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Nemesia Rhubarb and Custard
  • £9.99

With its delightful deep violet and gold flowers, the sweetly scented, two-tone 'Rhubarb and Custard' flowers of this choice Nemesia appear from early summer and will just keep coming right up until November - that's six whole months of colour. The strong and heady perfume is wonderful on a warm summer's day, so be sure to grow in a place where you can appreciate the fragrance. With a neat , semi-upright habit, 'Rhubarb and Custard' is perfect for taller containers and even hanging baskets where the flowers will tower over the edges and create a dense, floriferous display. Versatile, they make a lovely border plant too, especially when planted en-masse where they'll create a real impact. Easy to grow Nemesia thrives in cool or hot weather and tolerates a little frost too, so stays in bloom much longer than many summer plants. Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Lavender Lavandula intermedia Grosso
  • £9.99

Lavender is a classic, hardy English perennial, and this much-loved cottage garden favourite will transform your garden with colour, incredible fragrance and plenty of flower power! A proven winner in UK gardens, Lavender 'Grosso' is perfect in beds, borders and containers and is also ideal for edging a path or for planting as a fragrant hedge or garden border where its magnificent scent will delight anyone who walks past! With masses of long, slender stems, that are topped with clusters of rich purple flowers it's the perfect solution to attract bees and other beneficial wildlife into your garden. In fact, the RHS have recommended 'Grosso' as a 'Plant for Pollinators' and makes an ideal companion plant if you grow your own fruit and veg. It'll stay compact too when clipped, reaching just 90cm (3ft) tall when left to its own devices, so won't take over your garden either. Very hardy, incredibly easy to grow and drought tolerant, a top growing tip is to clip lavender back lightly after the flowers have faded in late summer. Cut the stems back by a few inches, but not so far that the stems are bare of live foliage, and plants will then have time to produce new shoots before winter dormancy. The clippings can then be uses to make fragrant indoor displays and potpourri! This drought-tolerant plant will thrive in a sunny border, container, herb or gravel gardens. If you garden on heavy clay, it is worth adding some grit to improve drainage and to open the soil up. Space plants 90cm (3ft) apart, or if growing a hedge, 30cm (1ft) apart or, 45cm (18in) for larger cultivars. Lavender can be grown in large pots, 30-40cm (1ft-16in) diameter, using a multipurpose or loam-based compost such as JI No 3, with some extra coarse grit, (up to 30%), to improve drainage, along with some controlled release fertiliser granules. Supplied as super-sized plant in a 2L pot, ready to provide you with fast results for the minimum amount of effort. Your lavender plants will be delivered straight to your door in time to create fabulous and long-lasting displays - just plant them straight into your pots, hanging baskets or beds and borders and look forward to great displays with absolutely no fuss and no need to leave your house!

Nandina Fire Power
  • £9.99

Nandinas, also known as Heavenly Bamboos, are amongst the best shrubs you can grow for spectacular winter colour from both leaves and berries. With its bamboo-like habit, Nandina 'Fire Power' is a beautiful and compact, producing several upright stems from a tight clump of foliage which is mid-green during spring and summer, tinged with red and purple on new shoots. It produces clusters of small white flowers in summer, that become shiny red berries in autumn, which is the time that the real show begins as the leaves change colour. The evergreen leaves become a spectacular bonfire orange and red, for stunning autumn colour which transforms to deeper maroon as it gets colder and the berries change to brighter and brighter red, so the whole plant is a frenzy of colour throughout winter. An impressive specimen when grown in a pot, 'Fire Power' also looks superb growing in borders, where its bright winter colour is particularly welcome. Supplied as an established plant in a 12 cm pot, ready to plant out, growing to a height and spread of 50 cm (20 in).

New Zealand Flax Phormium Pink Panther
  • £7.49

Also known as New Zealand Flax, Phormium 'Pink Panther' is a robust, fully hardy evergreen which forms a dense clump of sword-like leaves - a really great plant for adding a bit of a statement to your garden. Stunning in a border and stylish in a container, this recently introduced phormium plant has particularly striking, bright pink, red-edged leaves, and is a compact form - meaning that it won't overshadow everything in your garden plus you can grow it in a pot! Phormiums prefer a hot dry site (although will tolerate partial shade) and make a great candidate for a Mediterranean garden or a gravel garden where their upright leaves make a great foil for many other coloured plants. Easy to grow, phormium 'Pink Panther' is a compact form, and needs virtually no maintenance - it may even reward you with spikes of red flowers in late summer. Ultimately growing to around 1.2m, we supply well-established plant in a 3L pot ready for immediate planting.

Crab Apple Red Sentinel Standard
  • £24.99

A wonderful standard Crab Apple, Red Sentinel's attractive branches burst with beautiful pinkish-white blossom throughout spring, filling your garden with lovely sweet fragrance They really do flower their socks off in spring, and are an excellent source of pollen to pollinate nearby Apple trees too, a method often used in commercial orchards. Beautiful and useful too! The flowers are followed in autumn by plump, round, brightest cherry-red fruits that deepen in colour as they remain on the tree right into the winter. Once the leaves have dropped off, and the red fruits remain, it takes on a unique quality and appearance. Fashioned by our expert growers into a beautiful standard tree with a lollipop head, Red Sentinel is ideal in sunny beds and borders where it will create a striking feature tree. Perfect for pots on your patio, it's Incredibly easy to care for - prune to size just once a year in early spring, they are also totally winter hardy anywhere in the UK! The miniature fruits can be harvested to make your own delicious, home-made crab apple jelly! Whats more, this tree is perfect for nature lovers, as any fruit you don't pick will provide a plentiful source of food for wild birds.  Bees and other beneficial insects will love the gorgeous blossom they will be helping to pollinate your whole mini-orchard! Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a standard lollipop tree, 90cm tall (inc 3L pot) ready for planting out or potting on.  

Duo Fruit Tree Peach and Apricot
  • £29.99

Peach and Apricot Duo Tree. Now everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space! These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen, to create 2 different trees growing on one rootstock! What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing meaning that your trees will always remain compact! You will get 2 different varieties of fruit from 1 tree so are perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit, but has limited space. Each of the varieties will produce bumper crops of delicious full sized fruit! Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing up a wall. Peach Redhaven. Perfectly suited to UK growing as it fruits early in the season ripening in August and also has some resistance to peach leaf curl. This is a sweet juicy yellow fleshed variety that loves a sunny spot. It has a great taste ans is easy to eat as the flesh comes away from the stone easily. Apricot Early Orange. This very hardy and disease resistant apricot will do well in your garden producing large juicy red flushed fruits in August. Like it's Peachy partner it's self fertile meaning it'll crop reliably every year.  

Begonia Organdy Mix
  • £12.99

A must-have in your summer planting, these neat little Begonias have vibrant flowers in red, pink and white with yellow centres above glossy leaves in a bold mix of deep bronze and bright green. Robust and reliable, they are particularly good at withstanding the wet or dry conditions of a British summer, and however you use them, the colours compliment each other and look spectacular mixed together. Perfect for patio pots, containers and hanging baskets in sun or partial shade, these brilliant Begonias will explode with a mass of colourful blooms all summer long! They're also fantastic in large bedding schemes, creating a carpet of wonderful colour in you flower beds. So easy to take care of, needing only regular watering, feeding and deadheading, they'll keep on flowering right up to the first frosts of autumn. Supplied as 40 Pro Plug Plants, ready to grow on and plant out after the risk of frost has passed, growing to a height of 20cm (8in) and spread of 15cm (6in).

Rose Oranges and Lemons, Papagena
  • £9.99

Treat yourself to something rather special and grow this dazzling bi-coloured rose. An eye-catching floribunda rose, producing masses of crazy, striped flowers which definitely pack a visual punch. This novel variety has yellow blooms that are boldly splashed and striped with bright orange. 'Oranges and Lemons' is a repeat flowering rose, producing clusters of large, slightly fragrant blooms throughout the summer and into the autumn, contrasting beautifully with the dark green glossy foliage. Superb as a cut flower and striking in mixed flower borders. When not in flower, you're still rewarded with colour as the new growth emerges a glossy maroon-red before transforming to a deep green - so if you're looking for something with some garden 'wow factor' then this is the rose for you. Being a floribunda, this rose bush has good disease resistance, is hardy and easy to grow, reaching around 1m in height. Even if you've not got a garden, you can grow 'Oranges and lemons' as it's quite happy in a large pot on the patio or balcony. The incredible colour is caused by what is known as a 'jumping gene' which creates instability in the colour genes of each flower, so it can be either of two colours. This makes each petal and each flower 100% unique, giving a lovely contrasting mix. Floribunda Roses are often repeat flowering, produce large clusters of blooms over such a long season, making them ideal in the garden. Floribundas are hardy and robust with more disease resistant than Hybrid Teas and making them easier to grow., and the best type of rose if you're new to gardening. Supplied as a bare-root plant, ready to plant out.

Plant o Mat - Chives and Wood Sorrel
  • £14.99

The easiest way to grow bulbs for excellent results! This salad 'Bulb Pod' will be delivered with your bulbs in-situ and in their ideal spacing so you will get perfectly planted bulbs! Simply dig a 24cm (10in) diameter planting hole in your garden, or a pot, drop the entire 'Bulb Pod' in, cover with compost or soil, water and wait for great results. The totally biodegradable 'Bulb Pod', will itself disappear with a few weeks from planting, leaving the bulbs in the perfect planting design and you'll get tasty chives and wood sorrel for your salads and purple and pink flowers too, tasty but great if just left to flower! Supplied as a round bulb pod, 24cm (10in) in diameter containing 19 premium quality bulbs, including: Wood Sorrel 'Iron Cross' (12 bulbs) - makes an excellent garnish, and the clover-like leaves and pink flowers are all edible, with a tangy, citrussy flavour. Chives (7 bulbs) - a classic addition to salads and cooking, with their mild onion taste, the stems and the purple flowers are edible.

Buddleia Berries and Cream
  • £14.99

A Splendid tall, erect shrub, Buddleia davidii 'Berries and Cream' is an exciting new take on the traditional purple or white varieties that we're all used to seeing. With its long, arching conical summer flowerheads that grow to 20cm (8in) long covered in hundreds or tiny, yellow throated magenta-pink and white florets, 'Berries and Cream' is instantly striking and unlike any other Buddleia, a real talking point! Exceptionally free flowering from July to September, it'll be irresistible to bees and butterflies. In fact, during six years of trials by its expert breeder, Peter Moore, it attracted more butterflies than any other cultivar, great news for wildlife and even more reason to plant 'Berries and Cream' in your garden! Extremely hardy, 'Berries and Cream' will thrive in full sun or partial shade in any well drained soil. It can be grown in a pot, which will limit its size, and is an impressive plant for the back of a border. Already a prolific flowerer, deadheading will encourage even more. A deciduous shrub, in autumn the foliage turns to warm shades of orange and yellow before falling. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot, ready to plant, growing to a height of 2.5m (8ft) and width of 1.5m (5ft).

Magnolia Jade Lamp Standard
  • £24.99

A Wonderful standard plant for a border or a large patio container, Magnolia 'Jade Lamp' is a striking shrub that has a neat, compact shape, making it perfect for growing in small gardens. This is truly magnificent when covered in its magnificent fragrant flowers in spring. You'll be delighted when 'Jade Lamp' comes into its own, producing masses of beautiful goblet shaped white flowers. Easy to grow, this fully winter-hardy compact standard Magnolia makes an eye-catching focal point in smaller spaces, and its super-easy to look after - there's no fussy pruning or shaping, just keep it well-watered and undisturbed. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, approx. 1.1-1.2M tall, ready to plant.

Magnolia Red Lucky Standard
  • £19.99

Magnolias are a traditional sign that spring has arrived each and every year, with their beautiful huge buds bursting into colour early in the season. This special variety 'Red Lucky' will really wow with its large flowerheads that house over 40 tepals to create the most spectacular blooms!As well as its dramatic flowers, here 'Red Lucky' has been grafted into a half standard form to create a lollipop-effect with a ball of foliage and flower atop a long clear stem - turning a traditional tree into a contemporary feature for any garden.Easy to grow, it's already been grafted into a standard form, hardy to -15C (although best to avoid windy sites) and with just a little prune to shape will form a nice, low maintenance, medium sized specimen garden tree. Plant up in a large patio container and place by a doorway, gateway or pathway where it will make a superb eye-catching feature, or on a patio where you can really enjoy the beauty. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, approx. 1.1-1.2M tall, ready to plant.
