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  • £12.99

Now you can pick this brand new and delicious summer superfruit from your own garden! This amazing Honeyberry is a type of sweet honeysuckle produces some of the healthiest fruits around, and best of all they taste great! The sweet, juicy fruits have a melt-in-the-mouth flavour that is similar to blackberries, with a hint of kiwi! They are rich in super-healthy vitamins and minerals, and contain even more antioxidants than blueberries! Simply wonderful in sauces, puddings, jams, jellies and desserts, you can even pick them straight from the bush for a yummy, healthy snack. These unusual and interesting additions to your fruit garden are self-fertile, and will produce their dark-blue, strange-looking, elongated fruits in abundance from this summer onwards, giving you bigger crops each year! Whats more, they have gorgeous berries and elegant, mid-green foliage, and they will look great in patio pots!

Everbearer Strawberry Buddy
  • £12.99

'Buddy' is recent introduction to everbearing strawberries and is taking the supermarket world by storm. Now we are delighted to be able to offer it to the home gardener to grow themselves. Everbearing Strawberries are great for spreading strawberry fruit production out. Starting slightly later than the Wimbledon peak, they have a big yield in mid to late July, but then keep going through August - peaking again in September and continuing to crop until first frosts!  This makes eating and using the crops easier, not one huge glut! Everbearers have historically not been quite as good on the taste scores as traditional 'June bearers', but 'Buddy' breaks the mould here. It produces big fruit with great taste, and is the sweetest of any everbearer to date (winning many taste-tests), hence its popularity with supermarkets.  And it is a great cropper too - commercial trials showed almost 1Kg per plant in year 2 and 3 (just over 2 pounds per plant). 'Buddy' also has good mildew resistance too, so suits home garden production, where none of want to use chemicals if not needed. Let Buddy become your best friend in strawberries this year.

Strawberry Summer Long Collection
  • £19.97

Pick pounds of deliciously sweet and juicy strawberries from your own garden with this collection of three top quality proven varieties. Each one has been expertly selected to ensure that they will crop, one after the other, from early June right through until autumn so ensuring a plentiful supply of irresistably juicy berries the whole summer long!  The varieties are easy to grow, proven to thrive in UK gardens and all have a wonderful taste Plants are offered as bare root 'runners' which are delivered in a dormant state having been held in cold storage. They are fully hardy and ready to be planted out straight away.  Grow in the garden or in large containers - a 12in pot will hold around three runners. Full instructions will be sent with your order. Collection contains 10 each of the following varieties: Honeoye. Early Variety. Starts cropping in late May or early June and crops for 3-4 weeks. Gives a good crop of orange red soft juicy berries with a wonderful taste. Florence. Late midseason variety. Following Honeoye, Florence will be ready to pick in late June and crops for several weeks. Expect a bountiful crop of dark red firm beriies with an outstanding sweet strawberry taste.  Easy to grow too with excellent resistance to disease. Calypso. Everbearing variety. Crops on a little and often basis from the middle of July so is the perfect follow on from Florence. Although lacking the flush of fruit of the other two Calypso will produce sweet juicy strawberries over many weeks from July right through to autumn. A perfect variety for containers too.

Pair Premium Strawberry Planters
  • £14.99

Create an eye-catching and productive feature for your garden with this stylish 'wheat bundle' planter set with three established Elsanta strawberry plants. 'Elsanta' is one of the tastiest and most popular varieties of strawberry that you can grow at home and one of the leading commercial varieties, favoured for their juicy fruit and earlier, heavy cropping. Perfect for growing in patio pots and containers when you're short of space, the plants are in flower with fruit already setting and will be ready for picking in just a few short weeks - continuing up until around the middle of July - weeks-worth of mouth-watering fruit! Not only does 'Elsanta' produce bright and shiny orange-red fruits, but it produces pretty little flowers in the spring and rich deep-green foliage creating a very pretty ornamental plant in between fruiting seasons. The reproduction silver effect planter, is lightweight polypropylene and made with gardeners in mind, so you'll find that they combine good looks with functionality, having raised drainage holes and an internal reservoir to keep moisture in your pots for longer. Plus, as they're UV and frost resistant, they'll last for years, meaning that you can use them over and over again. The stylish wheat design has been brush painted to give an aged metallic look, creating the impression that you have a much more expensive planter, and is a decorative feature in its own right which you can use for many years to come. They're the perfect planting companion for Elsanta, where both pot and plant can bring out the best in each other, creating a fruitful, designer-style effect in no time at all.

Blueberry Pink Sapphire
  • £12.99

Own something brand new and unusual  the worlds first ever Pinkberry and pick your own crop of delicious fruit each year from next season!  From the blueberry family, these lovely fuchsia-pink coloured Superfruits are packed with healthy antioxidants and, best of all they are sweeter and juicier than regular blueberries. Put them into your summer puddings or eat them fresh from the bush with some ice cream scrumptious! Pink Blueberry 'Pink Sapphire' reliably bears fruit and which is ready to eat in late-August each year. These incredible plants will even provide an explosion of fiery-orange coloured autumn foliage. Theyll grow into a bush of about 90cm (3ft), and grow best in acidic or ericaceous soils, like all members of this family.

Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum Cabernet Splash
  • £4.99

Introducing Blueberry 'Cabernet Splash' a spectacular new soft fruit and one sure to hit the mark with grow your own enthusiasts and flower gardeners alike. A superb performer at all levels, the leaves of this ornamental blueberry emerge beep burgundy, the colour of a well matured red wine, and mature to a mottled green before turning fiery red in the autumn. Compact, low maintenance and easy to grow, striking edible ornamental, its white blossom is followed by an abundance of large sweet summer blueberries. Grow in ericaceous soil in beds and borders or in a container for the patio, where its delicious berries are just a stretch away from your sun lounger! Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant straight out.

Strawberry Tree - Arbutus unedo
  • £14.99

Evergreen trees that suit the British climate are few and far between and this is a perfect example of one that will give all-round interest.  With shiny, deep-green, leathery leaves, pretty cream autumn flowers and colourful fruit, the Strawberry tree deserves to be far more widely grown. This is an easy tree to grow anywhere and suits coastal regions too. It grows steadily, forming a nicely proportioned medium-sized bush, which is covered with lustrous foliage throughout the year. In autumn you'll enjoy panicles of creamy bell-shaped blooms, which are not unlike Lily of the valley in appearance and are are particularly welcome as winter approaches. The orange-red, globe-shaped fruits ripen in autumn from the previous year's flowers, giving the whole tree a very decorative look at this time of year.  Fruits are edible but sharp-tasting when raw so best left on the tree for their ornamental value - although they can be used in preserves. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready to plant out.

Blueberry Superfruit Collection
  • £24.99

This veritable super food is believed to carry all manner of health benefits and is recommended by health experts and dietitians accordingly. Packed full of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, they are not only really good for you but they taste great too! Blueberries provide true season-long interest and will produce wonderfully fragrant tubular blossom in spring, followed by delicious fruits that form and colour up ready for picking from June onwards. This collection will provide 3 months of harvest from June until September with each bush providing up to 5kg (over 10lbs) of fruit per season once fully established. Blueberries make brilliant patio plants and will grow perfectly in pots. Do remember to use ericaceous (slightly acidic pH) compost though as all blueberries are lime intolerant. In autumn, the foliage will provide a bright flourish of scarlet colour before falling off for the winter. The collection comprises 3 varieties, selected for their wide harvest period and ease of growth in your home garden. Yellowberry: A real novelty, the warm yellow leaves are tinged with pink and orange tones and make for an altogether highly decorative plant for the kitchen garden. Fruits July Bluedrop: A new type of blueberry, 'Bluedrop' brings a new dimension to this popular berry. Everbearing with teardrop-shaped fruits (hence its name) you'll experience a taste sensation with an abundance of balanced, sweet and sharp blueberries.Fruits June to September Littleblue Wonder: Highly ornamental, in spring the bush becomes covered in pale flowers - so much so that it has earned this blueberry the name the 'Heather Blueberry'. Then in autumn, the foliage will provide a bright flourish of burgundy red colour before falling off for the winter.Fruits June  

Gooseberry Hinnomaki Yellow
  • £7.99

Sweet, juicy and with a flavour that far surpasses any of those sour, eye-wincing berries you buy in the shops, home grown gooseberries are a taste sensation that everyone should try. Perfect in a sunny spot,Hinnomaki Yellow will add an ornamental touch to beds, borders or even in large pots on the patio. Big crops of large, delicious fruit thats ready for picking in mid-summer.

Gooseberry Hinnomaki Red
  • £7.99

Sweet, juicy and with a flavour that far surpasses any of those sour, eye-wincing berries you buy in the shops, home grown gooseberries are a taste sensation that everyone should try. Perfect in a sunny spot,Hinnomaki Red will add an ornamental touch to beds, borders or even in large pots on the patio. Big crops of large, delicious fruit thats ready for picking in mid-summer.

Premium Gooseberry Invicta
  • £6.49

Gooseberry 'Invicta' is the Number 1 Outstanding Gooseberry variety for Home Gardeners, and commercial growers too for that matter! Producing big crops of classic green berries, almost twice as many as any other variety, it is also mildew resistant, making it very easy to grow, and has good vigour, so supports the big crops well in your garden. The numerous large green fruits are also sweet enough to eat straight off the bush, or cook with if preferred. 'Invicta' really is the all-round Gooseberry for gardens - why not try one this year?

Organic Gooseberry Lady Sun
  • £3.99

Easy to grow and perfect for eating fresh or in puddings, pies and crumbles, gooseberries are one of those traditional favourite fruits that no garden should be without. A member of the currant family, gooseberries are often thought of as a prickly nuisance with nasty sour fruits, but that couldn't be further from the truth - 'Lady Sun' produces large, sweet and crisp gooseberries and being nearly thornless is much easier to harvest from. Perfect for containers and fruit gardens where it will lend itself perfectly to grow Your Own, this is a reliable and high cropping, self-fertile variety, with an upright, bushy habit and good disease resistance. Ideally suited to the UK climate, they're really easy to look after and are winter hardy, shrugging off freezing temperatures with ease - so are the perfect gooseberry for beginner gardeners or those of us who want good results with no faff. Organically grown by expert nurserymen, these gooseberries are rich in vitamin C, B vitamins as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium so are a very healthy addition to your garden!Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm pot, ready for planting out, bushes reach 100cm x 60cm and will produce their crop of berries in July. Did you know..Gooseberries are rich in fibre and help to stimulate the digestion and reduce cholesterol. They are said to promote healthy hair and nails and help keep teeth and bones healthy. They are also purported to strengthen the vascular walls, in turn protecting against varicose veins.
