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Mixed Daffodil Collection
  • £3.99

This collection of Mixed Narcissus is perfect for adding some gorgeous classic colours to your spring garden! A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is here! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent, they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. A wonderful variety of colours and shapes, they will look amazing wherever you plant them especially in informal grassy areas or in the dappled shade underneath a fruit tree. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring! This is the perfect mix for any occasion. They are very easy to grow, plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. Supplied as a mixed collection of 15 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting in autumn.

Stock 'Cinderella Series Mixed'
  • £3.99

An extremely early and long flowering blend of five distinct colours ideal for the border or in pots. In the garden it has a branching habit with multiple flower spikes, whilst in pots its compact with a single superb flower spike. Magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent like an Old Fashioned Carnation. Selectable for 100% doubleness. Flowers summer. Height 20-25cm (8-10in)

Sweet Pea Incense Mixed Seeds
  • £3.99

An enduring favourite of the British gardener, sweet peas are surely one of the most rewarding and prettiest annuals you can grow - and this specially selected blend offers the very best in terms of all-round display and fragrance. 'Incense Mixed' includes top-performing varieties specifically chosen by a group of sweet pea experts for their exquisite scent. The large, ruffled blooms offer a medley of pastel shades in hues of white, pink, cream and lavender. Growing on long stems, they are perfect for cutting, so you can enjoy their pretty colours and perfume both indoors and out. For all their delicate appearance, these cheerful sweet peas are very easy to grow and will reward with a continuous succession of beautiful blooms from May to October. The more you pick them, the more they will flower. Dead-heading those that are left on the vine is one of the most relaxing pastimes of the summer garden, and will prolong the flowering season. For the best blooms, all they require is a sunny position but they do like their roots to be cool; try planting some low-growing annuals at their bases to provide some shade. 'Incense Mixed' will thrive in a variety of situations including containers, beds and borders, and are best grown up a trellis. Keep them well watered and they will reward you from late spring well into autumn. What's more, their flowers will attract bees and butterflies, which will then pollinate your fruit and vegetables - making them a great companion plant for your kitchen garden. Supplied as a packet of 35 (approx.) seeds ready for sowing indoors into pots of compost from January to March or September to October, or outdoors from April to May, directly where they are to flower. They will flower from May to October, growing to a maximum height of 180cm (72in) and spread of 45cm (18in).

Antirrhinum majus 'Double Madame Butterfly Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

A flower in an entirely new form. Its large completely double, azalea-shaped blooms provide a riot of colour and its reliability and impressiveness are borne out by rare award of an All-America and All-Britain Selections Bronze Medal. Ideal for borders, bedding and superb cut flowers. Flowers summer. Height: 69-90cm (24-36in)

Fritillaria meleagris (Mixed)
  • £3.99

A beautiful hardy bulb with white pendant 1 1/2in (4cm) blooms heavily chequered with pink, plum or purple. Snakes's Head Fritillary can be grown in grass and often self seeds to make delightful colonies of nodding bells.

Osteospermum hybrida 'Passion Mixed'
  • £4.49

Naturally dwarf multi-branching plants with lots of 5cm (2in) flowers of purple, rose and white. En-masse in bedding, borders and containers they make a passionate carpet of summer colour with the advantage of being drought tolerant. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)

Antirrhinum 'Axiom Series Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.79

The highest quality Antirrhinum we have ever trialed. Long, tall flower spikes, with a strong, upright habit in a magnificent formula mixture of seven stunning colours. Ideal for adding height to borders or as a long lasting cut flower. Height: 90-110cm (36-42in)

Pansy 'Majestic Giants Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.79

They resist both heat and cold, and are earlier flowering than other varieties in this class carrying blooms up to 10cm (4in) across in a wide and iridescent range of colours.

Pansy 'Petite Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.79

T&M believe that this is The Best Winter Flowering Pansy! Earlier and more floriferous than many old favourites, with the widest colour spectrum imaginable. Very dwarf, compact plants, flowering over a long period in borders and containers. Height: 15-23cm (6-9in).

Sarracenia species 'New Hybrids Mixed'
  • £4.99

Strikingly attractive pitcher plants which give no outward hint of their unusual dietary habits! They attract insects with their enticing scent, alluring colours and the promise of a nectar-like secretion on the lip of the 'pitcher'. A slippery footing on the bloom's rim causes unsuspecting insects to fall inside the cavity of the flower which is filled with a liquid. There is no escape; the insects die and are digested by the plant, it is thought, as a means of augmenting inadequate nitrogen levels in the soil.

Bonsai Trees (Mixed)
  • £4.99

A carefully chosen blend of conifer and deciduous trees to help you produce a wide range of Bonsai styles. Fascinating, rewarding subjects and some real gems. Illustation showing 2 types

Agave (Mixed)
  • £4.99

A wide selection with many unusual forms. Ideal for dish gardens, carboys. Long-lasting and trouble free
