Search found 1060 items

Aster 'Starlight Mixed'
  • £2.99

One of the best dwarf Asters! Intriguing spider-like flowers smother compact basal branched plants in attractive shades of blue, purple, scarlet and rose. Early to flower, adding a colourful display to borders or patio containers over a long flowering period. Height: 20cm (8in)

Wallflower 'Brilliant Bedder Series Mixed'
  • £2.99

Dwarf, sturdy and much neater and compact plants. Very good for exposed positions, beds and borders. Where space is limited containers, tubs, etc. Flowers spring. Height 25-30cm (10-12in)

Dianthus barbatus 'Indian Carpet Mixed'
  • £1.00

Description for Dianthus barbatus 'Indian Carpet Mixed' not available

Hollyhock 'Antwerp Mixed'
  • £2.99

A rich cottage garden mixture of colourful pastel shades. The Antwerp blend has attractive and unusual palmate foliage, and is also shown to have the best levels of resistance to the common Hollyhock problem of rust. Excellent for borders, especially planted in groups. Height: 150-180cm (5-6ft).

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double All Sorts Mixed'
  • £2.99

This wonderful mixture contains a full range of flower forms and colours and includes much-sought-after picotees and stripes. An easy-to-grow annual which will flower all summer and its height means that it will make a superb backdrop to your borders or a long-lasting and pretty addition to flower arrangements! Height: 100-120cm (40-48in)

Godetia 'Little Frills Mix'
  • £1.99

Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Before sowing, prepare the ground well by raking until the soil is fine and crumbly and remove any large stones. Sow 1.5mm (1/16) deep, in rows 30cm (12) apart, or scatter seed in beds or borders as a gap filler and lightly cover over. Thin out the seedlings when they are large enough to handle, to about 20cm (8) apart.

Zinnia elegans 'Candy Mixed'
  • £1.00

Excellent quality, scabious-flowered zinnia in a wide range of vivid colours including reds, pinks and oranges. Zinnia elegans Candy Cane Mixed will flowers freely all summer. Ideal for cutting and will attract beneficial insects and butterflies to the garden

Antirrhinum majus 'Double Madame Butterfly Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

A flower in an entirely new form. Its large completely double, azalea-shaped blooms provide a riot of colour and its reliability and impressiveness are borne out by rare award of an All-America and All-Britain Selections Bronze Medal. Ideal for borders, bedding and superb cut flowers. Flowers summer. Height: 69-90cm (24-36in)

Salpiglossis sinuata 'Casino Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £0.99

Powerful mixture of glorious veined Alstroemeria-like flowers. Throws out flower branches close to the ground, resulting in a dwarfer compact habit. Ideal cut flower. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)

Aster 'Spider Chrysanthemum Mixed'
  • £2.59

An exclusive blend of Asters, with stunning blooms resembling a Spider Chrysanthemum in a dazzling mixture of colours. Excellent planted en masse in borders or used as a cut flower

Amaranthus caudatus 'Pony Tails Mixed'
  • £2.99

Delightful long, decorative tassels in red and green shades, gently swish side to side in a summer breeze. Ideal for adding height and interest to summer bedding displays. Height: 90-120cm (36-48in)

Fritillaria meleagris (Mixed)
  • £3.99

A beautiful hardy bulb with white pendant 1 1/2in (4cm) blooms heavily chequered with pink, plum or purple. Snakes's Head Fritillary can be grown in grass and often self seeds to make delightful colonies of nodding bells.
