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Climbing Rose The Princes Trust
  • £19.99

A cottage garden favourite, red roses are a must have and this The Prince's Trust Rose ('Harholding') is no exception. A repeat-flowering, climbing rose with beautiful glossy green foliage, it produces handsome, fully double blooms that are filled with petals, making it a superb addition to any garden. Filling your garden from June through to the first frost in autumn with incredibly beautiful cherry red roses. Each bloom has a lovely light fragrance that when cut can also be enjoyed inside your home. Climbing roses look superb when grown up an arch, trellis, or obelisk, where the gorgeous blooms will grow in clumps of four or five and create a dramatic and romantic display of red roses.  Easy to grow, this vigorous climber has good resistance to the usual problems that roses can encounter, therefore it's a perfect choice for gardeners of all levels and experience. Plus, it can be grown as a shrub with support, so you don't need a large garden to grow it. SSupplied as a freshly potted, professional quality plant in a 3L pot, growing to a height and spread of 4m (13ft).

Climbing Rose Olympic Flame
  • £14.99

'Olympic Flame' is a delightful climbing rose that will bring colourful height to your garden, where it will be happy growing along house walls and fences and also perfect for growing up obelisks, arches and trellises. Planted in a large pot or into the ground, this rose will happily climb over any support or even through other plants and trees. Glossy, dark green toothed foliage provides a backdrop for the abundant clusters lovely, single or semi-double red flowers that carry a light fragrance. This is a repeat flowering rose, so it'll bloom from June and throughout the year until the autumn. Supplied as a freshly potted, professional quality plant in a 3L pot.

Rose Climbing Blossomtime
  • £17.99

There's nothing quite like the sight of a climbing rose in full flower covering the side of a house, and 'Blossomtime' will do that wonderfully! 'Blossomtime' is a deciduous, vigorously growing climbing rose that will grow large enough to cover walls, pergolas and fences but won't take over your garden. Strongly scented, it's perfect for growing near doors and windows so that its sweet perfume can carry into your home. The glorious flowers of 'Blossomtime' are large and fully double, easily reaching 10cm (4in) across. Unusually, the petals are bright pink on the tops, but their underside is a deeper, richer pink - a beautiful effect that makes this rose incredibly attractive, especially against the background of dark green foliage and thorny stems. Flowering prolifically from May until October for an amazing six months of stunning blooms and delicious fragrance, they're ideal for cutting too. Easy to grow and healthy, 'Blossomtime' is mildew resistant and will grow quickly whether planted in a large pot or in the ground. It can be easily trained onto a support or wall, or can be left to ramble. Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready to plant, growing to a height of 4.5m (15ft) and spread of 2.5m (8ft).

Duo Climbing Rose Mystery Wonder
  • £12.99

A gorgeous combination of 2 rose varieties, Rose 'Indigoletta' has a classic violet bloom and this harmonises perfectly with the pure white of Rose 'Climbing Snow'. Flowering until late autumn, this classic combination of two colours will fill your garden with rose blooms and give you a defininte talking point! 'Indigoletta' opens deep-purple and gradually lightens in shade as they age meaning each and every flower is completely different in colour, creating a real rainbow of shades.'Climbing Snow' is a climbing rose that's smothered with bright white flowers from early summer to late autumn. Supplied as a single grafted bare root plant with both colours, violet and white.

Duo Climbing Rose Spanish Flag
  • £12.99

Taking its name from the colours of the Spanish pennant, Rosa 'Spanish Flag' is a dual flowered climbing rose with two coloured blooms on each plant - both red and yellow.  A combination of the red rose 'Flammentanz' and the soft yellow 'Golden Showers', together they make an eye-catching combination in your summer garden. Both varieties are vigorous and the rose will bloom reliably to give you a show which none of your neighbours will have. 'Flammentanz' is a vigorous climber and considered one of the finest bright red roses with a light fragrance.'Golden Showers' is a classic yellow climber - vigorous and reliable and flowers all summer and into autumn. Supplied as a single grafted bare root plant with both colours, red and yellow.

Climbing Rose Climbing Arthur Bell
  • £19.99

One of the best yellow roses released, and thus awarded an RHS Award of Garden Merit, Rosa 'Climbing Arthur Bell' is repeat flowering right up until autumn, with large, golden-yellow floribunda blooms and glossy green foliage - it will look wonderful wherever you decide to plant it. Perfect for growing in containers and small spaces, this robust, semi-double rose is a real winner. Make sure you plant it somewhere that you can enjoy its strong rose-fragrance which sets the blooms off beautifully.  As a recipient of an RHS AGM, you can be sure that this is a garden-worthy plant which will perform as expected. Climbing Roses bring height and a sense of plenty to the garden, where they are normally grown along house walls and fences but are also perfect for growing up obelisks, arches and trellises. Growing to a height of around 3m, Arthur Bell will repeat flower throughout the year, adding much needed colour to the garden when other plants have finished. Supplied as a freshly potted, professional quality plant in a 3L pot, growing to a height of 3m.

Climbing Rose Red Flame
  • £12.99

If you want a classic red climbing rose for your garden, then Rosa 'Red Flame' is the one for you. With velvety red blooms produced freely above glossy foliage from June to September, Red Flame is an award-winning rose with a unique, fruity raspberry fragrance to thrill your senses. Climbing Roses bring height and a sense of plenty to the garden, where they are normally grown along house walls and fences but are also perfect for growing up obelisks, arches and trellises. With clusters of large flowers, Red Flame will repeat flower throughout the year, adding much needed colour to the garden when other plants have finished. Supplied as a freshly potted, British grown, professional quality plant.

Duo Climbing Roses Set of 2
  • £19.98

A collection of dual-flowered climbing roses to amaze your friends and family. With two coloured blooms on each plant  (red and yellow on one and violet and white on the other),  together they make an eye-catching combination in your summer garden. Both varieties are vigorous and will bloom reliably to give you a show which none of your neighbours will have. Spanish Flag: 'Flammentanz' is a vigorous climber and considered one of the finest bright red roses with a light fragrance.'Golden Showers' is a classic yellow climber - vigorous and reliable and flowers all summer and into autumn. Mystery Wonder: 'Indigoletta' opens deep-purple and gradually lightens in shade as they age meaning each and every flower is completely different in colour, creating a real rainbow of shades.'Climbing Snow' is a climbing rose that's smothered with bright white flowers from early summer to late autumn.  Supplied as a pair of grafted bare root plants with two colours, red and yellow and violet and white.

Alocasia Bambino Arrow
  • £9.99

With large, strikingly shaped leaves, Alocasia 'Bambino' is an evergreen, ornamental houseplant that makes a wonderful addition to your home. The glossy, green foliage is arrow headed and heart-shaped, and this is an indoor plant that's sure to get a lot of attention. Quick and easy to grow, 'Bambino' has dark green leaves with distinctive light coloured veins. This unique, foliage plant originates from the tropics of Asia, and prefers a shady area so when growing it in your home, give it plenty of light and water but not direct sunlight -position it by a bright window.Not only spectacular to look at, leafy tropical houseplants also provide a beneficial air-cleaning service. It has been found that houseplants can actually improve the environment in our homes, clearing the air, removing toxins and adding valuable oxygen to the air that we breathe. Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm nursery pot, Alocasia 'Bambino' will grow to a height of about 40cm.

Skyscraper Lily Robina
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top sized bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of stunning pink coloured Robina. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Climbing Bean Blue Lake Seeds
  • £3.99

Dating back to the late 19th century, this heirloom variety is justly popular for its flavour and its heavy crops of round, stringless pods. With consistently good results over a long cropping season, this prolific climbing French bean produces clusters of fleshy pods that have a superior texture and taste and are rich in vitamins and fibre. As well as being easy to grow, 'Blue Lake' makes an attractive feature whether grown in the veg garden or nestled amongst herbaceous plants in your beds and borders. They look particularly good when grown up a trellis or 'wigwam' of canes, not least for their pretty white flowers. Plant them with sweet peas for a pleasing contrast of colours. 'Blue Lake' is generally grown as a green bean for cooking. In fact, they should not be eaten raw as they contain toxins that are destroyed in the cooking process. The pods are best picked young to increase yields, and steamed or boiled rapidly to make the best of their flavour and texture, as well as to retain the most nutrients. Inside the rich green pods are white seeds or beans, which can be harvested from pods that are left to mature for longer on the plant. They can then be dried and stored to be used as haricot beans in soups and stews. This climbing bean will thrive in neutral, humus-rich, moisture-retentive but well-drained soil in a sunny position. Sow the seeds indoors from April to May to plant out May to June; or sow outdoors from May to July, directly where they are to crop. Harvest from July to October. Supplied as a pack of 100 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors into individual pots or outdoors directly into their cropping position. Grows to 180cm height x 45cm spread.

Wildflower Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi Seeds
  • £2.99

A native of damp meadows, grassland and roadsides, Ragged Robin is enjoying a comeback thanks to its popularity with garden designers. Seen at all of the major flower shows, this little native plant has become a garden must-have almost overnight! Recommended by the RHS as a plant that attracts wildlife pollinators, Lychnis is quick and easy to grow, and is ideal for naturalising - attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects into your garden. With its clusters of star-shaped, deep rose-pink flowers, Ragged Robin is perfect for filling wild gardens or meadows with colour, and being a hardy perennial, will return to your garden year after year. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. Growing to 40cm (16in) sow indoors March to May or outdoors March to May and September to October, directly where they are to flower. Flowers the year after sowing May to June. Supplied as a pack of 225 seeds, Native grown seed not taken from the wild.
