A feminine arrangement of pale pink Asiatic Lilies alongside hot pink Carnations, pink and white two tone Spray Carnations and white Freesias. Beautifully finished with sweet pink Gypsophila, it will make a gorgeous gift to send for any special occasion.
A combination of pink and purple Tulips are joined by delicate white Freesias and complemented by pink Limonium. This pretty collection of Tulips and Freesias will make a wonderful gift to send this Spring.
This lovely pink bouquet includes roses, stallion chrysanthemums, germinis, and carnations all beautifully complemented by lush pistacia. Arranged with love and care to make any recipient feel special. 25% of the value of this gift will be donated to Cancer Research UK to fund research for beating cancer.
(Medium bouquet shown) Presenting the beautiful Blossom bouquet, with Memory Lane Roses, Deep Water Roses combined with fragrant Oriental Lilies, Stallion Chrysanthemums and Eucalyptus. Perfect for any special occasion, this bouquet is hand-tied and presented in a luxury wrap and bag. 25% of the value of this bouquet will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.