Search found 39 items

Complete Hardy Peony Collection
  • £49.95

This collection of Peony flowers isthe perfect choice if you are looking to create a gorgeous show of coloured blooms. Producing a simply stunning display of huge, double flowers throughout mid-summer, they will add impact and vivid colour to your beds and borders. For timeless, elegant beauty, peonies are almost impossible to beat! It's easy to see why they are so popular; as a perennial they will come back year after year with bigger, better displays - all with the absolute minimum of effort! Easy to grow and low maintenance, they will reap rewards for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Peonies will die back after flowering each year, only to burst into life again the following spring. You will get bigger, better displays each year for many years to come. Perfect for growing in beds, borders, pots or containers. This collection includes: Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt' - Huge and fragrant, rose-pink double flowers with white edges. Peony 'Karl Roseenfeld'- Eye-catching, rose-shaped red double-blooms. Peony 'Bartzella' - Beautiful lemon-yellow flowers with frilly, ruffled centres. Peony 'Bowl of Beauty' - Huge and striking, two-tone blooms of pink and cream petals. Peony 'Duchesse de Nemours' - Beautiful and fragrant double ivory blooms.   Supplied as 5 established plants in 11cm pots, ready for planting.

Complete "In The Green" Bulb Saver Collection
  • £49.96

Nothing signals the arrival of spring like the very first brave flowers emerging - some even whilst snow still covers the ground! This bumper pack of 125 bulbs will give you swathes of bright, cheery colour from late-January right through to April. They're normally difficult to grow from dry bulbs found in garden centres, however by planting these beauties "in the green" whilst they are still in leaf, you can GUARANTEE successful flowering displays from the very first season! This bumper collection contains 50 Single Snowdrops, 25 Double-Flowered Snowdrops, 25 British Native Bluebells and 25 British Native Aconites - enough for a garden full of colour! Plant them in swathes under trees and shrubs, at the front of borders, or even under parts of your lawn. They're completely winter hardy and once planted they require virtually no care!

Complete Blueberry vaccinium Kit
  • £52.93

This veritable superfood is believed to carry all manner of health benefits and is recommended by health experts and dietitians accordingly. Packed full of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, they are not only really good for you, but they taste great too! Blueberries provide true season-long interest and will produce lightly fragrant, bell-shaped blossom in spring, followed by delicious fruits that form and colour up ready for picking from July. In autumn, you get a flash of seasonal colour as the foliage will provide a bright flourish of scarlet before falling for the winter. Easy to grow and look after, blueberries make brilliant patio plants and will grow perfectly in pots - do remember though to use ericaceous (acidic pH) compost though as all blueberries are intolerant of lime (alkaline soil). This collection will provide a bumper harvest from June to August providing many pounds of fruit per season once fully established. Supplied as a complete kit ready for planting up, you'll receive 3 x  large, established plants in 3L pots, 1 x early, 1 x mid and 1 x late season, ready for immediate planting. Plants reach approx 1-1.5m (3-5ft). Kit includes 3 x Metallic effect sqaure planters and a 60L bag of Ericaceous Compost.
