This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus. The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery
We have chosen the very best white lilies, germinis, and lissanthus for this stunning display. The different colours and textures of this bunch look even better thanks to the luxurious gift bag and packaging. Great for all occasions, this bouquet includes FREE flower delivery. 25% of the value of this gift will be donated to Cancer Research UK to fund research for beating cancer.
Finalist for 2019 B&LLA Licensing Awards and Winner of Cultural Enterprise Award 2020. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist (more commonly known as The Burlington House Cartoon), this National Gallery arrangement includes several exquisite floral elements. Each of which has been carefully selected to reflect the various rosy and copper hues in this famous work of art. Some of the most prominent being the use of copper Ruscus, peach Avalanche Roses, Sweet Pink Roses, Apple Tea and caramel Carnations. You will notice how some darker, blue tones which are brought to life in our bouquet by adding blue Veronica. The textures also reflect the rougher mountainous landscape in which this famous work is set. As you enjoy this fine floral design, you will notice how the various flowers and fresh greenery work together to reflect the beautiful image of the Virgin Mary seated on the lap of Saint Anne, her mother with the Christ Child blessing her cousin St John the Baptist. This luxurious flower arrangement makes a bold statement for the most milestone occasions. This exquisite arrangement has been created by our expert florists in collaboration with The National Gallery for the 500th death anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci The Burlington house cartoon about 1499-1500 Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 © The National Gallery, London
When you want to spoil somebody with a truly elegant gift, this bunch of 18 Sweet Avalanche Roses is the perfect choice! Our florists have arranged these brilliant blooms in a lovely hat box for the perfect presentation. Suitable for any occasion, you can be sure that the lucky recipient will be smiling from ear to ear when this flower delivery arrives!
Make the birthday boy feel like a star with this brilliant gift. We have chosen a special 18-inch helium balloon along with a gift box. We will include your personal message and you are also welcome to choose from optional extras like chocolates, cake, and cuddly bears.
His first birthday is certainly a milestone and this is the perfect gift for celebrating this occasion. We have chosen a special 18-inch helium balloon and gift box. We also offer a selection of optional extras like cuddly bears and we are always happy to include your personal message.
We have selected a beautiful 18-inch helium balloon perfect for celebrating her first birthday. We have paired this balloon with a colourful gift box. Take a look at our optional extras like cuddly bears and don't forget to send us your personal message to be included with the gift.
Perfect for all birthdays, the lucky recipient will love this bright 18-inch helium balloon and colourful gift box. You can also take your pick from our various optional extras such as chocolates, wine, cake, and cuddly bears. Write your very own message and we will make sure that it is included.
If the birthday boy or girl is a pirate fan, then this gift is perfect for them! With a beautiful 18-inch helium balloon and colourful gift box, you will make them feel extra special! We also have a selection of optional extras such as chocolates, cake, and cuddly bears. We will also include your special personal message with this gift.
Celebrate their 60th birthday and spoil your friend or loved one with this beautiful 18-inch helium balloon and gift box. Send us your message and we will include it along with this gift! You can also choose from our selection of optional extras such as chocolates, wine, a cuddly bear, or cake.
This 18-inch helium balloon and colourful gift box are perfect for celebrating such an important milestone birthday. Take your pick from our selection of optional extras such as cake, chocolates, a cuddly bear, or wine. Write a special message and we will be sure to include it too!
We have included a lovely 18-inch helium balloon perfect for celebrating their 30th birthday. We have paired this balloon with a colourful gift box lined with tissue paper. Take your pick from our selection of optional extras such as chocolates, cake, wine, and cuddly bears. Make sure that you also include a personal birthday wish!