Search found 42 items

Runner Bean 'Summer Flowered Mixed'
  • £3.99

Runner Beans are a familiar sight in the vegetable plot, but have you ever tried growing them in your flower borders? With their handsome, large leaves and pretty summer blooms they are perfect for training over a large obelisk or pergola! Runner Bean 'Summer Flowered Mixed' brings together a lovely blend of 3 varieties, chosen for their different flower colours and abundant crops. The red flowers of ?Lady Di?, blend harmoniously with the white blooms of ?Desiree?.

Giant Flowered Geranium Collection
  • £27.49

Enormous heads of bloom with exceptional weather resistance make these giant geraniums stand out from the rest! Raised from cuttings, these plants have increased vigour and abundant flowers that persist throughout summer if deadheaded regularly.

Large Flowered Clematis Collection
  • £24.99

Create a show stopping feature in your garden with this sensational Large Flowered Clematis Collection. Let them mingle together to create a wonderful multi-tonal display of purple and apple green, fully double flowers. Flowering profusely throughout the summer, they make a fine focal point when grown against a wall or cloaking a sturdy obelisk.

Lily Giant Flowered Collection
  • £19.99

Towering stems and colossal blooms make these sensational tree lilies a sight to behold. The thick stems reach impossible heights, with virtually no staking. Each exotic-looking bloom releases a seductive fragrance that carries on the summer breeze. Lily

Snowdrop (Single-flowered)
  • £22.99

Drifts of single flowered snowdrops really lift the spirits on cold winter days! These understated beauties love to nestle in dappled shade at the base of trees, or for a particularly bold impact, try naturalising them in large informal areas of grass. Snowdrop bulbs are ideal for autumn planting. For spring planting choose snowdrops in the green. Height: 10cm (4). Only cultivated stock used.Useful links:How to plant bulbs, corms and tubers

Broad Bean 'Crimson Flowered'
  • £2.99

A heritage variety with stunning crimson flowers, followed by a good crop of short, upright pods and delicious beans. Broad Bean Crimson Flowered is ideal for growing in containers as well as in the garden, or as an ornamental edible in the flower border
