A vigorous climber producing masses of spectacular, striped blue and pink blooms with intricate markings, as if painted individually. Flowers all summer, transforming your garden with all the dazzling colours of the Venice Carnival. Twining climber to 2m (6ft)
The longest flowering and best double pot marigold that we have grown on our trial grounds! Sturdy, dwarf, multi-branching plants produce large, luminous blooms, to brighten summer borders and containers. The daisy-like flowers of Calendula 'Candyman Yellow' are excellent for cutting and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy to grow, calendula copes in almost any garden situation, and even grows well in coastal areas. Height: 25cm (10). Spread: 30cm (12).
Bring the tropical jungle into your home with Alocasia ‘Dragon Scale’! This fabulous foliage plant boasts large, arrow-shaped leaves boldly marked with scaley patterning
Kale 'Black Kale' is an easy to grow and exceptionally tasty brassica which is popular with chefs for good reason.
This amazing collection of mixed kale is a perfect addition to the vegetable garden and allotment.
Potato ?Vales Sovereign? produces high yields of oval, white skinned tubers with pinky-red eyes. The pale cream flesh has a soft, velvety texture when cooked. This early maincrop is delicious baked, mashed or roasted.
With reddish-purple skin, these knobbly, nutty tubers are one of the most rewarding vegetable crops.
A bright display of dazzling white, fully double flowers burst from the soil in September. The flowers of Colchicum autumnale alboplenum appear alone, with the foliage emerging in the following spring.
Scarlet, heart-shaped blooms drip from complementary, arching red stems of this outstanding variety. Commonly known as Bleeding Heart, Dicentra 'Valentine' will be the star of your spring border, right from the moment the plum-coloured, shoots push through the soil in spring.
More commonly known as a Snowdrop tree thanks to the white bell shaped flowers that appear in late spring, this ornamental tree needs virtually no maintenance. Flowers appear before the green foliage in April to May followed by unusual four-winged fruits in late summer that will last right through until winter providing added interest.
Delicate frilled, rose pink cups with a delicious sweet perfume. Grow them outdoors, or in containers on a bright windowsill indoors.