(Medium bouquet shown) Presenting the Onyx bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With beautiful velvet grand prix roses, calla lilies and bouvardia, the arrangement makes a clear statement. The bouquet is hand tied and presented in a luxury wrap and bag. Haute Florist serves those special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery.
This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus. The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery
(Medium bouquet shown) Presenting the Paris bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With Memory Lane Roses, divine Deep Water Roses complimented with fragrant Oriental Lilies, Stallion Chrysanthemums and forest fresh Eucalyptus. The bouquet is hand-tied and presented in a luxury wrap and bag. Haute Florist serves those special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery.
Beautiful impeccable pink roses arranged in this exquisite hat box make for a lovely, elegant gift for any occasion. Send this bouquet for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other occasion. You can be sure that any recipient will love this luxurious floral display.
Presenting our Perigueux bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With Rose Lady Margaret, Orange Germini, Yellow Alstromeria and Brown Hypericum this arrangement has an enchanting seasonal touch complimented with Peach Avalanche Roses, White Veronica and Thlaspi Green Bells. The bouquet is hand tied with hypericum and presented in a luxury wrap and bag to serve those special occasions.
Our Happy Birthday Necklace Giftbox is the perfect gift for someone special. Hand crafted from the finest sterling silver with the option for rose gold or yellow gold plating, the necklace is presented in a beautiful giftbox which is personalised with your own unique message. Choose from a number of different pendants, from our classic circle to geometric shapes, or our pretty new crescent moon design.Made from The necklace is available in 925 sterling silver,9 ct rose or 9ct yellow gold plate. Our gold plated items are compliant with the Assay nickel release test (BS EN 1811:1998 and BS EN 12472) therefore they are suitable for those with nickel allergies. We do advise that gold plating/rose gold plating is a finish and this can wear away over time. It can be affected by elements such as exposure to water, heat, chlorine. Chemicals found in body products/perfumes etc. and different skin types.
Celebrate their birthday with this delicious hand-decorated birthday cake including two layers of soft, fluffy vanilla sponge with a traditional buttercream icing and raspberry jam filling, encased in a pretty pink royal icing, hand-finished with a white chocolate drip, chocolate curls and topped with a 'Happy Birthday Icing plaque - What more could they want on their birthday! Surprise a loved one or friend to this delicious treat that will make their day extra special. We have teamed up with Valley Bakery to bring you only the finest hampers the whole family will adore. Here at Valley Bakery, we believe in the best and share a passion for creating delicious pastries and bakes in the very heart of Yorkshire. We take pride in our practice with tried and tested traditional handcrafting techniques. From all-butter pastry, blind bake quiches and indulgent brownies there is something for everyone using only the best quality locally sourced ingredients. Experience a taste of the Yorkshire Valley today, with our artisan treats and gourmet gifts collection. The size of our cakes are approximately: H15cm x W21cm (Serves 6 approx.)
Description for Red Wine Gift Basket Happy Birthday not available
Roses and freesia make for the perfect contrasting combination in this fine bouquet. The very picture of elegance and sophistication, this flower arrangement will always be well-received. Our expert florists have added Pink Spray, White Avalanche, La Belle Roses with Freesia, to enhance and complete this bouquet while emphasizing the gorgeous floral shades. Available for UK next day delivery, send these flowers to any recipient and for any occasion. Brighten their day with these bright blooms or treat yourself to the very best flowers! Chocolates may contain nuts.
Description for Rose Wine Gift Basket Happy Birthday not available
We have chosen the very best white lilies, germinis, and lissanthus for this stunning display. The different colours and textures of this bunch look even better thanks to the luxurious gift bag and packaging. Great for all occasions, this bouquet includes FREE flower delivery. 25% of the value of this gift will be donated to Cancer Research UK to fund research for beating cancer.
A bouquet with a wow factor! Beautiful roses with soft peach petals dispersing a delicate scent. A mixed variety of gorgeous colours are skilfully hand-tied by our expert florists to present this stunning floral classic. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet comes full of beautiful spray rose heads. Available for UK next day with a FREE box of handmade British truffles.