Search found 51 items

Tulip Apricot Foxx
  • £3.99

This beautiful apricot coloured tulip is incredibly versatile, very strong and sturdy and embraces the classic tulip shape. Tulips are one of the most popular spring bulbs as they are so easy to plant and grow and are perfect for planting in a mix of many different colour variations, giving your garden, patio or decking a fresh and vibrant spring makeover. Tulips also make great cut flowers to brighten up the house. Cut them long stems from the garden and bring them indoors and display in vases and containers on windowsills or on the mantlepiece - whatever space needs cheering up.  Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, ready for planting.

Tulip Apricot Parrot
  • £3.99

Parrot varieties are without doubt the most extravagant of all the tulips and 'Apricot Parrot' is no exception, with its incredible flower colour and shape. Erupting from attractive grey-green foliage, the rounded green buds open to huge, bowl shaped flowers in the most gorgeous shade of apricot-pink with petal splashed with yellow and a little green. As they age, the flowers open almost flat like plates, showing off their stunning colours. Unusually for tulips, they even have a light, sweet scent!Stunning planted in large groups in pots and flower borders, these are incredibly impressive tulips and wonderful cut flowers for luxurious indoor arrangements. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Tulips are very easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get another wonderful display the following year as they slowly naturalise and spread, or they can be dug up and stored over winter before replanting the following autumn. Supplied as 12 bulbs, size 10/11, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 60 cm (2 ft) and width of 15 cm (6 in).

Old English Shrub Rose Apricot
  • £14.99

There really is something special and iconic about English Shrub Roses, which is the term for the old-fashioned type of classic rose with a very filled centre, their petals making the most remarkable patterns. New breeding over many years has made them much easier to grow in all gardens - big or small - either in larger pots or in borders and beds. This variety has been bred to have both a good fragrance, and superb disease resistance - not always possible with roses, but our growers have managed it! Best of all it is a repeat flowerer, and will bloom for 4-5 months with little dead-heading, although you may wish to keep them tidy. It's a little more vigorous and less formal than Hybrid Tea Roses, so mix them in with other shrubs in borders too. Supplied as a an established plant in a 3L Pot ready to plant out.

Apricot Shades Preplanted Basket
  • £19.99

Our pre-planted 'Apricot Shades' begonia basket is guaranteed to give you fabulous results as we've done all the work for you - just hang it up, water it and let it do its thing. Quick and easy, this is the perfect solution for gardeners who want perfect displays but don't know where to start, or for those who are behind with their plans. Ready planted with the UK's favourite basket begonia, this ready-made basket will give you outstanding results right through until the autumn - plus you'll have the basket to use again next year! 'Apricot Shades' produces blousy, double-blooms in wonderfully warm shades of yellow, gold, apricot, orange and ochre that will fill your hanging baskets with colour all summer-long. The blooms are incredibly weather proof, long lasting and plentiful, held on strong healthy plants with a gently trailing growing habit. They look best simply on their own, as there is enough subtle colour variation not to look too overdone - which is why we've selected them for this pre-planted 25cm green plastic basket - one for the garden must-have list for sure.

Apricot Shades Preplanted Baskets
  • £29.98

Our pre-planted 'Apricot Shades' begonia baskets are guaranteed to give you fabulous results as we've done all the work for you - just hang them up, water them and let them do their thing. Quick and easy, this is the perfect solution for gardeners who want perfect displays but don't know where to start, or for those who are behind with their plans. Ready planted with the UK's favourite basket begonia, this pair of ready-made baskets will give you outstanding results right through until the autumn - plus you'll have the baskets to use again next year! 'Apricot Shades' produces blousy, double-blooms in wonderfully warm shades of yellow, gold, apricot, orange and ochre that will fill your hanging baskets with colour all summer-long. The blooms are incredibly weather proof, long lasting and plentiful, held on strong healthy plants with a gently trailing growing habit. They look best simply on their own, as there is enough subtle colour variation not to look too overdone - which is why we've selected them for these orange baskets - one for the garden must-have list for sure!

Patio Apricot Aprigold
  • £19.99

Apricot 'Aprigold' is the fabulous patio Apricot from the world-leading Zaiger American breeding program. Naturally very compact, and yet self-fertile, it makes the ideal patio fruit tree for large pots on sunny patios balconies and gardens. With the added benefit of lovely soft-pink early blossom, it has a lovely Spring feature too, and as the new leaves emerge they have a lovely orange-red tinge to them, classic of Apricots. Remaining below 1.2M for 10 years or so, this makes it an ideal fruit tree for smaller gardens. Apricots are early fruiters even in the UK, and once established in a year or 2, you should get good crops of tasty, juicy apricots from late July into August every year.

Apricot Early Moorpark Tree
  • £19.99

If you have always wanted to grow your own apricots, this is the perfect time to start! 'Early Moorpark' is self-fertile and will grow and thrive in UK conditions, cropping reliably year after year. It produces deliciously flavoured, aromatic, bright yellow fruits, which take on an attractive orange-red tinge when fully ripe and are ready to pick in August. The fragrant, light-pink blossom appears in early spring before the leaves start growing, making a beautiful display. Whilst the tree itself is fully winter hardy, to guarantee a good crop of apricots, plant it in full sun but against a south-facing fence or wall and cover with fleece to give further frost protection when it is in full flower. The pollinating insects will then set to work and make lots of lovely fruits to pick later in the year. Once fully established, you might expect to pick 200-300 fruits per tree! If you don't have room in your garden, 'Moorpark' will be perfect to grow in a pot on your patio or balcony.

Trailing Begonia Illumination Apricot Shades
  • £17.99

Year after Year, Begonia Illumination Apricot Shades features in our Top 3 best-selling bedding and basket plants. Why? It's undoubtedly the combination of fantastic performance in baskets and tubs whatever the Summer weather, combined with the gorgeous blend of warm tones and shades that the mix produces. This beautiful variety has flowers in wonderfully warm shades of yellow, gold, apricot, orange and ochre that will fill your hanging baskets and patio containers with colour from May until October! The blooms are incredibly weather proof, long lasting and plentiful, held on strong healthy plants with a gently trailing growing habit. They look best simply on their own, as there is enough subtle colour variation not to look too overdone. One for the short-list for sure.

Duo Fruit Tree Peach and Apricot
  • £29.99

Peach and Apricot Duo Tree. Now everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space! These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen, to create 2 different trees growing on one rootstock! What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing meaning that your trees will always remain compact! You will get 2 different varieties of fruit from 1 tree so are perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit, but has limited space. Each of the varieties will produce bumper crops of delicious full sized fruit! Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing up a wall. Peach Redhaven. Perfectly suited to UK growing as it fruits early in the season ripening in August and also has some resistance to peach leaf curl. This is a sweet juicy yellow fleshed variety that loves a sunny spot. It has a great taste ans is easy to eat as the flesh comes away from the stone easily. Apricot Early Orange. This very hardy and disease resistant apricot will do well in your garden producing large juicy red flushed fruits in August. Like it's Peachy partner it's self fertile meaning it'll crop reliably every year.  

Apricot Polonais 5L
  • £29.99

This Apricot tree produces lush, medium sized, yellow-orange fruit blushed faintly red, with a lovely sweet and juicy flavour. One of the hardiest varieties making it perfect for growing in the UK - to get the tastiest apricots, you have to grow your own! Extremely hardy, Apricot 'Polonais' copes well with colder temperatures. As a result, the flowers are less likely to be damaged by frost and the apricots ripen on the tree for longer, maximizing taste and sweetness. Easy to grow and self-fertile, so no pollinator is required for a good crop of fabulous apricots. Plant near another flowering apricot and you'll get an even bigger yield. A freestone fruit, the delicious orange flesh comes away from the stone easily making it great for preserving or making jams. Supplied as an established tree in a 5L pot, ready for planting out.

Begonia Apricot Shades Mix
  • £12.99

Year after Year, Begonia Illumination 'Apricot Shades' features in our best-selling bedding and basket plants. Why? It's undoubtedly the combination of fantastic performance in baskets and tubs whatever the Summer weather, combined with the gorgeous blend of warm tones and shades that the mix produces. This beautiful variety has flowers in wonderfully warm shades of yellow, gold, apricot, orange and ochre that will fill your hanging baskets and patio containers with colour from May until October! The blooms are incredibly weather proof, long lasting and plentiful, held on strong healthy plants with a gently trailing growing habit. They look best simply on their own, as there is enough subtle colour variation not to look too overdone. One for the short-list for sure.Supplied as 40 Pro Plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Apricot Dwarf Patio
  • £29.99

What could be better than growing your own apricots right outside your patio door? Our dwarf patio apricot has been grown especially that in mind. In spring, as early as March, beautifully scented pale pink blossom appears, filling the air with fragrance. As summer arrives, wonderful orange splashed, sunshine yellow apricots being to form, growing larger until they're finally ready to pick in August, and being self-fertile, there doesn't need to be another apricot tree nearby to pollinate it. However, you can increase your crop my hand-pollinating. Growing on a dwarfing rootstock, this deciduous tree is the perfect size for growing in a large pot on the patio, and it can be trained against a wall too - south facing is best so that the tree receives maximum sunlight. Although hardy, choose the warmest place you can for growing your apricot, sheltered from cold winds and you'll be rewarded with an excellent crop of firm, juicy fruit. As they flower early in the spring, you may need to cover the blossom with fleece if a frost is expected, otherwise your crop will be reduced. Perfect for snacking, picked fresh and juicy straight from the tree, and ideal for adding to fruit salads, making jam and cooking into tasty puddings. Supplied as an established tree in a 21cm pot, 1-1.25 (3-4ft) tall and growing to a height and spread of 2m (6½) in 10 years, dependent on pruning.
