Search found 8 items

Echinacea 'Nectar Pink'
  • £13.99

Perennial coneflower in a beautiful shade of rose pink. Ht. 70cm. Supplied as plug plants.

Nectarine 'Madame Blanchette'
  • £59.98

Description for Nectarine 'Madame Blanchette' not available

Nectarine Flavortop
  • £29.99

'Flavortop' is an extremely vigorous, heavy cropping nectarine that produces large fruit with an exceptionally good flavour. As early as February, beautiful fragrant pink flowers open, followed in summer by gorgeous looking nectarines that have smooth, red skins and deliciously sweet and juicy golden yellow flesh. Although 'Flavortop' is hardy outdoors in the UK, the blossom is susceptible to damage from frost, particularly as it begins to flower so early in the spring. For this reason, we recommend that you grow it in a large pot so that it can be overwintered under cover before moving outside and brought back indoors if a frost is expected. 'Flavortop' will bear good crops in its first two or three years, but after that you can expect much larger harvests as the tree matures, and as it's self-fertile too, although you can increase yields but hand-pollinating the flowers. Very similar in taste and texture to peaches, but without the furry skin, nectarines are delicious eaten fresh from the tree, as well as cooked in tasty desserts, and the flesh of 'Flavortop' falls away from the stone easily and cleanly, making them simple to prepare. Supplied as an established tree in a 7.5L pot, 1.6-1.8m (5-6ft) tall and growing to a height of 3m (10ft) and spread of 2m (6½ft) in 5 years.

Nectarine Flavour Top
  • £19.99

Now, through using the right varieties, you can grow fresh Nectarines here in the UK too. 'Flavour Top' is a large frutiing variety and slow growing, suited to smaller gardens and large pots, it will only reach 7-8ft in 10 years or so. We suggest growing in a pot, as it can be moved indoors in Spring to avoid peach leaf-curl by keeping the foliage dry, and also you can then let it develop over the Summer where the fruits can be seen and easily picked too. It is self-fertile, and a heavy cropper - producing fruit in the first two or three years, with bigger crops in years 5 onwards. Some people report such heavy crops they need to thin the fruitlets down! It produces classic  red fruits, very juicy, that easily leave the stone when eaten. Nectarine 'Flavour Top' really is hard to fault.

Nectaroscordum siculum
  • £11.99

Nectaroscordum siculum is closely related to the allium family, with stiff, upright stems that add a strong vertical element to planting schemes. Intriguing umbrellas of waxy, bell shaped flowers top the tall, glaucous stems from May to June. Each delicate bloom is deep cream flushed with pretty rose-pink stripes. As the flowers set seed, they stand upright on their stems, forming an interesting shuttlecock appearance that looks fabulous in dried flower arrangements. Despite its exotic looks, Nectaroscordum bulbs are perfectly hardy. Plant them throughout sunny borders and gravel gardens with room to seed about to create magnificent groups. Height: 120cm (48). Spread: 10cm (4).

Nectaroscordum siculum
  • £3.99

A member of the allium family, Nectaroscordum siculum, also known as Honey Garlic is a fascinating and highly unusual ornamental onion. During May and June they produce umberella-like clusters of bell-shaped creamy flowers that have a splash of green at their bases and petals flushed with mauve, carried on tall, rigid stems and looking extremely exotic. Each stem can have up to 30 hanging flowers, and as they fade in late summer, they all turn upright to form seed heads that look like shuttlecocks, extending the season of interest into winter. Bees and other pollinators find the flowers of Nectaroscordum irresistible, which is why the RHS recommends it as a 'Plant for Pollinators'. Grow these spectacular plants in sunny borders with plenty of space around them for the large flowerhead. They also work well in gravel gardens and the seed heads dry well for adding an unusual touch to flower arrangements. Nectaroscordum self-seeds easily, but in takes several years for the seedlings to mature into flowering plants. Supplied as 10 bulbs, size 8/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 1.2 m (4 ft) and spread of 20 cm (8 in).

Patio Nectarine Garden Beauty
  • £29.99

This compact Nectarine tree will deliver years of pleasure in your garden with both pretty, fragrant flowers in Spring followed by yellow flesh fruits in Summer.  Bred by Zaiger in the USA, the World's leading Patio fruit breeder, it is genetically dwarf, and self-branching, so even over many years will not exceed 3ft. Nectarine 'Garden Beauty' is ideal for grown in a large pot in a sunny, sheltered position.  In early spring your tree will be smothered in deep pink, semi double fragrant flowers, which should be protected from frosts by covering with fleece cover. This variety is self-fertile so does not require another plant for pollination. You will then be rewarded with fruit late Summer when you are able to pick sweet juicy, full flavoured nectarines straight off the tree - not as karge as those in the supermarket, but fresh and juicy all the same!  Get a taste of the Med on your Patio this year.  

Primula Belarina Nectarine
  • £9.99

The large, lightly fragranced fully double flowers of Primula Belarina 'Nectarine' are the most wonderfully fruity colour, with their golden yellow petals having edges flushed with peach. These uniquely coloured primroses are compact with rosettes of beautifully textured leaves and dense clusters of flowers between March and June and will look fabulous wherever you plant them. They're great in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in partial shade or sun - they really are easy to grow and bring the spring garden to life with their cheerful colours. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials and underneath trees and shrubs where they'll flower for months, gradually forming large clumps that can be divided every few years to give you more plants. Supplied as 3 plug plants ready for potting on or planting out, growing to a height and spread of 20 cm (8 in).
