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Indoor Cactus Mix
  • £14.99

Currently bang on trend with their own Instagram following, you can't escape the images of cacti which are everywhere! With our collection of 6 tried and tested plants, this is your opportunity to join in with the cactus revolution. Cacti have evolved for arid living - they are used to very little water, hot days and chilly nights so are perfectly adapted to modern home living! Needing very little in the way of care, cacti are the ideal houseplant for everyone from beginners to experts. Happy in a sandy compost, with plenty of light and a little water now and again, your cactus collection will thrive. Built to conserve moisture, they'll tolerate being dry and will explode into growth when watered correctly (just don't overwater them - they hate it and will curl up their toes). If you want to do less and get more out of your plants, then these cacti are your go-to plants! Slow-growing, they are the perfect living sculpture for home decoration, and will grow and age with you. There's a cactus for everyone, with spines, without spines, with flowers, tall, squat, round, ribbed, lobed and trailing - truly a plant of many forms. They're ideal to get kids interested in gardening with their alien shapes, all you need is a little care with the spiny ones, but then you can always pick one of the spineless or furry ones! Supplied as a collection of 6 mixed plants* in 5.5cm pots, ready to go on a windowsill near you now! *Plants may vary depending on availability. Remember that cacti are prickly beggars - always wear protective clothing when handling.

Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Mix
  • £14.99

Nothing heralds the arrival of Autumn in the garden more than good old-fashioned Chrysanths - and these amazing Hardy 'Garden Mums' are just the ticket to fill your garden with colour late on in the season and on into Winter. Naturally dome forming and compact, they will make fabulous potted plants for outdoors, or neat little domes in beds and borders. They will be smothered in literally hundreds and hundreds of flowers in deep, rich Autumnal shades, their filled centres joining together to create a carpet of colour. They will make simply stunning and long-lasting cut flowers to be enjoyed in your favourite vase.Supplied as a pack of 10 Garden Ready Plants, ready to plant out.

Begonia Super Cascade Mix
  • £14.99

Illuminate your summer displays with the very latest and best trailing Begonia - Super Cascade Mixed... Containing THE very best palette of bright colours ever seen in begonias, including some completely new shades, Super Cascade will provide you with the most torrential summer-long display of semi-double cascading double begonia blooms - each 3-4in across! Super Cascade is  ideally suited for the British climate too with strong, very weather resistant blooms - giving you a cascading rainbow of colour from May until early November. Grow in hanging baskets, window boxes and patio containers - anywhere that will allow the plants to cascade freely, then just wait for the flowers - whatever the weather! Trails to 60 cm (24in). Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Butterfly Mix
  • £14.99

A superb collection of perennials, annuals and shrubs that will flower all summer long and into the autumn. Specially selected to be irresistible to butterflies, as well as bees and other pollinating insects, there are plants for every part of the garden, from towering Hollyhocks to compact Lavenders for growing everywhere, in borders or in pots. With their foliage and flowers all bringing different forms and textures, they'll work in harmony with each other to give you a stunning display, and wildlife will enjoy them as much as you. What's more, all of the flowers are great for cutting! This collection will include plants such as, Lavender 'Hidcote', Hollyhock 'Chaters Double', Helianthus 'Vincent's Choice', Lavender 'Munstead', Delphinium ' Magic Fountain' & Verbena bonariensis Supplied as collection of 12 plug plants, ready to pot on or plant out.

Petunia Trailing Kabloom Mix
  • £14.99

Incredible flower power unrivalled weather resistance and a colour mix to fall in love with, 'Kabloom' has it all! These vibrant mini petunias in shimmering sweet shop colours will flower from June, filling hanging baskets and pots with thousands of blooms. As well as its prolific flowering ability, 'Kabloom' is vigorous, low maintenance and disease and weather resistant. It looks simply gorgeous, flowering in a range of vibrant colours to both clash and contrast - these will definitely get noticed. Supplied as 6 jumbo plug plants.

Pansy Cool Wave Raspberry Swirl Mix Hanging Basket
  • £14.99

Quick and easy, our range of pre-planted hanging baskets are the perfect solution for gardeners who want perfect displays but don't know where to start. Guaranteed to give you fabulous results, we've done all the work for you - just hang this one up, water it and let it do its thing. Consistent and predictable results every time we've pre-planted the latest Coolwave variety of pansy into a purple-coloured basket, just waiting to cascade with colour - plus you can reuse the basket year after year. Our hanging basket comes straight to you, ready planted with our top quality, UK-grown plants go with no work required! Giving you superb colour in your garden through winter and into summer 'Raspberry Swirl' gives you a cascade of raspberry-violet and yellow blooms with a delicate fragrance - a real head-turner! A pansy that is regularly referred to as 'the Best Trailing Pansy Ever' it's a claim that we're happy to support and this amazing large-flowered series keeps flowering all winter long, and well into summer too. Very hardy (to around -25°C, it will withstand the worst of the winter whatever the British weather throws at it, producing endless waves of simply gorgeous flowers in berry purple and yellow for months on end, cascading over the sides of hanging baskets and planters, providing a splash of subtle colour in the dull days of winter. Smothered in big, traditional pansy flowers, this vigorous trailer is set to make its mark on gardens everywhere - it's a real breeding breakthrough for much better performance in hanging baskets. Supplied as a 25cm (10in) durable purple plastic hanging basket, ready planted with 'Raspberry Swirl' pansies

Mixed Herb Collection Grow Your Own
  • £14.99

Never has there been a better time to Grow Your Own and reap the benefits of producing your own fresh, healthy food. Making use of home gardens has always been a sensible thing to do, but now more than ever, produce picked and eaten from your own plot has never been a better idea! Growing Herbs is an easy way to introduce your family to the benefits of gardening. They're easy to grow and harvest, take up very little space and give you almost instant results - no hanging about for months while they mature! It's also a great way to get the kids involved - especially if you're struggling to find things to keep them occupied. For adults, growing herbs can lead to other interests such as cooking, herbalism and of course gardening. A herb garden is one of the simplest ways to grow and enjoy a whole range of fragrant herbs and a collection of herbs in a decorative container is an ideal solution when placed in a sunny spot near your house. This mixed collection of 12 plug plants will give you a great introduction to the fantastic world of herbs and contains a mixture of the following: Garden Mint Mentha x piperita Oregano Origanum vulgare 'Diabolo'Sage Salvia officinalis 'Fortado' (R)Thyme Thymus vulgaris 'Faustini'

Cosmos Apollo Mixed 12 Mega Plants
  • £14.99

With their large, single and double daisy-like blooms in shades of purples, pinks and white, and its delicate feathery foliage is a must-have for any garden and will make a lovely cut flower too.

Hardy Hibiscus Syriacus Mixed
  • £14.99

These strong growing and fully winter hardy Hibiscus Syriacus plants will provide you with a torrent of beautiful flowers from June until September each year. They are supplied as Bare-Root plants ready to plant immediately and will grow to around 5ft tall over 3 seasons, and will be smothered in fabulous flowers throughout the summer months. In shades of pink, plum, blue and white they will provide a Mediterranean look to your garden yet these hardy plants will return year after year with their gorgeous display. Perfect to establish in pots on your patio or to fill gaps in your beds and borders you could even grow them as a hedge!

Aubretia Royal Mix
  • £14.99

Absolutely smothered in delicate blooms in a range of pastel pinks and purples, Aubretia is a pretty addition to any garden and guarantees mounds of frothy colour from March through to May. A popular, evergreen perennial, you definitely know spring has arrived when you see it tumbling through the garden in a cascade of colour. Easy to grow and fully hardy, aubretia makes perfect grouncover and flowers best when planted in a sunny spot at the front of a border or better still, when allowed to spill from containers and rockeries. Perfect for creating a cascading display from pots, Aubretia 'Royal Mix' will form a dense mat of bloom and looks amazing creeping through borders and when mixed in with spring-flowering bulbs. Supplied as 20 garden-ready plug plants ready to plant straight out into the garden or to pot into containers.

Upright Begonia Non-Stop Mix
  • £14.99

The perfect partner for Begonia Illumination, Begonia Non-Stop is so named because of its prolific flowering characteristics it literally smothers itself in vibrant, brightly coloured double flowers permanently from late April until the first frosts in the autumn. It is really easy to grow in beds and borders as well as patio containers and has such a good reputation with professional growers it is an almost permanent feature in park displays. This is especially so because the faded flowers drop off without the need for dead-heading making way for fresh flowers without any work required! In your garden the large, slightly upward facing flowers which reach 10-15cm across, will be held on strong stems. They are really weather resistant and will thrive in any conditions from the hottest summer days to typically showery summer weather. The colour range is stunning with all shades of red, orange, pink, yellow and white included.Perfect for hanging baskets and tubs where the plants can trail. Supplied as 18 plug plants, ready to pgrow on before planting out.

Nerine Hybridisers Mix
  • £14.99

In an exciting range of new colours created just for us, many are not available to buy anywhere else, including some unique bicolours! With these rare hybrids being added to our range of Nerines, chances are you'll have something in your garden that no-one else has got. A distinctive bulb with a characteristic feminine beauty, no other flower is quite like a Nerine. Also known as Guernsey Lilies, this breathtakingly beautiful collection of stunning new Nerines will light up your autumn garden from September onwards in subtle shades of white, pastel pinks and reds. An invaluable plant for the garden border, potted displays and flower arrangements, Nerines add splashes of colour wherever they appear, and their long stems make them invaluable too as a cut flower, when not a lot is blooming in the garden. Unusually, some of the colours in this pretty, exotic collection have a subtle silver shimmer which really highlights their delicate petals and you can see instantly that this special range of Nerines has been bred with care and thought to give you something special both yourself and to give as a gift. Perfect for growing in a drift in flower beds and borders, you could also grow them in big patio pots, say 25-30cm diameter with 5 bulbs in.  They're also completely hardy and will easily withstand UK winters. In the garden, plant them about 5cm (2in) deep, and around 10cm (4in) apart. Growing to around 60cm (2ft) high x 20cm (8in) wide, these beauties will flower from September to October after their leaves have died back. We supply a collection of 10 mixed colour bulbs* chosen by our experts to give you lasting displays that will naturalise and get bigger and better every year. Don't forget that while the optimum time to plant is autum/winter, bulbs can still be planted now! *(Please note that we cannot guarantee the mixture of colours that you will receive)
