Search found 26 items

Gardenia Golden Crown
  • £9.99

Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' is a beautiful ornamental shrub with elegant evergreen foliage with long, slender green leaves edged in creamy yellow. A compact Gardenia, 'Crown Jewel' blooms prolifically from July to September with stunning, exotic looking, large pure white double flowers that will fill your garden with delicious, jasmine-like fragrance that's one of the most powerful and intoxicating scents around! It is one of a new breed of hardier Gardenias, and so can be kept outside all winter, as long as it receives protection from the coldest weather, and as it keeps its beautiful leaves all year, it's always a handsome plant, whatever the season. Due to its size it makes a wonderful specimen plant in a large patio pot and is stunning in borders too. Easy to care for, requiring little pruning apart from a trim each spring and the removal of dead stems. 'Crown Jewel' will appreciate being grown in dappled shade, without too much full sun in neutral or slightly acid soil that's well drained, so incorporate ericaceous compost when planting. Remove faded flowers to encourage new buds and you'll be rewarded with at least three months of fabulous fragrance and flowers. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant and reaching a height and spread of 1m (3ft).

Asparagus Pacific 2000 crowns
  • £9.99

Considered by many to be a gourmet treat, asparagus is grown for its succulent tasty spears that can be harvested for up to eight weeks from mid-spring onwards. Traditionally grown from bare root plants, known as crowns, Pacific is one of the sweetest tasting varieties available. Asparagus will thrive if planted in a sunny, well-drained spot and will reward you with lots of tender spears that can be added to many dishes or simply eaten on their own try gently steaming, drizzling with olive oil and dressing with a few flakes of parmesan cheese. Yummy! Good preparation is essential for asparagus to thrive. Dig an 8in deep by 12in wide channel, spread some well-rotted mature along the bottom and cover with a 2in layer of excavated soil. Make a 4in high ridge of soil down the centre of the trench and place the crowns on top, 12in apart, spreading the roots evenly down each side. Carefully fill the trench with soil and water. Do not harvest any spears in Year 1, to build up strencgth of root systems for longer and bigger cropping. Enjoy the taste of freshly cut Asparagus in your garden - it's worth the wait!
