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Lace Cap Hydrangea macrophylla Messelina
  • £9.99

Bang on trend as cut flowers or winter displays, hydrangeas are known the world over for their colour-changing heads of gorgeous flowers. Easy to grow and a breeze to maintain, there's a variety suitable for everyone and 'Messelina' will thrill everyone who sees it with gorgeous lace-cap heads of pink blooms. Hydrangeas are a popular garden shrub and a particular favourite at the moment with florists where they feature in many contemporary designs of both bouquets and cut flowers. With their delicate heads of pink flowers and pretty autumn colour and leaf shape, they certainly make a statement in beds, borders and containers. Most well-known for their ability to change colour in different soils (acid soil tend to make them bluer), Messelina is very floriferous from May onwards and will bring colour to the gardens for months, allowing you to create beautiful flowering displays in the garden - you can even use the flowers in dried flower arrangements over the festive season - a truly year-round plant. Compact enough to grow in pots and planters on the patio or decking, their eye-catching flowers retain their beauty for a very long time. To extend the seasonal interest leave some flower heads on the plants over winter where they look gorgeous covered with frost, and of course they'll provide shelter for overwintering wildlife. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready for immediate planting out. Flowering from May onwards and reaching 1.2m (4ft).

Magnolia Leonard Messel Standard
  • £29.99

This new variety is the perfect magnolia for a small garden or for patios and terraces, with a neat compact habit that is very easy to grow and care for.In early spring bare stems are smothered in blush pink feathery flowers which open from rose pink buds. The petals are narrow, a little like 'Stellata' but with a beautiful pink tinge to them and an even more wonderful fragrance. What's more, blooms are much more resistant to late frosts than other magnolias.Mid green leaves appear after the flowers, creating a beautiful ornamental tree that will become a feature in your garden all year long - especially in this standard form, creating a ball of flower and foliage atop a long straight stem. Ideal for adding height to displays, this standard form adds structure to beds and borders and is perfect for creating a feature in a decorative pot on a patio.Easy to care for, it needs little pruning except a light trim to keep shape. It likes a sunny spot but isn't too fussy, tolerating most soils and, being fully winter hardy, you needn't worry about it over the winter.A twist on the classic Magnolia tree, this standard is wonderfully unique, eye-catching and a winner for any garden.
