Search found 16 items

Narcissus Miniature Mix
  • £3.99

Daffodils welcome spring with there bright, cheerful flowers in a huge range of sizes, shapes and shades, and miniature varieties are beautiful must-haves for every garden. This delightful collection includes a range of flower shapes in shades of sunny yellow that look absolutely wonderful mixed together. They may be short in stature with small flowers but that only adds to their appeal, being perfect miniatures versions of their bigger, showier relatives. Miniature daffodils are perfect for underplanting shrubs and scattering through lawns and woodland areas for a naturalistic effect, where their bright flowers shine like little stars. They're also superb when packed into pots, indoors or out. Grow them in sun or partial shade, and they'll quickly naturalise, returning in greater numbers year after year.Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 8/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 20 cm (8 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Tulips Miniature Mixed
  • £2.49

Tulips are quite possibly the brightest, most colourful flowers in the spring garden, and miniature varieties have the advantage of being less susceptible to high winds than their taller relatives, which can be blown over in bad weather. This mixture of bright colours, some with contrasting splashes, will look spectacular planted in groups, especially in pots on a patio or as a welcome next to the front door, or in borders in front of taller spring flowers. They are also great cut flowers, just the thing for brightening up your home. Tulips are easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get a vibrant display year after year. If growing in pots, summer bedding can be planted above the bulbs when the tulips have faded. Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 9/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 30 cm (1 ft) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Rose multiflora nana perpetua 'Garden Party' (Miniature Rose)
  • £1.79

Easy to grow from seed and bred to have improved germination, this lightly-scented mini rose will flower in the first year from a January to March sowing. Ideal for bedding, edging and containers, 'Garden Party''s pretty shades of pink, rose and white will enhance your garden wherever you plant it

Penstemon 'Miniature Bells'
  • £1.00

Stunning, miniature bells in pink, purple and rose shades, complemented by dwarf attractive blue- green foliage. Flowering over a long period in borders or containers
