Search found 130 items

Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky'
  • £12.99

A beautiful Hydrangea variety with 40cm (16) panicles of pink flowers, Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' is a bold flowering shrub that offers loads of colour from August until early autumn. The flowerheads slowly fade, but can still be colourful in early winter, and they look fantastic on a frosty morning. It's a great choice for borders and also looks good in planters on patios or decking and is very low maintenance. Height and Spread: 1.5m (4.9).

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Light My Fire'
  • £12.99

A dramatic colour-changing Hydrangea that?s a real head-turner! The showy mophead blooms open in a fresh shade of lime-green before maturing to their true bicolour beauty.

Hydrangea Magical Emerald
  • £12.99

From the 'Magical' series of Hydrangeas, all of which are incredibly impressive, 'Emerald' is a prolifically flowering, compact, multi-stemmed and perfectly formed mophead variety. 'Magical Emerald' will amaze you with its incredible display of white flowers which have a touch of pink all summer long before they gradually transform to deep green with hints of red and purple as they age. As autumn arrived the dark green foliage turn to fiery shades of yellow, red and orange before falling to leave behind the delicate, faded flower heads which look stunning in the winter, especially when it's frosty. Compact and easy to look after, 'Emerald' is ideal for smaller spaces or growing in pots and will grow into a loose mound of large leaves. Perfect growing in borders and a handsome specimen in a large pot this Hydrangea will bring an attractive touch to your decking, terrace or balcony. Being a mophead, the huge flower heads consist of sterile coloured bracts which look like flowers and these are wonderful as cut flowers for both summer colour and dried winter arrangements. Easy to grow and relatively compact - it reaches just 1.5m (5ft) high and wide - this is a hydrangea which can be grown by anyone whatever their level of experience. Supplied as an established plant in a 14cm pot, ready for planting.

Hydrangea macrophylla Rhapsody
  • £12.99

Guaranteed to dazzle, this beautifully formed mophead hydrangea makes a unique garden plant and is perfect to give as a gift. While many hydrangeas start their blooming with a hint of green before colouring up, 'Rhapsody' maintains its green colour right up to autumn, where it ends the season with a brief touch of flame red before the leaves also take on fiery tones before falling. Compact enough for container gardens and small spaces 'Rhapsody' will grow into a loose mound of large leaves, and this glamourous hydrangea makes a statement wherever it is planted. Even when grown in a pot, 'Rhapsody' will bring an attractive touch to your decking, patio or balcony. Being a mophead, the large flower heads consist of sterile coloured bracts which look like flowers and these are super as cut flowers for both summer colour and dried winter arrangements. Easy to grow and relatively compact - it reaches just 1.5m (5ft) high and wide - this is a hydrangea which can be grown by anyone whatever their level of experience. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready for planting out or potting on.

Hydrangea Magical Allegretto
  • £12.99

One of the 'Magical' series of Hydrangeas, 'Allegretto' is an abundantly flowering, compact, multi-stemmed and beautifully formed mophead variety. 'Allegretto' certainly gets itself noticed, with its prolific display of large, rich, bright red summer flowers that fade to burgundy flushed with green. The foliage takes on red and orange tones in autumn before falling, leaving behind the faded flower heads that make a striking feature over the winter. Compact enough for container gardens and small spaces 'Allegretto' will grow into a loose mound of large leaves, making a statement wherever it is planted. When grown in a pot, this magnificent Hydrangea will bring a touch of drama to your patio or balcony. Being a mophead, the large flower heads consist of sterile coloured bracts which look like flowers and these are super as cut flowers for both summer colour and dried winter arrangements. Easy to grow and relatively compact - it reaches just 1.5m (5ft) high and wide - this is a hydrangea which can be grown by anyone whatever their level of experience. Supplied as an established plant in a 14cm pot, ready for planting.

Hydrangea Magic Pillow
  • £12.49

'Magic Pillow' is a very unusual, low growing ground cover hydrangea that's native to the hillsides of Korea and Japan. Living up to its name beautifully, it's covered in abundant flowers from June until September, creating a wonderful pillow of colour. The flower colour changes depending on the acidity of the soil. Alkaline soils will produce gorgeous pink blooms, whilst acid soil will give you strikingly bright mauve-blue. The flower heads open from the outside inwards, becoming fully with each day and although the stems are shorter than most hydrangeas, the flowers still make excellent cut flowers and dry well too. The foliage is lush and green with serrated leaves in spring and summer, and in autumn it transforms to incredible flaming red, orange and purple before they fall. As with all hydrangeas, the faded flowers look spectacular if left on the plant over winter. 'Magic Pillow' is an excellent ground covering shrub that will keep weeds under control and look particularly good at the front of a deep border or on a bank. Preferring light shade over full sun, it's also an ideal shrub for a woodland style garden. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot, ready for planting and growing to a height of 60cm (2ft) and spread of 1.2m (4ft).

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Miss Saori'
  • £12.49

Brand new and totally stunning! This Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year winner for 2014 is a must for all hydrangea lovers. Boasting huge flower heads of double white blooms, upon which every petal features a soft, cerise margin, that delicately blends in from the edges. Even the foliage puts on a show, exhibiting tones of burgundy during the coolness of spring and autumn! A superb feature plant in a large patio container, and great for cutting to enjoy the flowers indoors. 'Miss Saori' is one of the first of a new type of Hydrangea which isn’t affected by soil type. So all flowers will stay pink, as seen, whether you plant in neutral, acidic or alkaline soils. Ht. 100cm. Supplied in 9cm pot.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Camilla'
  • £11.99

Description for Hydrangea macrophylla 'Camilla' not available

Hydrangea petiolaris
  • £11.99

Hydrangea petiolaris produces lacy white blooms in summer, creating a stunning contrast against abundant, dark-green foliage. These heart-shape leaves transform to a buttery shade of yellow as autumn approaches, illuminating even the darkest corner of the garden. With an RHS AGM, Hydrangea petiolaris is a shade-loving Hydrangea at home on cold, north-facing walls that seldom see the sun. Despite being a slow starter, it quickly climbs fences and walls with clinging aerial roots once established. Height: 10m (32'). Spread: 3m (10').

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ruby Rocks'
  • £10.99

This new variety produces unusual dark pink-red flowerheads from mid to late summer if grown on soils with a neutral pH. Its compact and bushy habit make it ideal for to pots and containers, as well as the garden border. Also excellenbt as a cut flower. Supplied in a 9.5cm pot. Height and spread: 100cm (39).

Hydrangea macrophylla Colour Dream
  • £9.99

A beautifully formed mophead hydrangea, 'Colour Dream' lives up to its name with full, round heads of large ruffled petals in pink and white bicolour that change over time to take on a green-flushed tone. Gowing into a loose mound of large leaves, this glamourous hydrangea makes a statement wherever it is planted and when grown in a pot, 'Colour Dream' will bring an attractive touch to your decking, patio or balcony. Being a mophead, the large flower heads consist of sterile coloured bracts which look like flowers and these are super as cut flowers for both summer colour and dried winter arrangements. Easy to grow and relatively compact - it reaches just 1.5m (5ft) high and wide - this is a hydrangea which can be grown by anyone whatever their level of experience. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready for planting out or potting on.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'
  • £9.99

This hardy, deciduous shrub is a perfect choice for an easy-to-grow plant with a big impact. From mid-summer large panicles of creamy buds open into pretty white flowers that are appealing to bees and butterflies. Tough and suited to all British weather. Height 3m, spread 2m.
