An abundant hand-tied bouquet of apricot, cream and green tones. Arranged with cream roses, orange gerbera, apricot lilies, scented white stocks, lisianthus and green Anastacia blooms. Finished with striking lime foliage.
A gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers and complimenting seasonal blooms that include roses, lilies, gerbera daisies in cheerful autumn colours. Accented by fresh foliage this arrangement will provide a ray of sunshine for the lucky recipient.
Take the stress out of choosing your Flowers Looking for a unique gift to surprise your special someone with? Your Mystery Flower Bouquet will be designed and created by one of our immensely talented professional florists. Using passion and inspiration as a guide, your unique bouquet will be made using the freshest seasonal flowers at a bargain price. As we'll be choosing which flowers to send you, you can be assured that we'll be a bit more generous than usual and you will therefore get a bit more 'bang for your buck' as it were. Your Mystery Flower Bouquet can be delivered next day throughout the UK, 7 days a week. Your flowers will be delivered in our special flower delivery box to ensure they arrive in immaculate condition for just £32.00! For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card or a delicious box of Lindt Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Mystery Flower Bouquet Flower Bouquet.
Our florists have created a stunning bouquet in memory of Kate Guthrie. We've included Pink Germinis, Cerise Germinis, Blue Iris, Gypsophila and Ruscus. This stunning arrangement would make the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries and just because! Kate Guthrie was just 16 months old when she was diagnosed with a type of cancer called sarcoma. Despite gruelling surgery and treatment, at no stage did she lose her beautiful smile and the ability to make people laugh. Since Kate’s death in 1994 her family have worked alongside Cancer Research UK to find out why sarcomas occur. Over the past seven years nine sarcoma projects have been completed. Kate’s friends and family have given out gerbera flowers in her memory and collected over £549,000 in donations. 25% of the profits from this item goes to Cancer Research UK to help fund research into Sarcomas. Sarcomas are cancers that either develop in soft tissue or in bones. Our scientists are working hard to find new ways of beating Sarcomas.
The Colourful Joy of the Carnival Bouquet The Carnival Bouquet evokes all the colour, joy and excitement of a carnival parade which makes it ideal for celebrations and parties. This radiant flower bouquet will brighten up any setting and is the perfect gift to cheer someone up. Our expert florists arrange each Carnival Bouquet using only the freshest roses, lilies, carnations and gerbera. The result is truly a visual and aromatic feast to make any loved one's day. Your fresh Carnival Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £30.00!
FREE DELIVERYDelightfully fragrant white oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to create that elegant touch in your home. The perfect gift for the budding florist .Please note the vase pictured is not included.
FREE DELIVERYBeautifully scented pink oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to create that elegant touch in your home. The perfect gift for the budding florist.Please note, the vase pictured is not included
A Delightfully Bright and Quaint Floral Design on Beautiful Quality 100% Cotton, Bouquet comes on a 3" Pencil Pleat Header, it's Fully Lined and can be accessorised with co-ordinating Cushions to complete the look.
This charming Bouquet is sure to please in soft peach and pink tones carnations roses interspersed with white statice & veronica. An ideal mix & gift for all occasions and sure to grace any home.
This sweet scented Bouquet is a popular choice with a mix of stock, roses and alstromeria all adding a vintage style to this charming natural arrangement.