Search found 65 items

Nasturtium 'Milkmaid'
  • £2.99

An almost white Nasturtium, featuring delicate blooms in captivating moonlit shades, the closest to white ever. Use this soft contrast in your beds, borders and containers for continuous summer colour. Easy to grow in a range of situations.

Seed Potato Maris Piper (Maincrop)
  • £9.99

Probably the best-known variety, 'Maris Piper' is the potato most frequently used in pubs and chips shops throughout the UK - and for good reason! This versatile, all-rounder makes the most delicious crisp and fluffy chips, and its floury texture also means it is a top choice for baking, roasting, mashing and boiling. A worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, this fast-growing maincrop potato is easy to plant and maintain, with good resistance to eelworm. 'Maris Piper' is a tried-and-trusted, dependable variety that will reward with masses of consistently sized, oval tubers that have lovely clean, white skins and delicious creamy-white flesh. Unless you want an early crop, there is no need to chit this maincrop seed potato before planting; just store them in a cool but frost-free, well-ventilated place before planting out in the spring. Plant from March to May into fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny position, or into large containers or grow bags. Your potatoes will be ready to harvest from August to November, generally 17-20 weeks after planting. Once lifted, they will store well through winter in a dark and dry place, preferably in an open tray or crate. Supplied as a 2.5kg bag of seed potatoes (approx. 30-35 tubers) ready for chitting or for storing until planting out in the spring.

Premium Seed Potato Sarpo Mira - maincrop blight resistant
  • £3.99

Our Organic Sarpo Mira potato tubers are perfect for you to grow your own! Not only will they give you heavy crops of scrumptious, floury potatoes from your own garden, Sarpo Mira is well known for being exceptionally resistant to potato blight. Your bumper harvests of tasty spuds will be perfect for chips, roasties, mash and more - each potato with a distinctive red coloured skin. Keep your home-grown potatoes in our Traditional Hessian Sacks and they'll keep right through winter.

Seed Potato King Edward - maincrop
  • £9.99

King Edward is THE traditional favourite potato - perfect for your Christmas roast potatoes and a great all-rounder too. Mash it, bake it, chip it, roast it or boil it - serve Kind Edward any way you like and you'll simply love its delicious flavour. What's more, it is a consistent heavy cropper - you can grow your own potatoes and expect to get sackfuls from these robust, reliable seed potatoes. Eat them freshly harvested in September and October, or keep them in our specially designed Hessian Sacks - they'll keep throughout winter!

Premium Seed Potato Albert Bartlett Purple Majesty - maincrop
  • £9.99

Add a real WOW factor to your cooking with Albert Bartlett Purple Majesty! This unique potato variety has a stunning deep-purple colour which is retained even when you cook it - imagine your kids' faces when you serve up purple mashed potatoes! Not only that, this extra-special variety is packed full of antioxidants - just like other superfoods like blueberries - so it is super-healthy too. Best of all and most importantly, Purple Majesty is absolutely delicious! This versatile spud is perfect for boiling, mashing, baking and roasting - and what's more it is surprisingly easy to grow, even if you don't have a garden.

Premium Seed Potato Albert Bartlett Rooster - maincrop
  • £9.99

You'll no doubt have seen the famously delicious Albert Bartlett Rooster potatoes on TV and in your local supermarket - and now you can grow your own! Rooster is an award-winning, super-tasty potato variety which is loved by everyone from professional chefs to mums with hungry kids - its excellent flavour and texture make it a great all-round potato for boiling, mashing, baking, roasting - and even chips. The large, oval shaped spuds have a distinctive red colour, so they'll even look great on your plate! Best of all, Rooster is incredibly easy to grow and perfect for allotment growing - or even for topping up our Potato Growing Kits. A unique, all-round winner!

Pea (Maincrop) Ambassador
  • £3.99

Bred as an improvement to the popular 'Onward' pea variety, this excellent maincrop type produces high yields of juicy, plump marrowfat peas, each pod containing up to 9 dark green peas. The plants' compact and robust habit makes them ideal for exposed locations and smaller gardens. They show good resistance to powdery mildew, which is helpful for later sowings for successional cropping through a long season. A worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Ambassador' is a dependable variety that is easy to grow and a long-time favourite of vegetable growers. It is also a great choice for introducing children to gardening as the peas are so good to eat raw when picked straight from the plant. Not only tasty, these succulent peas are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, having particularly high levels of vitamin C. When frozen, the peas will retain good nutritional values. Supplied as a packet of 325 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors from March to June directly into their cropping position. They will tolerate most soil types but will do best in neutral ph, deeply dug, fertilised soil.

Maidenhair Vine
  • £34.99

The Maidenhair Vine is a Muehlenbeckia which are evergreen or deciduous shrubs or semi-woody climbers, with alternate leaves. Its full of masses of thin wiry stems, that are covered in small dark green leaves. It’s a fast-growing and unusual plant, perfect to grow as a shrubby, scrambling groundcover, or if given something to cling to, a twining climber. It is one of the best plants for training on a small trellis. While not necessary for it to climb, it can easy cover a lot of floor space so you can consider hanging it too as a trailing plant or in a hanging basket. The combination of fast growing, large space coverage and the light and airy feel the foliage gives, it’s great for entrances to gardens, ground cover in the garden or indoor near the ceiling. Severe cold will cut it back to the base, which could be a good thing if you have trouble from taking over your space, but it will re-shoot come spring to summer. Light and Water This plant will grow anywhere from sun to shade. However, it will grow best in full sun with some cover to partial shade. Make sure the soil drains well as keeps fairly moist. Test the soil and if the first 2 inches are dry, its time for watering. Water thoroughly until you see some run out from the bottom.

St Germain
  • £210.00

Description for St Germain not available

Gingko biloba - Maidenhair Tree
  • £12.99

A real relic, Gingko Biloba, also known as Maidenhair, was long around before man but is more popular than ever right now! Known for its many health benefits thanks to its use in Chinese medicine, and now in western medicine, Gingko Biloba is a truly unique conifer/fern-like evergreen tree that makes a real statement. With bright, fresh green leaves in the spring that often turn an eye-catching yellow in the autumn, the Gingko Biloba tree makes a magnificent centre piece and will grow up to 10m tall if left alone but don't let this put you off if you don't have much space as it can be easily pruned and trimmed to keep to a manageable shape and size! It's a hardy tree and will thrive in a sunny spot in a UK garden. Gingko Biloba has long been studied for its health benefits and is now widely used in medicine across the globe. From improving memory to its antioxidant benefits, it's certainly worth harvesting in your own back garden - even if just for the spectacular foliage display. Supplied as an established plant in a 19cm pot, ready to plant.

Holly Ilex x meserveae Blue Maid
  • £3.99

Just imagine this lovely holly in your garden, where it will add form and colour, giving you interest all year round. Blue Maid is a female variety of blue holly, producing masses of tiny, white flowers in spring that are followed by bright red berries in autumn if you have a male holly nearby. Its leaves are less spiky than other hollies and have a distinct contrast between the light green underside and deep blue-green upper. Easy to grow and virtually maintenance-free, they just need a slightly acid, fertile soil and regular watering for the first couple of years. Because the branches of this holly tend to hold onto their leaves much better than other varieties they make amazing topiary specimens and can be grown as a specimen tree in pots and border to add height, or grown as an unusual hedge. For extra wow factor, grow in pairs in large pots either side of porches or doorways and gates. Very hardy and tough, and with excellent tolerance to British winters, Blue Maid will withstand temperatures to -27°C without any damage and requires almost no maintenance each year apart from an annual trim to keep to shape. Supplied as an established young tree in a 9cm pot, ready to pot on or plant up. 

Prunus incisa Kojo-no-mai
  • £19.97

Also known as the Fuji Cherry, this gorgeous, compact tree will burst into flower before the leaves appear in late winter / early spring each year. They start as red buds which appear to almost dance around the branches, but then open to reveal beautiful pale-pink flowers, each with a red centre. Perfect for small garden or growing in a pot on your patio, Kojo-No-Mai even provides autumn interest when its green leaves turn from green to bright reddish / orange before falling. The statuesque form of the tree is also a joy to observe on frosty mornings when a haw-frost shows it off to its very best. Kojo-No-Mai is fully winter hardy whatever the weather and grows to just 3ft after 10 years if left un-pruned, but will be happy to receive a regular trim during early summer after flowering has finished. Supplied as established plants in 9cm pots, ready for immediate planting out or potting on. NB deciduous so no leaves in winter.
