Search found 1060 items

Viscaria occulata 'Patio Mixed'
  • £1.79

An easy to grow container or border filler, with attractive, dainty, single, pink, red, blue and white flowers. Looks spectacular planted in large drifts, where the slender dwarf stems of flowers, glisten in the summer sunshine. Height 25-30cm (10-12 inches)

Gloxinia speciosa 'Brocade Double Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.79

Gloxinia Brocade Double Mixed is a 100% fully double-flowering Gloxinia. Plants are extremely dwarf and compact with small dark green, velvety foliage covered with these lovely double blooms in a range of five colours including purple, red, pink, purple/white bicolour and red/white bicolour. Gloxinia Brocade Double Mixed is a colourful and early flowering houseplant that can be grown under glass or on a windowsill.

Poppy 'Peony Flowered Mixed' (Paeoniiflorum group)
  • £1.79

Up to 4in double blooms, grey-green leaves and large seed pods for winter decoration.

Laurentia 'Stargazer Mixed'
  • £1.79

Attractive domes of fine foliage burst into colour with five-petalled evening-scented flowers. Superb in baskets, containers and Flower Pouches®. Sow before the end of January for flowers from July onwards

Coreopsis tinctoria 'Quills and Thrills Mixed'
  • £1.79

Fill your beds and borders with this airy annual, which becomes smothered in unusual, fluted blooms in various combinations of red and yellow all summer long. Makes a stunning display when planted en massePrefers a well-drained soil in full sun

Centranthus 'Star Ruber Mixed'
  • £1.79

A beautiful border plant beloved by bees and butterflies. Mixture contains three colours: rose, white and maroon. Plants are lightly fragrant, long flowering and may also be used as a cut flower

Portulaca grandiflora 'Happy Hour Mixture'
  • £1.79

Stunning mixture of large semi-double flowers in a spectacular array of vibrant colours. Blooms sit on succulent, dwarf plants in the sunshine. They love hot, dry conditions, making them ideal for edging, ground cover or planted to tumble over a sunny wall

Zinnia elegans 'Molino Mixed'
  • £1.79

Attractive windmill like (Molino) single blooms in a wide range of colours. These compact, bushy freeflowering plants are ideal for adding to bedding displays. Outstanding garden performance and excellent value.

Sunflower 'Sunshot Golds Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.79

Plants are bushy and multistemmed, producing up to 20 blooms per plant! The bright yellow, chrysanthemum- type, double and semi-double blooms last for up to 3 weeks on the plants, that's 2 or 3 times longer than other double varieties. Early to flower and perfect for containers and borders, this compact and free-flowering sunflower is set to take gardens by storm this summer!

Poppy (Peony) 'Union Jack Mixed'
  • £1.79

A patriotic mix with blooms up to 10cm (4in) across. Pollenladen flowers will attrract bees and butterflies. Height 90cm (36in).

Solanum 'Deco Fruits Mixed'
  • £1.61

Create a fun decorative fruit bowl for autumn display or use the fruits as a mini 'pumpkin-on-a-stick? gift for Halloween visitors. These plants will thrive in a sunny spot in the garden or in a warm greenhouse. Height 30-45cm (12-18in).

Sweet Pea 'T&M Prize Strain Mixed'
  • £1.61

A spectacular mix for the garden or the showbench that blends the best sweet peas for beauty, form, colour and fragrance. This sweet pea combines breathtaking scented flowers, colours which glow in the sunlight, soft shades to harmonise, and strong colours to contrast - in fact, almost every tint imaginable. Height: 180cm (71). Spread: 30cm (12)
