Search found 1317 items

Amaranthus tricolor 'Joseph's Coat'
  • £0.99

An improved form with yellow-scarlet and green foliage all on one plant, it makes a striking bedding plant for its foliage alone and produces erect brush like deep red 6in flower spikes which are good for cutting. Also suitable for growing in 5-6in pots. Flowers late summer. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)

Oenothera versicolor 'Sunset Boulevard'
  • £0.99

Well branched plants, red stemmed with rich green, lanceolate foliage. The striking flowers are in whorls, vivid orange/red when fully open and when over, turn to red. Like many Oenotheras, the combination of open and spent bloom together, is stunning. This very choice plant makes a wonderful addition to the perennial border and because it flowers in its first year from sowing, it also makes an attractive annual.

Pansy 'Water Colours Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Create a masterpiece with this fine mixture of the most delicate shades which has been an unqualified success wherever T&M have shown it. The colours work together in a way that brings raptuous comments wherever it is seen and it has performed well under adverse weather conditions both for colour, winter/ spring and summer flowering, for colour harmony and usefulness whether in containers, hanging baskets or bedding. Height: 15-20cm (6-8in).

Cabbage 'Minicole' F1 Hybrid (Autumn)
  • £1.00

Have you noticed how difficult it is to buy a SMALL cabbage, or how garden-grown cabbages get wasted because they are ready and you are not? Cabbage Minicole not only overcomes both these problems (it stands ready for cutting for four months) but it can be grown very close together, is used commercially for coleslaw, and is delicious fresh

Broccoli 'Brokali Apollo' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese, Chinese Kale)
  • £1.00

Grow your own distinctly-flavoured, tender-stem broccoli at a fraction of the price of imported supermarket produce. A cross between selections of broccoli and kailaan (Chinese kale) to give deliciously flavoured, soft and tender, nutrient-rich stems and flower buds. The main or central head must be cut to encourage plenty of side-shoots

Hyssopus officinalis 'Tricolour Mixed'
  • £1.00

A beautifully aromatic herb with a pungent tang suitable for meat dishes, beans and salads. Hyssop makes an attractive plant for the border where it will attract bees and butterflies. This exclusive blend brings together a pretty mix of blue, pink and white blooms. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 100cm (39)

Runner Bean 'Millionaire' (Dwarf) - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.00

The pink flowered variety has been separated from Dwarf Jackpot Mixed to launch Runner Bean Millionaire. Stringless, tender pods of outstanding quality on short compact plants. Simply regularly harvest them for a long season of delicious crops.

Broccoli 'Summer Purple' (Purple Sprouting)
  • £1.00

British breeding especially for summer cropping as needs no vernalisation (winter chill) to produce tasty purple spears. Robust plants will produce high yields if picked regularly to promote fresh flushes of spears. Broccoli Summer Purple has good heat tolerance. Crops from July to November if sown at regular intervals

Broccoli 'Spiridon' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)
  • £1.00

The latest maturing variety with some good frost tolerance to extend the cutting of quality heads and 'sideshoots' well into the autumn. Calabrese Spiridon produces domed heads, average 400-500g on erect, open plants which allow good air circulation to minimise disease. Prefers moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Tomato 'Tumbling Junior' F1 Hybrid - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.00

Basket/ ContainerTomato 'Tumbling Junior' is British breeding of a more compact tumbler type. This cascading cherry tomato is superb in baskets and containers, producing a bumper crop of golden-yellow, sweet, cherry sized fruits, each weighing about 25g (1oz). Height and spread: 30cm (12).

Dwarf Bean 'Mascotte' - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.00

A compact, floriferous 'daisy' type perfect for small plots, decorative veg displays and patio/window pots. Each plant produces a mass of flowers leading to 13-15cm (5-6in) very slender, mid-green, stringless pencil pods that set at the top of the plant for easy picking. Mascotte crops over a long season and has excellent eating quality.

Zinnia elegans 'Swizzle Cherry & Ivory' - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.00

Zinnias have certainly increased in popularity as summer bedding in recent years. Swizzles are sure to brighten any display with their eye-catching, bicoloured flowers, in vibrant shades of cherry and ivory. The dwarf, bushy free-flowering plants have exceptional garden performance in sunny borders or in containers, as well as attracting a variety of butterflies to your garden. Height: 25-30cm (10-12in)
