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Petunia 'Frenzy Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £13.99

Petunia 'Frenzy Mixed' F1 Hybrid is a colourful mix of over 20 varieties of petunia plants, that are great for hanging baskets, window boxes, flower pouches, planters and garden borders.

Melon 'Emir' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £0.79

Small melons are produced in abundance and are perfect for families. Their golden flesh is complimented by a rich, sweet flavour. Ideal grown outdoors or in a greenhouse. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 200cm (79).

Cucumber 'Burpless Tasty Green' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £0.99

Bumper crops of delicious cucumbers that are ideal for growing in a greenhouse, conservatory or outdoors. High in vitamins, these tasty, fresh crops will not ?repeat? on you. Height: 300cm (18). Spread: 45cm (18).

Courgette 'Defender' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £1.19

An open branching plant encourages many more flowers and therefore many more courgettes to be produced. Plants have increased virus resistance and crops are large and plentiful. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).Culinary information: Some parts of these flowers are edible. Click here for more details about edible flowers.

Carrot 'Flyaway' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £0.99

Naturally sweet tasting and the best resistance to attack from carrot root fly. This variety has smooth-skinned, blunt ended roots, that are a rich orange colour throughout. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 15cm (6).

Broccoli 'Belstar' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese) (Seeds)
  • £1.19

Outstanding crops of calabrese with an excellent flavour. Plant in succession for a continual harvest, summer into autumn. The central floret is followed by several sideshoots. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 40cm (16).

Parsnip 'Gladiator' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £0.99

This deliciously sweet and crisp parsnip is fast to mature, in a smooth white skin. Roots have a good resistance to canker and will store well for use over the winter. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12).

Aubergine 'Galine' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £1.29

Produces an abundance of small, tasty aubergines throughout the summer on dwarf plants 60cm (24in) tall. An ideal variety for growing in patio containers. Height and spread: 60cm (24).

Brussels Sprout 'Brilliant' F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £0.99

Firm button sprouts that boast one of the sweetest flavours. Crops are ready to harvest during mid-winter, making them the perfect choice for your Christmas dinner. Height: 75cm (30). Spread: 50cm (20).

Leek Cairngorm F1 Hybrid (Seeds)
  • £1.19

Description for Leek Cairngorm F1 Hybrid (Seeds) not available

Cabbage 'Ruby Ball' F1 Hybrid (Autumn) (Seeds)
  • £1.19

Tasty and sweet variety of colourful red cabbage, with dense, solid, crunchy hearts. Try them raw or cooked or even grow for pickling. Ideal for storing over winter. Height: 40cm (16). Spread: 60cm (24).

Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid'
  • £19.99

Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' is the perfect choice for both beginner gardeners and more experienced Clematis growers, as this compact hardy perennial can cope with almost all garden conditions, from north-facing walls and shady corners to bright sunshine. Elegant large flowers open out into shell-pink blooms with purple/brown stamens in July and continue right through until September, providing an extended season of interest. Like most Clematis, the petals will fade when exposed to bright sunlight, although the soft mauve colour of the faded flowers is beautiful in its own right. Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' is a climber that can be grown on a wall, against a pergola, through shrubs and up a trellis; it is even happy in a pot, making it a superb choice for those with smaller gardens. Height: 2.5m (8'). Spread: 1.5m (4' 11). Pruning group: 3.
