Search found 130 items

Hydrangea arborescens ' Pink Annabelle'
  • £6.99

This extraordinary shrub bears enormous spherical flower heads that contrast wonderfully with the dark green foliage. 'Pink Annabelle' is perfect in shady borders or a woodland garden, and the huge flowerheads can be used to create elegant dried flower arrangements. Height and spread: 250cm (98).

Hydrangea 'Sweet Fantasy'
  • £12.99

Description for Hydrangea 'Sweet Fantasy' not available

Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird'
  • £54.99

Description for Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' not available

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bela Collection'
  • £44.99

Bring some elegance to your patio pots with these showy, dwarf Hydrangeas. Large mop head flowers are borne at the stem tips throughout summer, above the attractive, dark green foliage.

Hydrangea Colourant
  • £9.99

Hydrangea macrophylla are famed for their ability to produce different coloured flowers depending on the soil pH (acidity of the soil). In acid soils flowers will be blue, while neutral or alkaline soils will encourage pink flowers.

Hydrangea petiolaris
  • £11.99

Hydrangea petiolaris produces lacy white blooms in summer, creating a stunning contrast against abundant, dark-green foliage. These heart-shape leaves transform to a buttery shade of yellow as autumn approaches, illuminating even the darkest corner of the garden. With an RHS AGM, Hydrangea petiolaris is a shade-loving Hydrangea at home on cold, north-facing walls that seldom see the sun. Despite being a slow starter, it quickly climbs fences and walls with clinging aerial roots once established. Height: 10m (32'). Spread: 3m (10').

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Danube'
  • £15.99

Most Hydrangeas produce great results but require little maintenance, and Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Danube' is no exception. When given space in a sunny or partially shady border or patio container, the hardy shrub will produce striking flowerheads in July and August. These blooms can grow to an impressive 20cm (8) in diameter, transforming cottage gardens and dominating any cut flower display. The papery petals are typically a blue-purple colour when the plant is grown in acidic soil, while an alkaline environment will result in a pink tone. Height: 1m (3'3). Spread: 1m (3'3).

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers'
  • £15.99

When grown in alkaline soil, Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers' lives up to its name by producing two flushes of firey, pink flowers in July and August, which turn a darker shade of maroon in the late autumn. If the soil is acidic, the blooms will have an equally attractive blue tone. Whatever their colour, the hardy shrub's impressive flowerheads make a great addition to borders and cut flower arrangements. When grown in sunny or partially shady conditions, they can even maintain their shape until December, making for a wonderful display on frosty mornings. The plant's foliage is another great feature, for its compact habit makes it well-suited to patio containers. Height: 1m (3'3). Spread: 1m (3'3).

Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky'
  • £12.99

A beautiful Hydrangea variety with 40cm (16) panicles of pink flowers, Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' is a bold flowering shrub that offers loads of colour from August until early autumn. The flowerheads slowly fade, but can still be colourful in early winter, and they look fantastic on a frosty morning. It's a great choice for borders and also looks good in planters on patios or decking and is very low maintenance. Height and Spread: 1.5m (4.9).

Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla'
  • £19.99

Simply stunning, Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' produces flowerheads with violet blooms surrounded by pale lilac bracts throughout the summer. This large, deciduous shrub has an open, branching habit. A quintessential showpiece Chinese Hydrangea, Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' fits perfectly into woodland borders and cottage gardens. It?s a resilient plant, quick to establish and easy to maintain and prune - but it does need space to develop fully. Height and spread: 3m (10').

Hydrangea paniculata 'Candlelight'
  • £24.99

Large conical white blooms stand proud above deep red stems, providing this deciduous shrub with an unforgettable display. Late-summer will have never looked so great, as the white flowers change to eye-catching shades of pale pink as they mature. Hydrangea paniculata ?Candlelight? is extremely hardy and has a strong and upright growth habit, making this shrub ideal for containers and mixed borders, but feeling most at home in a woodland garden setting. Autumn sees the leaves turn from red to orange before they fall in winter. Height and spread: 150cm (60?).

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer The Original'
  • £54.99

Hydrangea macrophylla 'The Original' was the first variety in the 'Endless Summer' series, noted for its ability to flower on old and new wood, giving it an outstanding flowering time from May all the way through until September. The blooms can range in colour from forget-me-not blue to stunning purple and pink depending on the pH of your soil. This compact and sturdy Hydrangea makes an ideal focal point in mixed borders and woodland gardens, as well as being perfect for patio containers. The flowers are also superb for cutting and are long-lasting in a vase. Height: 1.2m (4?). Spread: 1.5m (5?). 
