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Honeyfields Peanuts 1.6kg
  • £8.99

So why buy Honeyfield's 'Fair To Nature'? Where the ingredients allow, Honeyfield's wild bird foods contain cereals and other seeds grown on Fair to Nature farms. These farms grow special areas of seed-bearing crops to provide food for farmland bird species, such as linnets, skylarks, and buntings as well as providing habitats for a host of other wildlife. This means that Honeyfield's wild bird food not only feeds the birds in your garden, it looks after the wild birds and wildlife in our countryside too.   It is always good to give the wild birds a helping hand throughout the year and it is a joy to bring a wide range of birds into the garden. Ideally fed through a wire mesh feeder, these 'Fair to Nature' peanuts are a high energy, nutritious (packed with fibre, protein and fats) year round favourite which is also high in oil and benefits from being a no mess food. Peanuts are renowned for attracting a wide variety of birds into the garden, in particular Blue Tits, Robins, Woodpeckers, Long Tailed Tits and Finches.   Weight: 1.6kg

Juglans regia Common Englsh Walnut Tree
  • £29.99

Juglans regia, the English or common walnut is a deciduous, broadleaf tree with shiny, feather-like leaves and fleshy, green fruits which contain the delicious nuts. In spring, the trees produce tiny immature fruits which are wind pollinated by fat male catkins and, although trees are self-fertile, you can greatly improve yield by introducing another type of walnut. The walnuts themselves develop inside a fibrous, leathery casing which splits when the nuts ripen in early autumn. This is when the nuts are at their finest, with a softer texture and distinctive, creamy taste. If you want to store them for Christmas, you are best off drying or freezing them after removing all traces of the outer husk. These fast-growing trees can reach 30m (100ft) high and 15m (50ft) in ideal conditions, and although tend to be smaller in the UK, they're still a plant that likes lots of room to grow. Supplied as an established plant in a 22cm pot, approx. 1.5m tall, ready for planting out. Did you know... That walnuts originated in ancient Persia, where they were reserved for royalty.The best wood is at the base of the tree, so walnuts are often dug up for timber, rather than felled.Walnuts produce a growth inhibitor - juglone - that has a detrimental effect on some species of plants growing nearby and it is believed that this stops other plants growing around them and competing for nutrients - a very clever tree!  

Corylus avellana Webbs Cobnut 60/100 3L
  • £12.99

A reliable, heavy-bearing variety of cobnut, Webbs produces large clusters of gorgeously sweet nuts - a good tree can produce 18kg (40lb) of cobbs - perfect for eating fresh or allowing to ripen fully. A fairly new introduction, Webbs Cobnut is an improvement on the old favourite Kentish Cobb with slightly longer nuts and a short husk, and with its showy spring catkins, superb golden-yellow autumn leaves and warm-brown nuts, it's a really first-class addition to your garden. Cobnuts are slightly different to hazelnuts in that the cobnut has a short husk (the leafy casing to the nut), whereas the husk of the hazelnut is long and covers the nut, and the Cobnuts are ready to pick before the leaves change colour, around September. The brown cobnuts will be nestled in a lighter green husk and the time to harvest is when those husks turn yellow - before the squirrels can beat you to the crop! Easy to grow and care for, Webb's Cobnut tolerates most soils, as long as they're not waterlogged, and performs particularly well in poor, well-drained sandy loams. Plant this tree in a sheltered location, in full sun or dappled shade. where this tough and robust cultivar will tolerate both cold and wet conditions - a good choice for northern gardens!Cobnuts are partially self-fertile, but best grown in groups for a larger crop so why not consider a cobnut hedge as un unusual, colourful and highly productive feature. Supplied as a well-established young tree in a 3L pot.

Chocolate and Love Caramelised Hazelnuts and Sea Salt bar
  • £3.50

Description for Chocolate and Love Caramelised Hazelnuts and Sea Salt bar not available
