrive in bright, indirect light, looking incredibly handsome all year round.Not only spectacular to look at, leafy tropical houseplants also provide air-cleaning benefits. It has been found that houseplants can actually improve the environment in our homes, clearing the air, removing toxins and adding valuable oxygen to the air that we breathe. Supplied as a potted plant in a 14cm nursery and growing to a height and spread of 1.2m (4ft).

Tulips Miniature Yellow/Red
  • £3.99

These wonderfully bright miniature tulips will definitely give a warm welcome to spring, with their gorgeous sunshine yellow flowers and red striped outer petals they will light up the spring garden! As miniature varieties they have the advantage of being much less affected by high winds than their taller cousins which can be blown over in bad weather. They look spectacular planted in groups, especially in pots on a patio or as a welcome next to the front door, or in borders in front of taller spring flowers. They are also great cut flowers and perfect for brightening up your home. Tulips are easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, where they will gradually naturalise and spread, giving you more and more flowers year after year. Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 9/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 25 cm (10 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Tulips Miniature Red/White
  • £3.99

These cheerful tulips have lovely large, upright flowers in bright red and pure white. Just the thing for creating a bright spring display. They look spectacular planted in groups, especially in pots on a patio, in window boxes or in borders in front of taller spring flowers. They also make great cut flowers, perfect for brightening up your home and as miniature varieties they have the advantage of being much less affected by high winds than their taller cousins which can be blown over in bad weather. Tulips are easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, where they will gradually naturalise and spread, giving you more and more flowers year after year. Supplied as 20 bulbs, size 9/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 25 cm (10 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Tulip Triumph Red & White Bicolour
  • £3.99

Triumph tulips are a cross between two exceptional and successful varieties, Single Early and Darwin. The result is a range of outstanding, robust tulips in a range of fabulous colours. Large, cup shaped single flowers in bright red and pure white stand out impressively above the upright, grey-green foliage of tulip 'Triumph Red and White'. They look spectacular planted together or dotted through borders for cheerful splash of spring colour. Triumph tulips will thrive in sun or partial shade, they are ideal in large pots or in flower borders, especially in large groups and the long, straight stems make them wonderful for cutting for indoor displays. Tulips are very easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get another wonderful display the following year as they slowly naturalise and spread, or they can be dug up and stored over winter before replanting the following spring. Supplied as 15 bulbs, size 11/12, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 50 cm (20 in) and width of 15 cm (6 in).

Large-Flowered Crocus Mix
  • £3.99

Large-flowered Crocus, the name says it all! Providing early colour, this wonderful mix of coloured cup-shaped blooms are abundant. This wonderful variety is great for container displays on your balcony or decking. In fact, these crocuses will grow almost anywhere in the garden too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Good for naturalizing as they return reliably and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they will reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 20 bulbs, size 7/8 ready for planting in autumn.

Patio Campsis Red Trumpet
  • £24.99

This colourful and exotic looking 'trumpet vine' is the perfect exotic climber to bring a taste of the Mediterranean to your patio this summer! Create the most wonderful, bold and bright climbing display that's ideal for growing around terraced and patio areas where the colourful blooms will smother walls and structures in a profusion of flowers through the summer each and every year. Bearing the classic 'trumpet' shaped flowers from which they get their name, the contrast between the bright orange/red flowers against the backdrops of glossy green leaves is a real eye-catcher. Vigorous and fast growing, you'll produce a display to show off in no time, but you can keep the vines in check with a little prune every year and what's even better is their resistance to pests and diseases that make them an easy choice to grow! Best of all, these Campsis Trumpet Vines are an absolute magnet to bees, butterflies and other beneficial wildlife and will have your garden buzzing with life in no time. Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready to plant out.

Climbing Rose Red Flame
  • £12.99

If you want a classic red climbing rose for your garden, then Rosa 'Red Flame' is the one for you. With velvety red blooms produced freely above glossy foliage from June to September, Red Flame is an award-winning rose with a unique, fruity raspberry fragrance to thrill your senses. Climbing Roses bring height and a sense of plenty to the garden, where they are normally grown along house walls and fences but are also perfect for growing up obelisks, arches and trellises. With clusters of large flowers, Red Flame will repeat flower throughout the year, adding much needed colour to the garden when other plants have finished. Supplied as a freshly potted, British grown, professional quality plant.

Polyantha Rose The Fairy Red
  • £9.99

Making a welcome return to UK gardens, 'The Fairy' is a variety of Polyantha rose, a small, vigorous rambler with a low-growing habit which is invaluable as groundcover and perfect for filling patio pots with colour. A great successor to the popular flower carpet roses, what these roses lack in fragrance, they certainly make up for in looks and performance, producing wave after wave of perfectly formed rose flowers in large, closely packed bunches. These contrast magnificently against the glossy green leaves, which really highlight the colours, making the blooms 'pop'. As well as their gorgeous looks, 'The Fairy' series of polyantha roses are also extremely hardy with good disease resistance, forming neat, compact bushes which makes them ideal for growing in patio pots and the front of flower borders. Flowering continuously from June until the first frosts, these delicate little roses are extremely versatile and very low maintenance, which makes them the perfect addition to your garden where they can be left to get on and do what they do best! Rosa 'The Fairy Red' is a vibrant red with showy, double blooms with a wide open form that displays beautifully its many layers of petals. Forming a well-branched plant with typical glossy, dark green leaves, Fairy Red is undemanding and flowers well into the autumn. Growing to just 40 - 60cm (2 - 3ft) we send a professional quality plant in a 1.5L pot ready to plant now.
