Search found 129 items

Fuchsia Alice Hoffman
  • £9.99

A sumptuous and stunning newcomer to our range of Hardy Fuchsias, 'Alice Hoffman' produces large, white and pink flowers, which cascade from its branches throughout summer and into autumn. With a really pretty colour break of pinky white corolla, against pright pink sepals, this bush fuchsia really stands out among other plants and makes a spectacular display in borders and patio containers year after year. Alice Hoffman produces spectacular semi-double flowers with superb weather resistance, and subtle, bronze-tinged foliage so you really can't get a better hardy fuchsia! Holder of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, these compact and robust hardy fuchsias are perfectly proportioned for patio containers or small borders so anyone can grow them even without a garden! And of course, being RHS approved you can be sure of a real garden-worthy plant. Growing to around 50cm (1.5ft), we supply an established plant in a 2L pot ready to be planted out.

Fuchsia Genii
  • £9.99

Elegant and beautiful, fuchsias are a must-have for any gardener and this beautiful variety has unusual lime-green leaves. Flowering as early as June, hardy fuchsia Genii will come alive with an explosion of red and purple flowers hanging daintily from their stems like little ballerinas. Perfect for borders, pots & containers, Genii will provide structure and colour all summer long. This very hardy, reliable garden performer will thrive in your garden, coming back with bigger and better displays each year. Supplied as an established, 2L potted garden-ready hardy fuchsia, to be planted straight into its final position in the garden, or potted on into a decorative container.  

Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Red-Lavender'
  • £9.99

Description for Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Red-Lavender' not available

Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Scarlet-White'
  • £9.99

Description for Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Scarlet-White' not available

Fuchsia 'Delta's Sarah'
  • £9.99

Snow white sepals contrast with frills of unusual semi double blue petals. Perfectly proportioned for patio containers or small borders, this hardy upright fuchsia will delight you year after year.

Fuchsia arborescens 'BluTini'
  • £9.99

Description for Fuchsia arborescens 'BluTini' not available

Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Pink-Violet'
  • £9.99

Description for Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Pink-Violet' not available

Fuchsia 'Shrimp Cocktail'
  • £9.99

Bold cerise sepals and marbled pink petals swing delicately from the stems of this hardy upright fuchsia. A compact variety, producing a succession of supremely weather resistant blooms throughout summer and autumn.

Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Rose-White'
  • £9.99

Description for Fuchsia 'Fuchsita Rose-White' not available

Fuchsia Deltas Sarah
  • £9.99

A sumptuous and stunning newcomer to our range of Hardy Fuchsias, Delta's Sarah (or Delta's Sara as it is also known) produces large, white and violet-blue flowers, which cascade from its branches throughout summer and into autumn. With a really unusual colour break of a lavender-blue to purple corolla, against purest white sepals, this bush fuchsia really stands out among other plants and makes a spectacular display in borders and patio containers year after yearDelta Sarah produces spectacular semi-double unusual coloured blue flowers, up to 6cm (2½in) in diameter, with superb weather resistance, so you really can't get a better hardy fuchsia! Compact and robust these hardy fuchsias are perfectly proportioned for patio containers or small borders so anyone can grow them even without a garden! Growing to around 1m (3ft), we supply a pack of 6 premium quality Jumbo Plugs, ready to be potted up and planted out when all danger of frost has passed.

Tree Fuchsia arborescens
  • £9.99

If you're looking for something a little different then this is one of the more unusual types of fuchsia - an elegant garden shrub will bring an exotic, almost Mediterranean feel to your garden. An upright, evergreen shrub, fuchsia arborescens is a popular 'old fashioned' type plant with glossy, mid-green leaves and sprays of dark pink buds that open to small, fragrant pinkish-purple flowers in summer. Blooming for many months, the exciting flowers are followed by edible, dark blue-purple fruits. Recommended by the RHS as a plant that is 'perfect for pollinators' your tree fuschsia will help attract a wide range of wildlife into your garden and provide a vaulable food source for many pollinating insects. Supplied as 6 jumbo plug plants ready for potting on or planting out when all risk of frost has passed. Flowers July - August. Grows to 2.5m x 2.5m

Climbing Hardy Fuchsia Pink Fizz
  • £9.99

Following on from the success of Lady Boothby, Pink Fizz is a brand new 'climbing' fuchsia which is fully hardy and grows vigorously and vertically, reaching up to 1.5m in a single season. Rose pink and crimson blooms cover the length of its vigorous stems throughout the summer giving a sumptuous display, making it ideal to grow up fences, walls and trellises. While the stems are strong, so vigorous is the growth that Pink Fizz may need some support in windy areas. Flowering from June through till first frosts of late autumn, in milder winters it will keep its leaves on, and in colder ones lose its leaves and shoot again from the base the next season. A stunning new type of Fuchsia, and so easy to grow, 'Pink Fizz' lets you grow hardy fuchsias in ways you had never considered - as a hedge, at the back of a border, or for screening off unsighlty parts of the garden. Supplied as a pack of 6 plug plants for potting up and growing on before planting out when all risk of frost has passed. 
