Search found 536 items

Dianthus caryophyllus 'Trailing Carnations Mixed'
  • £1.00

Travelling in the Alpine regions of Europe one is struck by the magnificent and visual impact of their window boxes, hanging baskets, pots, tubs etc. And then we realised that they make liberal use of pendulous carnations adding an extra slant in perspective and design. The colour range is mainly pink and red shades.

Morning Glory 'Carnevale di Venezia'
  • £0.99

A vigorous climber producing masses of spectacular, striped blue and pink blooms with intricate markings, as if painted individually. Flowers all summer, transforming your garden with all the dazzling colours of the Venice Carnival. Twining climber to 2m (6ft)

Cineraria 'Jester Scarlet'
  • £1.00

A really striking bicolour which is dwarf and uniform in appearance, offering a carpet of scarlet-copper flowers with a distinct pure white centre. Height: 20-25cm (8-10in)

Poppy 'Seriously Scarlet'
  • £1.79

A dramatic new Poppy with striking scarlet flowers which have a dark purple-blue centre. opening to form an Elizabethan style ruff. The strong, tall stems boast large, highly ornamental, silver-green orientale foliage. Variable seed was sent by a customer to T&M, and breeders have selected for uniformity and trueness to type, resulting in this bright border and cottage garden annual.

Great Scarlet Poppy
  • £1.00

Very imposing, sturdy plants with long, strong stems and large flower buds which break open to reveal huge 20cm (8in) flowers of startling red with black blotches. Plants require no support and ideally should be grown in groups at the back of the border. They look excellent when planted next to Red Hot Poker T&M Hybrids, T&M's Michaelmas Daisy Mixed and Rudbeckias. Flowers early summer. Height 122-152cm (4-5ft)

Rose 'Paul's Scarlet'
  • £10.99

Description for Rose 'Paul's Scarlet' not available

Aster 'Carpet Ball Mixed'
  • £2.99

Thick clustered, tightly-knit blooms create a colourful floral carpet. China aster 'Carpet Ball Mixed' produces neat, mound-shaped plants with the foliage almost obscured by the fully double flowers. These superb, low maintenance annuals flower over a long period throughout summer, making them ideal for brightening up the front of borders and patio containers. Height and spread: 20cm (8).

Marigold 'Scarlet Sophie'
  • £2.99

Spectacular camellia-like blooms - uniquely different, the rich russet red flowers trimmed with gold change to flame red as the flower ages. Early and smothered with blooms all season. Recommended for beds, borders, pots, window boxes etc. Flowers all summer. Height: 25-30cm (10-12in).

Viscaria occulata 'Patio Mixed'
  • £1.79

An easy to grow container or border filler, with attractive, dainty, single, pink, red, blue and white flowers. Looks spectacular planted in large drifts, where the slender dwarf stems of flowers, glisten in the summer sunshine. Height 25-30cm (10-12 inches)

Streptocarpus x hybridus 'Dibley's Dragon Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

T&M are delighted to be able to offer this spectacular mixture. Dragon Mixed is a high quality uniform mixture in a wide range of exciting and unique colours and patterns. Bred by Streptocarpus specialist and RHS Gold medal winners Dibley's Nurseries

Mesembryanthemum criniflorum 'Magic Carpet Mixed'
  • £2.49

Carpet like growth with leaves that appear to be sprinkled with ice crystals. Produces a glowing display in full sun on beds, borders, dry banks, rockeries, etc

Dianthus caryophyllus 'Giant Chabaud Mixed'
  • £2.69

The fragrance and the range of colour is very good. Double beautifully scented, fringed flowers.
