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Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora Paperbush
  • £12.99

An absolute gem of a winter flowering plant, little seen but a really good winter garden plant, not grown widely enough. In late winter and early spring, before there's much colour about at all, even before daffodils, it produces intriguing yellow and cream flowers, lightly scented, smothered over bare stems, as flowers are produced before the leaves. It is a relative of the Daphne, sharing it's preference for cool, lightly shaded spots. Martin distinctly remembers being blown away by the first sight and smell of this plant, a large specimen on a remote Dutch Nursery, on a wet, windy and grey February afternoon, but finding much stock has been a challenge. Now we have some, it deserves a space in many gardens.

Marguerite Argyranthemum Lemon and Pink
  • £9.99

A new introduction and a worthy plant for your borders and pots this year, these bedding plants have been bred to perform really well in your garden and are ideal when grown in containers. With two different flower colours on the same plant, each one is smothered in both pastel pink and also yellow flowers, this Marguerite Daisy will flower its little heart out all summer and into autumn, filling your garden with dazzling, colour-changing blooms. Really easy to grow and ideal for beginner gardeners, the compact plants are well branched, meaning that you'll get plenty of flowers. Good for wildlife too as each daisy is held above the finely divided, feathery leaves, making them stand out even more, creating a mecca for butterflies and other pollinators. Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Primula Belarina Candy Frost
  • £9.99

A new introduction, this eye-catching double primrose Belarina 'Candy Frost' is a refined, extra-large flowered bicolour with lilac blooms edged in ice-white lacing. Easy to grow and with unrivalled performance, this compact primrose is fully winter-hardy and flowers up to mid-May with masses of large flowers up to 3-5.5cm (1.2-2in) held on upright stems. The flowers remain fully double like miniature roses and a unique green ruff highlights the flower colour further - a truly outstanding spectacle. Supplied as 3 Jumbo Plugs ready to be potted up and grown on.

Patio Standard Rose Blue Beauty
  • £9.99

This distinctive rose variety has the most entrancing flower colour imaginable and one that is rarely seen in the whole rose genus. What is more, in this particular instance the beautiful blooms are held gracefully aloft on a strong 'Standard' stem with a ball of lush foliage that will become covered in blooms that stand proud above the rest of your patio displays. Flowering throughout the summer months it will be a major talking point within your patio garden and makes a  perfect centre piece of any patio container, bed or border. Blue Beauty is incredibly easy to care for - it is repeat flowering, totally winter hardy and perennial so it will create it's breathtaking display year after year. Supplied as a dormant but freshly lifted bare root Half Standard that is 80cm tall. Keep the plant cool and the roots thoroughly moist until planting and once planted, water every few days for the first month whatever the weather. To ensure your rose gets off to the best possible start, whether planted in a pot or directly in to the soil, we strongly recommend providing support with a stout cane until the roots are fully established. When your rose is flowering, normally from May until October each year, occasionally remove any spent blooms and feed fortnightly with good quality soluble plant food with a high potash content. This will make the display look even more attractive and also encourage the maximum display for the longest period. . Prune just once each year in February, merely tidying us the head into a symmetrical ball shape.

Lavender Lavandula intermedia Phenomenal
  • £9.99

Phenomenal by name, phenomenal by nature! This outstanding performing lavender has all you could ever need from the much-loved perennial. Suitable for all garden conditions, positions and temperatures, it is drought-tolerant, winter hardy and evergreen for year-long interest. Not only is lavender 'Phenomenal' a real performer in UK gardens, but it has the most spectacular notably larger lilac-purple flowers than other varieties that stand on strong upright stems that bear the most wonderful sweet scent. This combination of showy flowers and fragrance is an absolute magnet for bees, butterflies and other beneficial garden insects, making it a fabulous choice for pollinating the garden. A real multi-purpose lavender, it's ideal for hedging, dividing and lining pathways and edges, but is also a great choice for herb gardens, with its heightened fragrance and cut flower gardens where it makes a beautiful addition to cut flower displays and bouquets. 'Phenomenal' can also be planted into patio pots and containers where the perfume can really be appreciated. Flowering throughout the summer, 'Phenomenal' may even give a second flush of flowers into the autumn if the first are cut back once faded. So if you want to grow lavender in your garden but aren't sure of which one to grow, 'Phenomenal' really has got it all... Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready for planting straight out.

Snowberry Symphoricarpus doorenbosii Magical Candy
  • £14.99

Commonly known as the snowberry, Symphoricarpus produces masses of round berries in the autumn, which cover the plants like little beads. 'Magical Candy' goes one step further than the more usual white variety and will delight with its jewel-like pink candy fruits. A member of the honeysuckle family, this deciduous shrub produces succulent berries that often stay on the bush after the leaves have fallen, giving a definite festive feel to the plants as they enter their winter dormancy. If you're looking for an attractive plant to liven up your borders, then this is the ideal plant for you! Blooming in summer, the snowberry produces sprays of dainty pink blooms that are a favourite for early pollinators. Easy to grow, Symphoricarpus will thrive in a sunny spot, and is also tolerant of light shade. It spreads by suckering, quickly forming a dense thicket that provides a haven for wildlife such as nesting birds and insects, making invaluable for a low hedge. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready for immediate planting.

Hardy Gardenia Collection - Kleims hardy, Crown Jewel and Sweet Heart
  • £19.97

Truly hardy Gardenias with the most exquisite snow-white flowers on a backdrop of glossy green foliage - the perfect trio of shrubs to add elegance to your garden.A collection of compact shrubs ideal for gaps in borders or containers on the patio, this set includes varieties that produce that hypnotising, sweet fragrance that is widely used in perfumes. Plant around entertaining areas in the garden or along pathways and near entrances where you can fully enjoy that much sought-after scent.The classic single, star-shaped flowers of the 'Kleim's Hardy' create a simple, understated elegance, while the showier double, rose-like blooms of the 'Crown Jewel' can be cut and used in stunning vase displays. The new variety ''Sweet Heart' that we have added to this collection has larger blooms and is also hardier, blooming heavily from late spring.Flowering all summer-long, with an abundance of blooms smothering the rich green waxy foliage, these beautiful shrubs will provide you with months of fragrant displays, and they'll also keep their evergreen leaves for interest all year round. Easy to grow and maintain, simply plant in a pot or straight into the border, preferably using ericaceous compost, and it will happily grow and flourish outdoors all year round. Supplied as three plants in 9cm pots, ready to go into the large pots or a sheltered, sunny area of the garden.

Hydrangea paniculata Little Lime standard
  • £29.99

Forget the traditional pastel mophead Hydrangea beloved of sea-side gardens - this sister species, Hydrangea paniculata, really is in vogue at present and 'Little Lime' is one of the more compact and free flowering new releases, perfect for any size garden!What's more, because it branches so well and flowers on younger plants, it is the ideal variety to grow on a standard stem, providing a wonderful rounded head of foliage and flowers that is easy to clip and maintain to that sophisticated shape.Stunning as a feature plant placed in borders where it will stand tall above all else, or perfect for pots and containers where it can be placed by a gateway, doorway or on a patio to add a touch of elegance.Flowering in summer into early autumn, 'Little Lime' will bring colour late on in the year when the rest of the garden has begun to fade. The lovely flower panicles open bright zesty lime-green, then fade to a creamy shade which produces a unique pink tinge too, which then last well into colder months. Grow in pots or in garden soil, trim head to shape early in season before new growth and allow to flower.

Sevenbark Hydrangea arborescens Candybelle Bubblegum
  • £7.49

An award-winning hydrangea, Hydrangea arborescens Candybelle Bubblegum has large domes of light salmon-pink flowers that will delight everyone who sees them. The perfect plant to attract attention to your garden, and deserving pride of place in your designs, this addition to the popular 'Annabelle' series of hydrangeas has the same dramatic flowerheads but with an added bonus - gorgeous, colour-changing, bubblegum-pink blossom. hydrangeas are definitely in vogue at the moment, where their showy blooms make for the perfect cut flowers both fresh and dried - after the flowers have faded and fallen, a skeleton of fine filigree remains to catch the frost and sparkle in the low winter sunshine - adding to its year-round interest. Fully hardy to -25°C and really easy to grow this is a great plant for a those new to gardening. 'Candybelle' blooms on new wood, unlike older varieties so there's no complicated pruning - it'll continue to bloom year on year, all throughout the summer, regardless of pruning or extreme weather. An invaluable addition to the mixed or shrub border - as well as a large patio pot - this is a hydrangea that you don't want to be without. Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm pot. H80cm x W90cm. flowers July to September.

Nandina domestica Twilight
  • £19.99

Also known as Heavenly or Sacred Bamboo, Nandina will bring a bright flash of dazzling colour to your borders or patio pots, making it invaluable in winter when there's little colour around. Not unlike a colourful version of our own native holly, Nandina 'Twilight' has a bushy, upright habit with toothpick-straight stems, making it an excellent candidate for containers - and this particular variety has beautiful variegated leaves that give off a sultry pink glow. Being evergreen, Nandina retains its foliage throughout the year and the colours take on deeper and more saturated hues as the temperature dips. A true multi-season feature plant, in spring, new leaves emerge flushed with pink, green and cream; then in summer, small creamy white flowers are followed by green berries, before the leaves develop more colour and the berries turn sealing-wax red - just superb! Really easy to grow - just plant it and enjoy a spectrum of delightful colours through the seasons. Supplied as an established plant in a 3-litre pot, ready to plant.

Patio Standard Rose Red
  • £12.99

Rose 'Red' is a classic red rose with deeply coloured, velvet-like petals through summer and into autumn, which look picture-perfect when spotted with early morning dew. This standard rose is superb value for money and will produce displays of beautifully fragrant, elegant blooms to enjoy all summer long. Also known as Tree Roses, they are the perfect way to add height and elegance to your patio - where a single bush will make a dramatic fragrant feature - or as a pair of potted specimens to dress a door or gateway. By 'top grafting' the flowering variety onto the straight stem of the rootstock, thereby giving the height, it takes expert growers a full three years to produce these gems. Supplied as 1 x bare root, standard tree with a well-formed head, approx. 60-70cm tall ready to plant out.

Patio Standard Rose Yellow
  • £12.99

Our patio standard roses will give you beautifully fragrant, premium quality, elegant blooms to enjoy all summer long. Rose 'Yellow' produces large, yellow flowers and blooms continuously from early summer to autumn. Also known as Tree Roses, they are the perfect way to add height and elegance to your patio - where a single bush will make a dramatic fragrant feature - or as a pair of potted specimens to dress a door or gateway. By 'top grafting' the flowering variety onto the straight stem of the rootstock, thereby giving the height, it takes expert growers a full three years to produce these gems. Supplied as 1 x bare root, standard tree with a well-formed head, approx. 60-70cm tall ready to plant out.
