Remarkable trumpet-like flowers in a range of colours, all splashed or marbled in cerise-red. The well branched plants are full of small buds which break open in the evening and early morning, releasing a wonderful fragrance
A specially selected blend, offering uniform, mid height plants, in a glowing colour range with upward facing blooms. The evening fragrance adds to their irresistible charm and elegance and is guaranteed to enhance your borders
Definitely more than a mouthful! Each enormous fruit from Strawberry 'Sweet Colossus' weighs in at around 42g which is almost the same size as a standard tomato. Better still, these jaw-dropping fruits are deliciously sweet and flavoursome.
Collection of 3 popular varietiesPerfect for patio containersYou won't need an orchard for these dwarf fruit trees! These mini Apple and Pear trees are specially bred varieties, producing large fruits on stems reaching only 1m (3' 3) tall; just perfect for the patio! Supplied pot grown, 30-40cm (12-16) in height. Illustrated pot not supplied.
Wonderful anemone-like flowers on uniform, basal branching plants, early flowering with exceptional garden performance all summer. Height: 20-25cm (8-10in)
Supreme colour and scent from these bold varieties. Plant them in borders close to paths and patios where you can enjoy their enchanting scent on warm summer evenings.
The Ox-Eye Daisy is a familiar, native wildflower seen in many fields, roadside verges, railways and alongside riverbanks. Attractive, silvery-white blooms with golden-yellow 'eyes' are produced from June to August each year. Excellent for borders or wildflower meadows.Height 45-60cm (18-24in).
Description for Allium Cottage Garden Collection not available
A superior mixture and selection. Dwarfer, more base branching, without the need to 'pinch out'. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)
Almost certainly the purest and deepest colour in existence. Lush, rich, broad leaves, like velvet, lightly serrated and nearly black in colour. Superb mixed with summer patio container plants
The sheer joy of this mixture is the wide and multiple colour range. It gives you so many different pot plants from one packet of seed and they couldn't be easier to grow. Superb house or greenhouse pot plant. Bedding plants for warm but shady positions. Height 45cm (18in).
Dwarf bushy dahlias with delightful "collarette" form, in many shades of red, yellow, orange and white all with white matching or contrasting inner collar of quilled petals. Height: 50-60cm (20-24in)