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Ginkgo biloba Mariken Standard
  • £29.99

The only surviving member of an ancient species of tree, Ginkgo biloba is often referred to as a living fossil with some preserved specimens dating back 270 million years! Thought to have been extinct, it was rediscovered in China in the late 17th Century and soon distributed around the world in both urban and rural gardens and streets. Also known as the Maidenhair Tree, for gardeners, Ginkgo is possibly one of the most attractive and useful trees that you can plant in your garden with its attractive roughly conical shape and fan-shaped leaves which turn yellow in autumn. The distinctive, deciduous leaves of Ginkgo biloba give a hint at its ancient heritage being very basic in structure. The curious frilled lobes resemble a duck's foot and take on buttery tones in the autumn before fallen suddenly - often within a few days. A tree that enjoys full sunshine and most soil types, Ginkgo is easy to grow and can even be grown in a pot on your patio or balcony. They adapt well to a restricted root system and are extremely resistant to pruning, so our growers have been able to create this beautiful standard plant with its ball of foliage - testament to their resilience. Ginkgo 'Mariken' is more of a recent introduction to the family and is one of the best Ginkgoes for a large container having a very slow rate of growth. Gingkoes are dioecious in that there are both male and female plants. As well as its stunning autumn colour, older female Ginkgo trees may produce large, sunshine-coloured fruits in warm summers. These have a distinctive aroma and, along with the leaves, are often used in traditional Chinese medicine - indeed if you search the internet, you'll see endless reference to supplements and anecdotal health benefits ranging from memory cures to a longer life. While the health claims may remain unproven, something that we do know is that Ginkgo absorbs pollutants, with a number of studies proving that they are great at absorbing Carbon and other nasties from the air, making them a favourite of town planners for fighting urban pollution with the potential to improve local air quality. Supplied as an established standard plant in a 3L pot, ready for planting out or potting on.

Gingko biloba - Maidenhair Tree
  • £12.99

A real relic, Gingko Biloba, also known as Maidenhair, was long around before man but is more popular than ever right now! Known for its many health benefits thanks to its use in Chinese medicine, and now in western medicine, Gingko Biloba is a truly unique conifer/fern-like evergreen tree that makes a real statement. With bright, fresh green leaves in the spring that often turn an eye-catching yellow in the autumn, the Gingko Biloba tree makes a magnificent centre piece and will grow up to 10m tall if left alone but don't let this put you off if you don't have much space as it can be easily pruned and trimmed to keep to a manageable shape and size! It's a hardy tree and will thrive in a sunny spot in a UK garden. Gingko Biloba has long been studied for its health benefits and is now widely used in medicine across the globe. From improving memory to its antioxidant benefits, it's certainly worth harvesting in your own back garden - even if just for the spectacular foliage display. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot, ready to plant.
