The purest hand-tied bouquet. Sorbonne lilies and luxurious Avalanche roses combine perfectly with Picollo lizianthus to form a special gift for a special friend. Guaranteed to make happy just about any lucky recipient.
A luxury flower design with three premium long stem white roses, puss willow sticks, eucalyptus and hypericum red berries, expertly designed by our experts.
A luxury flowers mix of a dozen big white headed long stem roses and lush waxflowers, expertly designed by our florist experts.
A luxury flowers mix of a dozen big white long stem roses with gypsophilla, expertly designed by our florist experts.
A luxury flowers mix with a dozen white long stem roses, expertly designed by our florist experts. This is a great bouquet of luxury roses to send and perfect as Valentines flowers, or even as a friendship bouquet.
Send flowers online with these 40 Avalanche ivory roses. They are certain to raise the temperature of your romance and make the recipient realise just how much you care. We believe this flower assortment will speak for itself.
An elegant, simple and a sophisticated flower gift. This arrangement comes with a dozen white roses, perfectly presented to your loved one.
An elegant gift of 12 white luxury avalanche roses accompanied with meadow-like foliage the perfect gift.. Send Scented Roses with Belgid'Or Chocolates (175g) & a hurricane glass vase.Free Valentine's Card with this gift set to personalise with your gift message.Please note: the vase pictured is not included.