Spoil them with a large bouquet of 40 roses. An abundance of red, pink, and white Kenyan roses.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase is not included.
We know how important it is to be as personal and sentimental as possible, that's why we've decided to let you create your own rose bouquet.
FREE DELIVERYDelightfully fragrant white oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to create that elegant touch in your home. The perfect gift for the budding florist .Please note the vase pictured is not included.
FREE DELIVERYBeautifully scented pink oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to create that elegant touch in your home. The perfect gift for the budding florist.Please note, the vase pictured is not included
This riot of colourful mixed freesia bouquet is the perfect bouquet to send to your loved one to bring some cheer to their day. Why not add a delicious box of chocolates to make their gift extra special?Please note the bouquet pictured is the Bijou size and the vase pictured is not included.
Beautifully fragrant white oriental lilies will arrive ready to arrange. A classic way to show you care. Please note the bouquet pictured is the Bijou size and the vase pictured is not included.
Almost all LSA International glassware is handmade. This means that each product is individually mouthblown and hand-finished by skilled artisans. The techniques used to make glass by hand have not essentially changed for 2000 years.Personalise with a font of your choice.Handwash in warm soapy water and dry with a soft cloth.
A beautiful bouquet of a selection of white flowers that is sure to charm and is suitable for so many occasions. The lovely scented Oriental lilies take pride of place and clustered around them are the pretty lisianthus with their almost greenish tone, the white roses and the cheerful daisy-like germini.
A calming bouquet of pure white lilies that is suitable for any occasion. This is a perfectly simple, yet perfectly beautiful, expression of floral elegance. These beautiful Oriental lilies arrive in bud, ready to open out and fill the room with their sweet, exotic scent. This lovely bouquet is guaranteed to delight and charm the recipient with its beauty and fragrance!
Always popular and in demand, this spectacular peony bouquet is guaranteed to put a huge smile on the face of your loved one.
A fine mixture of sweet pink and burgundy dahlia with burgundy celosia mixed with luscious Italian greenery. Expertly hand-tied with natural raffia. This is a perfect reminder of appreciation towards the one you love.