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Buddleja Collection
  • £19.97

This collection of Buddleias will make a perfect addition to your summer garden. Great in mixed borders or as specimen plants in pots dotted around your patio. Enjoy the delightful fragrance and impressive flower power wherever you decide to plant them. In this collection you will receive: Wisteria Lane: With its honey-scented blooms and unusual weeping habit, this buddleia is a sight to behold when in bloom. Its large, pendant flowers hang like wisteria, making a truly amazing statement plant for your garden. Grows to 150cm (4.9ft) tall. Berries & Cream: A Splendid shrub, it's an exciting new take on the traditional purple or white varieties that we're all used to seeing. With its long, arching conical summer flowerheads that grow to 20cm (8in) long covered in hundreds or tiny, yellow throated magenta-pink and white florets. Grows to 2.5m (8ft) tall. Butterfly Tower: A breakthrough in buddleia breeding, 'Butterfly Tower' is perfectly formed, with a unique upright habit, ideal for growing in smaller spaces - so now anyone can grow this fragrant beauty. Producing a tower of mauve-purple flowers right through the summer and into autumn. Grows to 2m (6ft) tall. Buddleias are exceptionally free flowering and are irresistible to bees and butterflies, so this collection is ideal if you are wanting to encourage more wildlife into your garden. Plus, the gorgeous flowerheads make stunning cut flowers for you to enjoy inside your home. This fabulous collection will fill your garden with their spectacular blooms from June through to September. They are easy to grow and are very low maintenance, making these buddleias a perfect choice for beginner gardeners, just plant them somewhere sunny in well drained soil and they will thrive all summer long. Supplied as 3 x established plants, in 12cm pots, ready to be planted out.

Columnar Fruit Tree Collection
  • £29.97

There's nothing like the taste of home-grown fruit, but if you're short on space, deciding which tree to choose can be difficult and this fantastic collection of columnar fruit trees will make that decision easy for you. With these three Columnar fruit trees you will have an abundance of delicious and juicy Apples, Pears and Cherries, all grown and ready to be easily picked in your own garden. Developed to have a naturally compact and columnar habit with no branches, they have been bred, rather than pruned into a unique upright shape, so it will maintain its form without the need for special training or pruning. In this collection your will receive: 1 x Cherry 'Queen Mary' Columnar Tree - Producing simply stunning spring cherry blossom that in July is followed by large, dark red and aromatic fruit that's just begging to be eaten. 1 x Pear 'Decora' Columnar Tree - Beautiful and delicious brown fruits that are firm and juicy and ready to pick from September and beautiful blossom in the spring. 1 x Apple 'Bolero' Columnar Tree - Sweet, crisp, and juicy, medium sized apples that are ready to pick from September, perfect for eating fresh or using in your cooking. Self-fertile and growing to just 2m in height after 5 years, the fruit from each tree is so easy to harvest as the it naturally occurs on small spurs close to the main stem instead of on branches. Being very productive fruit trees, they also make spectacular ornamental trees that when grown in a large pot. Superb as patio plants, they will look wonderful displayed either side of a doorway or garden gate where you can really appreciate their lovely spring blossom. Supplied as a collection of 3 bare root trees (1 x Apple, 1 x Pear, 1 x Cherry), ready to plant, growing to 2m in 5 years.

Cherry Queen Mary Columnar
  • £12.99

There's nothing like the taste of home grown fruit, but if you're short on space, deciding which tree to choose can be difficult. Not any longer, as we bring you the amazing 'Queen Mary' cherry. Developed to have a naturally columnar habit and no branches, the 'Queen Mary' cherry has been bred, rather than pruned into its upright shape, so it will maintain its form without the need for special training or pruning. Stunning spring cherry blossom is followed in July by the fabulous large, dark red and aromatic fruit that's just begging to be eaten! Self-fertile and reaching a height of just 2m in 5 years, harvesting the fruit of 'Queen Mary' couldn't be easier as the cherries grow naturally close to the main stem instead of on branches. As well as being a productive fruit tree, it also makes a magnificent addition to your patio or balcony so that you can snack on the delicious cherries, fresh from the tree. Supplied as a bare root tree, ready to plant, growing to 2m in 5 years.

Dianthus Sweet Pleasure Collection
  • £14.99

'Sweet Pleasure' will grab your attention with its beautiful, large double flowers and gorgeous fragrance. A truly delightful collection of dianthus garden pinks. With their profusion of delicately ruffled flowers in wonderful colours including pinks, peaches and reds throughout the summer and into the autumn, they will fill your garden with the sweet scent of cloves during warm evenings. Recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators', the flowers are a favourite with butterflies and bees. 'Sweet Pleasure' is a range of highly perfumed dianthus garden pinks that are neat, compact and well branched, producing large, double blooms throughout the summer. Ideal for growing in pots and containers on the patio, and perfect for sunny beds and borders. The sumptuous, richly coloured blooms are carried on sturdy stems over neat mounds of narrow leaves, making them a real must-have in the garden and fabulous as long-lasting cut flowers. Supplied as a collection of 12 plug plants, 2 each of 6 colours, growing to a height and spread of 25 cm (10 in), including: Dark red Apricot Peppermint (Pink and white) Purple Picotee (Purple with a white edge) Red White

Perennial Collection
  • £9.99

Whether planting a whole new garden from scratch, or updating an existing one, perennials are amongst the most important plant. Returning year after year, they are a perfect foundation and will provide structure to beds and borders, putting on a spectacular show. What's more, bees, butterflies and a whole host of other insects will enjoy them as much as you will. This collection of wonderful plants has been expertly chosen to give a wide selection of sizes, colours and textures so that you can plant a fabulous perennial border knowing that it will bring you vibrant colour for years to come. All you have to do is plant them about 60 cm (2 ft) apart, with taller plants towards the back, and let them do their thing. They will gradually merge together and they'll get bigger and better every year. They're easy to look after too, just deadhead them regularly to keep fresh flowers coming, and cut them back in autumn. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to be potted on before being planted out into your garden. You'll receive 2 each of the following: Verbena bonariensis - Another RHS award winner, with both the Award of Garden Merit and Perfect for Pollinators, this is a magnet for insects with its tall, narrow stems topped with clusters of purple flowers from June and growing to 2 m (6½ ft) tall. Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' - Wonderful, daisy-like, semi-double flowerheads of rich golden yellow from June to October - great for brightening up any planting scheme and drought tolerant, and deserving of its RHS Award of Garden Merit, reaching a height and spread of 50 cm (20 in). Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' - A compact yet extremely colourful variety with abundant bright red and yellow daisy-like flowers from June until September, growing to a height and spread of 40 cm (16 in). Geum 'Mrs Bradshaw' - Striking purple stems with bright scarlet flowers emerging from June. Reaching 60 cm (2 ft) in height, this beauty holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you know it's a fantastic plant that's worthy of a space in your garden. Papaver 'Allegro' - A spectacular Oriental Poppy with fern-like leaves and incredibly vibrant orange flowers with black markings in the centre during May and June, reaching a height and spread of 60 cm (2 ft). Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Dark Blue Dark Bee' - Spectacular spires of dark blue, blue-black centred flowers in June and August above mounds of attractive, heavily divided foliage. A cottage garden favourite that will look magnificent in your garden, and great in pots too, growing to 1 m (3 ft) tall.

Groundcover Perennial Collection
  • £9.99

This wonderful collection of low growing, groundcover perennials is perfect for planting at the front of borders and beneath taller garden plants to completely fill your garden. Not only do they provide year-round foliage interest, and they flower too, and keep weeds at bay by gradually spreading to carpet the ground. They are all evergreen and flower in blue, pink, yellow and white during spring and summer and are recommended by the RHS as 'Plants for Pollinators', attractive bees and butterflies with their long flowering season. Simply plant them about 60 cm (2 ft) apart so that they have room to grow and give them a trim after they've finished flowering or in spring to keep their foliage dense and in shape. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to be potted on or planted out into your garden. You'll receive 2 each of the following: Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' - Wonderful green and cream variegated foliage splashed with deep burgundy and spires of dainty, intense blue flowers from April until June. It will form a carpet of groundcover reaching a height of 15 cm (6 in) and spread of 90 cm (3 ft), if prefers partial shade. Armeria 'Morning Star Rose' - Narrow, grass like leaves and a profusion of bright pink flowers in May and June. Reaching a height of 15 cm (6 in) and spread of 25 cm (10 in), preferring full sun. Lysimachia 'Goldilocks' - Also known as the 'Golden Creeping Jenny', with striking, rounded golden foliage and small yellow flowers from June until October. It holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit Growing in sun or partial shade to 10 cm (4 in) height but trailing to 1 m (3 ft). Iberis 'Tahoe' - A low, spreading perennial with mounds of lance shaped, glossy dark green leaves which give rise to short, dense clusters of small, fragrant white flowers from April until June. Growing to 30 cm (1 ft) in height and spreading 60 cm (2 ft) and preferring full sun. Vinca minor 'Colada' - The white periwinkle with glossy foliage and low, spreading shoots dotted with white flowers from April until September. It will grow in sun or full shade, reaching 15 cm (6 in) in height and spreading 1 m (3 ft). Arabis 'Little Treasure' - Mounds of foliage completely smothered in bright pink flowers in April and May. Growing to 10 cm (4 in) in height and spreading 50 cm (20 in) in sun or partial shade.

Vinca minor Collection
  • £4.99

Vinca minor, better known as the periwinkle is a wonderful, low growing evergreen perennial with glossy green foliage on long stems that will root where they touch the ground. Between April and September beautiful, five petalled, star shaped flowers appear in shades purple, blue and white scattered across the carpet of foliage. They are wonderful for brightening up dull parts of the garden and provide excellent groundcover, helping to keep weed in check. For something different, try growing periwinkles in hanging baskets so that the stems can trail over the sides. Although they flower best in sunshine, they do very well in partial shade and will even tolerate growing in shadow. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to be potted on or planted out into your garden. You'll receive 3 each of the following: Vinca minor 'Bowles' - Bright lavender blue flowers, and a holder of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, growing to 15 cm (6 in) in height and spreading 60 cm (2 ft). Vinca minor 'Colada' - A lovely periwinkle with dotted with white flowers, reaching 15 cm (6 in) in height and spreading 1 m (3 ft). Vinca minor 'Verino' - A beautiful, periwinkle with rich, deep magenta flowers that grows to 20 cm (8 in) in height and spreads 50 cm (20 in). Vinca minor 'Hawaii' - Stunning blue flowers with a purple tinge. Very unusual for a periwinkle. Reached a height of 20 cm (8 in) and will spread to 1 m (3 ft).

Salvia Collection
  • £4.99

A superb salvia collection featuring three colours that complement each other wonderfully. Their foliage forms clumps of aromatic leaves that give rise to spectacular upright spires that are covered with tiny flowers from June until October. With different heights, they look particularly good planted together, especially in a large pot, but they equally as impressive in borders. All of them are recommended as 'Plants for Pollinators' by the RHS and bees and many other insects will feast on the huge numbers of flowers. Easy to grow and preferring full sun, they are drought tolerant and just need regular deadheading and watering to encourage repeat flowering all summer long. The flower spikes are extremely weather resistant and appear unaffected by wind, rain, or hot, dry spells, and they also make ideal cut flowers. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to be potted on or planted out into your garden. You'll receive 4 each of the following: Salvia 'East Friesland' - A beautiful compact variety with narrow spires of vibrant violet blue flowers. Holder of the RHS Award of Garden Merit and. Reaching 45 cm (18 in) in height and spreading 60 cm (2 ft). Salvia 'Big Blue' - Tall racemes packed full of breath-taking bright purple flowers. Growing to 90 cm (3 ft) in height and spreading 60 cm (2 ft). Salvia 'Edula Rose' - Lovely bright pink flower spikes reaching a height and spread of 40 cm (16 in).

Creeping Phlox Collection
  • £14.99

Quite possibly one of the most colourful of the creeping phloxes, this dainty, evergreen perennial is a versatile solution for a colourful spring garden, perfect for planting in drifts for a carpet of colour through April and into May or dotted around to fill gaps and keep weeds at bay. With an abundance star-like flowers along with distinctive needle-like leaves, each plant will spread to 60cm (2ft) across and is the perfect choice for rock gardens and for edging paths and borders. Also known as creeping moss phlox, you can grow it in mixed borders in full sun as well as in all manner of containers - it really is a plant for every occasion. As well as making an invaluable groundcover plant and weed suppressant, hardy carpet phlox is a low or no maintenance hardy plant needing very little in the way of aftercare, making it the perfect plant for those new to gardening or with no time for faddy garden divas. In this collection: Candy Stripe - Pink petals with white stripes. Emerald Blue - Pale lavender flowers. McDaniels Cushion - Bright pink blooms. White Delight - Pure white petals. Supplied as a collection of 24 plug plants, 6 of each variety, ready to grow on and plant out, growing to 15cm (6in) x 60cm (2ft).

Pear Decora Columnar
  • £12.99

Perfect for small spaces or patio pots, this pear tree will perform just as well as any other, but in an incredibly compact form! 'Decora' has been grown to have an upright, columnar form and almost no branches, achieved by breeding instead of pruning so that the tree will maintain its shape without the need for skilled pruning or training. The delicious fruit is firm and juicy and ready to pick from September. Self-fertile and growing to just 2m in height after 5 years, 'Decora' is so easy to harvest as the fruit naturally occurs on small spurs close to the main stem instead of on branches. As well as being a productive fruit tree, it also makes an ideal, eye-catching specimen when grown in a large patio pot where you can really appreciate the lovely spring blossom followed by a healthy crop of tasty pears. Supplied as a bare root tree, ready to plant and reaching 2m after 5 years.

Apple Bolero Columnar
  • £12.99

Perfect for small spaces or patio pots, this apple will perform just as well as any other, but in an incredibly compact form! 'Bolero' is a Ballerina apple tree, grown to be naturally columnar in shape and almost without branches. As this is achieved by breeding instead of pruning, the tree will maintain its upright shape without the need for skilled pruning or training. 'Bolero' apples are sweet, crisp and juicy, medium sized, and ready to pick from September. Ideal for eating fresh or for cooking, this is a wonderful way to grow your own apples! Reaching just 2m in height after 5 years, Ballerina 'Bolero' is so easy to harvest as the apples naturally occur on small spurs close to the main stem instead of on branches. As well as being a productive fruit tree, it makes a spectacular ornamental tree when grown in a large pot, superb as a patio plant and wonderful displayed either side of a doorway or garden gate where you can really appreciate their lovely pink flushed, white spring blossom followed by a good crop of juicy apples. Supplied as a bare root tree, ready to plant, growing to 2m in 5 years.

Acer Palmatum Collection
  • £19.97

We have put together a stunning collection of Acers for you, all guaranteed to make an impact in your garden for years to come! Fully hardy even in the coldest winters they lose their leaves in winter, only to burst with incredible colour in spring. The stunning foliage changes colour throughout the year, producing an amazing array of colours in Autumn. With this incredible collection you get 3 beautiful and highly desirable Acer plants, carefully selected to give you a wonderful mixture of colours and sizes. Acers are slow growing, making them ideal for growing in large pots or smaller gardens, where once planted, they are very easy to maintain, and reward you with gorgeous foliage displays for many years. They do well in light shade, as the brightest summer sun can scorch the paler coloured leaves occasionally. Varieties Included: Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - deep burgundy purple leaves that turn an even more brilliant shade of bright red in Autumn, just before they fall. The classic red-leaved maple which will reach 5m in 20 years. Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace' - a fantastic compact variety with fine foliage emerald green leaves that transform into fiery shades of red and orange in autumn. Growing to just 1.5m, this is perfect in a large pot, and boasts an RHS Award of Garden Merit. Acer 'Orange Dream' - Bright orange new growth, which fades to yellow in the autumn. It is a great specimen shrub that grows to 3m over 20 years and, like 'Emeral Lace', holds an RHS Award of Garen Merit.
