(Medium bouquet shown) Presenting the Onyx bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With beautiful velvet grand prix roses, calla lilies and bouvardia, the arrangement makes a clear statement. The bouquet is hand tied and presented in a luxury wrap and bag. Haute Florist serves those special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery.
This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus. The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery
(Medium bouquet shown) Presenting the Paris bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With Memory Lane Roses, divine Deep Water Roses complimented with fragrant Oriental Lilies, Stallion Chrysanthemums and forest fresh Eucalyptus. The bouquet is hand-tied and presented in a luxury wrap and bag. Haute Florist serves those special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery.
Each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by an artisan florist using the freshest stems available on the day so, whilst your gift will look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely. About this gift: Hand-tied flowers expertly arranged and perfectly presented in a pretty gift box Flowers delivered in bud for 7 days of freshness guaranteed Beautifully presented in kind-to-the-planet packaging Contactless delivery for your peace of mind Good to know...This gift may contain lilies. Not your cup of tea? View our lily free bouquets in the main menu.
Each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by an artisan florist using the freshest stems available on the day so, whilst your gift will look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely. About this gift: An expertly hand-crafted bouquet delivered perfectly pre-arranged Flowers delivered in bud for 7 days of freshness guaranteed Beautifully presented in kind-to-the-planet packaging Contactless delivery for your peace of mind Good to know... This gift may contain lilies. Not your cup of tea? View our lily free bouquets in the main menu.
Beautiful impeccable pink roses arranged in this exquisite hat box make for a lovely, elegant gift for any occasion. Send this bouquet for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other occasion. You can be sure that any recipient will love this luxurious floral display.
Presenting our Perigueux bouquet by Haute Florist, exquisite floral artistry hand tied by our professional florists. With Rose Lady Margaret, Orange Germini, Yellow Alstromeria and Brown Hypericum this arrangement has an enchanting seasonal touch complimented with Peach Avalanche Roses, White Veronica and Thlaspi Green Bells. The bouquet is hand tied with hypericum and presented in a luxury wrap and bag to serve those special occasions.
• NEW letterbox flowers • Luxury flowers, hand-picked and delivered next day • Beautifully packed, arranged by you This beautiful and elegant Pink Perfection Letterbox Flowers arrangement is one of our simplistic yet bold bouquets that will age with beauty. This arrangement is perfect to send for birthdays, anniversaries and so many more special occasions. In this bouquet you will find Lisianthus, Ruscus, Thlaspi, Spray Carnations, Pink Roses and Alstromeria. These letterbox flowers have been carefully packed by our expert florists and will be delivered straight through the door in our signature, branded packaging with a personalised message card.