Search found 131 items

Snowdrops 100 Bulbs
  • £19.49

The sight of Snowdrops peeping through the snowy and frosty ground is a joy and lets us all know that Winter will soon be just a distant memory. Plant these beauties in your borders and beds, and perhaps even in the lawn. When they start to pop their lovely heads up in the new year, you can enjoy their simple beauty and the welcome assurance that the brighter days of spring are on their way.

Snowdrops 50 Bulbs
  • £12.99

The sight of Snowdrops peeping through the snowy and frosty ground is a joy and lets us all know that Winter will soon be just a distant memory. Plant these beauties in your borders and beds, and perhaps even in the lawn. When they start to pop their lovely heads up in the new year, you can enjoy their simple beauty and the welcome assurance that the brighter days of spring are on their way.

Muscari Armeniacum 100 Bulbs
  • £15.30

The Grape Hyacinth makes the perfect accompaniment to Daffodils and Tulips giving a super spring floral display. They are Ideal for the front of garden borders or containers, right through until May.

Muscari Armeniacum 50 Bulbs
  • £10.20

The Grape Hyacinth makes the perfect accompaniment to Daffodils and Tulips giving a super spring floral display. They are Ideal for the front of garden borders or containers, right through until May.

Mini Iris Collection 100 Bulbs
  • £17.99

These dwarf Iris in stunning shades of yellow & blue tones will brighten up your rockeries window boxes and patio pots.

Mini Iris Collection 50 Bulbs
  • £12.99

These dwarf Iris in stunning shades of yellow & blue tones will brighten up your rockeries window boxes and patio pots.

Jersey Lilies (Amaryllis Belladonna) 6 Bulbs
  • £17.99

Jersey Lillies, also known as Amaryllis Belladonna, have an exceptional tolerance to all types of weather. They are revered for their large, blooms in the softest shade of pink and it is at its best when many other plants are beginning to fade!

Jersey Lilies (Amaryllis Belladonna) 3 Bulbs
  • £11.99

Jersey Lillies, also known as Amaryllis Belladonna, have an exceptional tolerance to all types of weather. They are revered for their large, blooms in the softest shade of pink and it is at its best when many other plants are beginning to fade!

Hyacinth 20 Bulbs
  • £14.02

These scented Hyacinths are an outdoor garden variety in a stunning range of whites, pinks, blues, lilacs and reds.

Hyacinth 10 Bulbs
  • £9.35

These scented Hyacinths are an outdoor garden variety in a stunning range of whites, pinks, blues, lilacs and reds.

Hardy Cyclamen Neapolitanum 30 Bulbs
  • £23.99

A fantastically hardy variety which you can plant anywhere in your garden, and, wonderfully, these pretty cyclamen will naturalise and increase in number year after year. Very exotic looking blossom heads, lovely silver/green foliage and to make them even better, a really beautiful perfume. A great choice for planting into containers to decorate any outdoor space you have, however small or large.

Hardy Cyclamen Neapolitanum 15 Bulbs
  • £15.99

A fantastically hardy variety which you can plant anywhere in your garden, and, wonderfully, these pretty cyclamen will naturalise and increase in number year after year. Very exotic looking blossom heads, lovely silver/green foliage and to make them even better, a really beautiful perfume. A great choice for planting into containers to decorate any outdoor space you have, however small or large.
